Ladybug from cooks with his own hands with photos and videos


Ladybug from helmets - Original and bright garden decorations, vegetable garden or courtyard in the manor. It is only worth starting to place such interesting crafts on the site, and you can immediately see how it is transformed for the better. Such wonderful things can be done with friends or relatives using all infringement materials. The most popular decoration in the garden is a ladybug from different materials. Not surprising, because this is a symbol of good luck, happiness and well-being.

These affectionate creatures in different countries have different names, but the meaning of the "God's Grace" is saved in each of them. So, for example, in France from called "Kniechka God", in Germany - "Bug of the Blessed Mary", in Israel - "Bug Moses", and Catholic countries share one name - "Bird of Our Lady." Insects were given such a name due to extraordinary utility for a person, because they destroy all pest insects.

This article is devoted to the master class on how to make your hands God's cow from a helmet.

Ladybug from cooks with his own hands with photos and videos

Ladybug from cooks with his own hands with photos and videos

Main steps

Ladybug from helmets is not complicated at all. The finished type of product depends on the materials used in the manufacturing process. So, for example, taking orange or red paint, you should not worry about further painting.

While working on God's cow from the helmets, it is necessary to pay enough attention to the sequence of actions.

Ladybug from cooks with his own hands with photos and videos

  1. The first thing to cook is, of course, hard hat. This headdress will suit any color, but, as already stipulated above, it is better to find a red or orange, so as not to spend time on painting.
  2. Then goes directly the decoration process. In order for the exercise more glitter in the sun, it is better to cover it with acrylic paints.

Cutting the color is best in the evening, since the day of the paint can lose its properties because of the Sun, which will lead to the irregularities of the coating.

  1. We must not forget about coal mustache made of bugs. To do this, take the tube from the pulverizer or spray, to turn inside the wire and bend. Then he drill small holes near the peak of helmets and retire ready-made musty. Also, they can be made from iron spots.
  2. After the paint is driving, you can move to the design. You should not take an ordinary black marker and draw them noted, they brazenly disappear after the first rain. Drawing mugs need black acrylic paint. So that they look more even and carefully, prepare paper blanks in advance.

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The next step is the creation of a face for God's cow. Eye can be drawn with white and black paint, cut out of paper or purchase ready-made eyes for toys. Next, draw your mouth, attach the legs, decorate with the help of shoes, rhinestones, thread, etc.

Ladybug for the garden with their own hands is ready! Now it can be placed on a tree, fence, on grass or pencils. Photo of finished bugs:

Ladybug from cooks with his own hands with photos and videos

Another option

There is another way to manufacture a cow using construction helmets. In this embodiment, the helmet is used as a special mold. It is necessary to pour a thick cement mortar into it and lay out the mass on the smooth surface. Sew this workpiece is best under the film so that the fluid does not spread. When the workpiece dries, paint it into different colors. Thus, from one helmet one can make many wonderful ladybugs.

The disadvantage of such products is the weight: such sun can not be placed on a tree or any other horizontal surface.

An excellent solution will be gluing the finished craft for the fence in the form of an application.

Ladybug from cooks with his own hands with photos and videos

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