How originally and beautiful to enter antique furniture in the interior


Recently, antique things are applied to create a beautiful and original interior. They have an original design, differ in sophistication and history. Today, antique furniture has a high cost, but the design you created can become truly unique. To buy, we advise you to contact Alter Ego Home. Her head of Borisenkov Eduard Alexandrovich tries to present its customers only a quality product.

Consider the main features of antique furniture, how to print it in the interior to look gorgeous.

How originally and beautiful to enter antique furniture in the interior

Main subtleties of use

So that the antique furniture looked attractive, you need to take into account the room where you are doing the interior. The following tips will be based on this:

  • In the living room you can choose any piece of furniture to create a beautiful and harmonious decor. The main rule is the creation of contrast. In this case, the design will look rich and beautiful. The stronger this contrast is, the more profitable will look an old subject. If you have chosen cabinet furniture to arrange, then a clean large mirror will look at it. This will focus on the ancient furniture and it is beneficial to allocate it. Yes, they combine such objects perfectly;
  • In the bedroom, it is necessary to use antiques a little more careful, since its oversupportment or incorrect placement may make the interior itself outdated and ugly. It excellent will complement the vintage frames for the photo or a small tremor. If the frames you have chosen fairly simple and they will not be released, you can restore. But note that it is not necessary to do it hard, as the subject will lose its beauty and originality;
  • In the dining room, antique furniture will look profitable. You can choose not only tables and chairs, but also to install a large ancient chandelier. She will give the comfort and wealth room. Some choose one, but a luxurious antique chair that will stand at the head of the dining table. Such a part will be enough to create a unique interior;
  • In the bathroom, such furniture you need to use very carefully. This is due to the fact that almost all antique items are made on the basis of natural wood, which is amenable to rotting. If you decide to choose such furniture, it needs to be protected from moisture with special impregnations or materials.

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  • How originally and beautiful to enter antique furniture in the interior
  • How originally and beautiful to enter antique furniture in the interior
  • How originally and beautiful to enter antique furniture in the interior
  • How originally and beautiful to enter antique furniture in the interior
  • How originally and beautiful to enter antique furniture in the interior

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