Matching house: Manufacturing instructions with photos


A talented man is talented in everything. In the hands of the master, the work boils, the work is burning, everything goes under the arm. It would seem that you can make from such a banal material, like matches - only a bonfire. From ordinary household matches, homemade masters create at home and not only. In the creative process, whole cities are born with single and high-rise buildings, mills, wells and royal palaces, and next to these cities of the sea with a military and merchant fleet. Matches are a very universal tool from which a large number of diverse buildings can be built. And this fact does not surprise, just two elements are needed to build a matchmaker: instructions for the manufacture and directly matches.

Matching house: Manufacturing instructions with photos

It should be immediately noted that there are two techniques for working with matches: the level for beginners and the level for advanced masters. The difference is that advanced masters do not use glue, all the figures are built only on the balance sheet, taking into account the strict calculations.

Matching house: Manufacturing instructions with photos

Fundamental basis

The basis of the manufacture of most match houses is a cube. He is also called the well. Mastering the technique of working with matches is better to start with it. While you will build a well, you will master the technique, digest the principle of work, and you can also understand your level and decide whether to work with or without glue.

On the Internet or old magazines like "DIY" it is easy to find schemes with a description of the creation of a well. This article provides a detailed decryption to the foundation found, by analogy you can read other schemes.

Matching house: Manufacturing instructions with photos

  1. We take two matches and put on a flat and smooth surface parallel to each other. The distance between the matches should be 2 cm.
  2. The flooring is laid on top. It includes eight matches, which are laid out at a distance of one matches from each other. It is important to consider that all heads should look in one direction.
  3. On top of this level, another flooring is put on top of this level. In the second level, the match is put perpendicular to the first level matches. Heads should also look strictly in one direction.
  4. 4 matches in the form of a well are stacked on the second level of the floor. Each match should look at different directions.
  5. According to the same scheme, six subsequent rows of matches are stacked. All heads in their vertical row should be directed in one direction.
  6. The well is covered with a level of eight matches, similar to the first level.

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As a result, you should get a cube, as in the photo.

Matching house: Manufacturing instructions with photos

This is how the base looks like, the modification of which can be created by a variety of diverse matches.

Matching house: Manufacturing instructions with photos

Matching house: Manufacturing instructions with photos

Build a village house

From such a cube will easily build a village house. Crafts will be an excellent start for beginners in this kind of creativity. Analyzing the work done, you can come to the conclusion that part of the work has already been done - half the house is ready. It remains to modify and bring to mind.

Matching house: Manufacturing instructions with photos

At this stage, an additional element is introduced - the coin. At a certain intermediate construction stage, it will add to the stability house and will not give matches to crumble.

  1. On the upper level of flooring, perpendicular to him, 6 matches are stacked.
  2. In each corner of the well, the well needs to be gently inserted on one match (step 4 in the figure).

Matching house: Manufacturing instructions with photos

At this stage, the coin is needed. It puts on top of the last flooring and grudges tightly, thereby not giving the opportunity to collapse, and the matches operate in different directions.

Matching house: Manufacturing instructions with photos

  1. Now the vertical matches are inserted into each corner parallel to the walls of the house. It is important to ensure that both the same grooves fall into the same grooves at the top and at the bottom (to facilitate the work, the direction of movement of matches can be adjusted to the toothpick).

Matching house: Manufacturing instructions with photos

At first glance it may seem that all this is possible to do and without glue. However, you need to assure an inexperienced master: at this stage the design is very fragile and can crumble at one wrong movement. It is for this reason that novice and it is recommended to use glue, otherwise it will be very offensive to lose the result of painstaking work.

Matching house: Manufacturing instructions with photos

  1. It is necessary to firmly squeeze the structure on each side (by this you give it extra strength).
  2. The house turns over the foundation up.
  3. For greater strengthening of the walls, it is necessary to place matches in the grooves. Their heads should look up.
  4. On the outer walls, another horizontal level of matches is added. Four new corners are attached to matches according to the old principle.

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Matching house: Manufacturing instructions with photos

  1. On the outer perimeter of the house, it is necessary to carefully lift the extreme top of the vertical level of matches about ½ of their height.
  2. At this stage, you can start folding the attic. This is done as shown in the photo.

Matching house: Manufacturing instructions with photos

  1. All components of the roof parts are stacked by the Cross. Help to understand how it looks, the image will help.

Matching house: Manufacturing instructions with photos

  1. The pipe can be made of four matches.
  2. Windows and doors are easy to note with matchheads, previously born half of the match.

Your rustic house is ready!

Matching house: Manufacturing instructions with photos

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