Angel of felt with his own hands on the Christmas tree: master class with patterns


The angel of felt is a very cute and gentle product that will appeal not only to children, but also adults. Such angel can decorate the New Year tree, emit warmth and please the eye. But this is not the only use of angel, it can also be given as Valentine for Valentine's Day. This master class will help everyone who wants their own hands to learn how to make original and beautiful things.

Craftshot with a scarlet heart

Angel of felt with his own hands on the Christmas tree: master class with patterns

For a beautiful angel, such materials will be needed:

  • Felt fabric (white, red, body and light brown);
  • Super glue;
  • Black paint (acrylic);
  • dry pastel;
  • red ribbon 1-1.2 cm wide;
  • 2 rhinestones;
  • threads in the tone to each color of the felt;
  • Sintepon.

Angel of felt with his own hands on the Christmas tree: master class with patterns

Pattern for working on the product looks like this:

Angel of felt with his own hands on the Christmas tree: master class with patterns

It must be printed or if there is no printer, move from the monitor on paper. To do this, attach a sheet of paper to the monitor screen and circle all the contours with a pencil or handle.

Then, for the manufacture of one toy, you need to carve two parts, legs, heads, hearts and dresses. Wings and hairs - one copy.

Angel of felt with his own hands on the Christmas tree: master class with patterns

Next, proceed to stitching the handles and feet of the pupa. To do this, take threads in a pale pink tone and sew details with looped seam with small stitches. Fill them with syntheps for volume. The legs rightly completely sew ordinary stitches, and the knobs should be left unimproved.

Angel of felt with his own hands on the Christmas tree: master class with patterns

White threads sew a dress, starting from the top edge. Below insert the legs between two details of the dress feet and flash these places with ordinary stitches. Fill the Taurus syntheps through the hole in the neck area. Push the package with a stick for sushi or the tip of scissors. Sew the upper part of the Taurus and break the thread.

Angel of felt with his own hands on the Christmas tree: master class with patterns

She sew head together with her hair: Attach these two details to each other and walk with small stitches. The hairstyle should look a couple of millimeters more than the head. Start sewing from the ears, piercing the needle four details at once, then walk to the next ear, close and cut the thread. Replace it on pink and continue to cross the entire bottom of the head. The filler push over first in the lugs and ears, and then the whole head. Sew all before the ends and cut off the thread.

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Angel of felt with his own hands on the Christmas tree: master class with patterns

Next, lubricate the dress with a dress in the neck area and glue his head there.

Angel of felt with his own hands on the Christmas tree: master class with patterns

To the side seams of the dress attach a handle and sew their looped seam. Sew all holes through which the details stuck.

Angel of felt with his own hands on the Christmas tree: master class with patterns

Red thread sew a heart, like an angel, fill him with a synthetic tube.

Angel of felt with his own hands on the Christmas tree: master class with patterns

Angel of felt with his own hands on the Christmas tree: master class with patterns

Glue to lubricate the tips of the handles inside and glue a heart to them.

Angel of felt with his own hands on the Christmas tree: master class with patterns

Large wings should close the back of the angel, they are also glued with super-glue.

Angel of felt with his own hands on the Christmas tree: master class with patterns

Draw small eyes with black acrylic paint. Also as an eye can be used beads.

Angel of felt with his own hands on the Christmas tree: master class with patterns

It is possible to chop dry pastel and apply to the face in the form of a rumyanta.

Angel of felt with his own hands on the Christmas tree: master class with patterns

Now from the tape width 1 cm make two primitive bows. Cut two pieces of 4-5 cm long, stitching edges. Fold the tape so that her tips come to each of the millimeter by 3-4, flash the middle and pull to get a bow.

For the decor in the center, you can stick the stratility and sew a bead. To hairstyle, it would be nice to attach glue bows.

Angel of felt with his own hands on the Christmas tree: master class with patterns

Angel is ready!

Pink angel

Angel of felt with his own hands on the Christmas tree: master class with patterns

Such a beautiful angel can give a little girl on a birthday or hang on the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve.

Necessary materials:

  • felt (in white, gentle pink, pink, beige and brown colors);
  • white round beads;
  • Narrow ribbon ribbon.

Angel of felt with his own hands on the Christmas tree: master class with patterns

Prepare an angel and cut all the details from the felt. For the body it will be necessary to cut two identical details.

Angel of felt with his own hands on the Christmas tree: master class with patterns

To the dress to sew pockets looped stitch.

Angel of felt with his own hands on the Christmas tree: master class with patterns

Embroidered and sewing hair through the same stitch.

Angel of felt with his own hands on the Christmas tree: master class with patterns

Put your head on the main detail, fix the pin and sew a loop stitch. Also imperceptibly sewing a nimb.

Angel of felt with his own hands on the Christmas tree: master class with patterns

Distribute the remaining details from the places, add a bow and loop for hanging. Ready!

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