Features of the dishes from Fayans and its rules for care


In order for the dishes to be high-quality, durable and practical, it is important to choose the material to choose its material. Now the dishes from Fayans are very much appreciated. But it is important to turn to the manufacturer who uses only high-quality raw materials and modern manufacturing technologies. We advise you to purchase faience dishes to contact Faience novels. The company offers high quality utensils with original, exclusive design. Consider the main features of faience dishes, to pay attention during coating care.

Features of the faience utensils

Dishes from Fayans are also called ceramic. The material itself is rather dense, but at the same time differs fragility. This is due to the fact that clay is used for manufacture, which has a large number of pores. But despite this, the dishes are popular and has a number of positive properties and qualities, namely:

  • Low cost. An important advantage, at the expense of it, such a dishes today is very popular. If you need to buy a large number of dishes, then this option will be suitable for you;
  • Tableware, and otherwise, rather durable. That is why manufacturers often use a beautiful and original decor on the coating of dishes;
  • Practicality. Use such dishes is very convenient even daily. But it is important to take into account that there are some rules for the care that you need to take into account.

Features of the dishes from Fayans and its rules for care

How to care for dishes from faience

So that such dishes last as soon as possible, you must adhere to the following rules of care:

  • Wash dishes from the faience must necessarily in warm water. It is not worth using cold or hot. She can spoil;
  • Use a small amount of detergent. It may also cause worsening quality of dishes;
  • For greater protection, it is best to use the means on a natural basis. Or simply can be used soda;
  • Also during washing dishes you must definitely eliminate the water temperature drops;
  • You need to use very carefully. It is necessary to put the dishes on the table carefully, otherwise cracks and chips can form;
  • No need to use metal sponges and hard rods for washing;
  • To cover the dishes from this material does not need a lid. An unpleasant smell may form, and his food will absorb.

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So, the faience utensils are practical, but you need to care for it correctly and neatly. Then she will serve for a very long time.

  • Features of the dishes from Fayans and its rules for care
  • Features of the dishes from Fayans and its rules for care
  • Features of the dishes from Fayans and its rules for care
  • Features of the dishes from Fayans and its rules for care
  • Features of the dishes from Fayans and its rules for care

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