Sombrero do it yourself from paper: master class with photo


In many kindergartens and schools, a new-fashioned tendency appeared - to organize masquerades. I want the baby to look especially, bright, not like everything. What about such a colorful character like Mexican? Such an image will accurately like many boys, and look like your hero on the matinee will be very bright and unique. First of all, you need to remember what attributes are needed to create an image of the indigenous resident of Mexico. Their list is not so great. This is Maracas, poncho and, of course, Sombrero is a large widescreen hat of a characteristic style. A small plaid or a dense handkerchief is suitable for the creation of poncho, rattles that remain from the nursery will come for Maracas, and Sombrero is easy to make themselves. This article just contains advice on how to make sombrero with your own hands.

Sombrero do it yourself from paper: master class with photo

Paper Sombrero

Sombrero from paper is the easiest option for the manufacture of this accessory. Such an option is perfect, if you want the child to make an idea independently, or if there is no time to prepare and fulfill work, because Sombrero is done quickly and very easily. Also, when choosing such a version of the product, you do not need to spend time and money for preparation and materials.

For the whole process of creating Sombrero, you will need:

  • Colored paper sheets (paper should be bright colors, it will be better to look orange or red);
  • Tools for work: scissors, tassels;
  • Maoneza bucket (you can use other technicians, those that are in stock);
  • Colored paints, it is better to use gouache;
  • double sided tape;
  • Decorative elements: beads, braid, feathers, shoelaces, etc.

Sombrero do it yourself from paper: master class with photo

The manufacturer's algorithm is:

  1. From the colored paper it is necessary to cut the circle with a diameter of 40 cm (the diameter may be different, it all depends on how widely the hat should turn out in the end).
  2. Inside the circle cut in paragraph 1, we draw a circle, the diameter of which is 0.5 cm less than the diameter of the mayonnaise bucket.
  3. Inside the drawn circle, cut the hole. The radius of this hole should be on a centimeter less than the radius of the drawn circle.
  4. We make cuts from the inner opening to the drawn circle. It is clearly shown in the photo below.

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Sombrero do it yourself from paper: master class with photo

  1. Fresh a circle of colored cardboard with the help of glue to the mayonnaise bucket. The jazbins are glued on the walls of the bucket.
  2. We leave the product and give glue to dry
  3. After drying, we turn to the decoration of the paints of the mayonnaise bucket. A horizontal stripes of black, green, red, yellow and orange flowers will be characteristic of Mexican sombrero pattern.

Sombrero do it yourself from paper: master class with photo

In order for the edges of the strips to be smooth, it is possible to limit them in front of the painting painting scotch, but it is very important to dry each previous layer, otherwise all the paint will remain on the scotch after removing it.

  1. We leave the product for drying paint.
  2. We train to the inside Sombrero lace or rope that will keep it on your head.
  3. We decorate Tulia (Tullea is called the cone-shaped part of Sombrero, which rises above the fields). The main task will be to hide the place of fastening of the fields to Tul. This seam can be hidden under the decorative braid, glued along with glue.

Here are some more options:

  • glue a piece of fabric;
  • glue a flat strip of colored paper;
  • shove the lace or twitch
  • Tie satin ribbon.

Sombrero do it yourself from paper: master class with photo

Next, bring the design of the product to mind using the available decor elements. If desired, you can do without an additional decor.

Sombrero do it yourself from paper: master class with photo

This is such a simple master class will allow independently or with the child to create a beautiful and unique paper sombrero.

Cardboard option

Sombrero from cardboard is more laborious, but requires less materials to create.

For the manufacture of such a head, you will need only cardboard, tools and various decor.

Sombrero do it yourself from paper: master class with photo

First of all, there are patterns from the cardboard sheet, as in the photo.

Sombrero do it yourself from paper: master class with photo

The size of the details of the pattern depends on the desired size of the product and, of course, on the size of the head of the one who will wear this accessory.

The second stage of the details are cut and collected together.

Sombrero do it yourself from paper: master class with photo

By committing the second stage, you should have approximately such a workpiece, as shown in the picture below.

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Sombrero do it yourself from paper: master class with photo

Further deal remains for small - decorate your Sombrero, as your heart. For registration you can use paint, colored paper, you can add volumetric elements from fabric or color cardboard, you can tulle the thull with threads or ribbons. Do whatever your heart!

Sombrero do it yourself from paper: master class with photo

Sombrero do it yourself from paper: master class with photo

Sombrero do it yourself from paper: master class with photo

Video on the topic

Inspired by ideas will help the video below.

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