Wedding glasses do it yourself: master class with photos and video


About how to make glasses for a wedding with your own hands, they think all the brides and grooms who love originality and needlework. Any thing made by personally possesses unique energy and mentality. Wedding is a sign event in the life of each pair. Therefore, thinking and decoration of parts is an important part of the preparation for the celebration. Today there is a mass of kinds of decoration of glasses for a wedding and each of them is distinguished by originality and style. There are glasses for newlyweds, for witnesses and even for parents of the marriage. This article will be useful to everyone who needs a master class on the decoration of glasses for a wedding with their own hands.

Wedding glasses do it yourself: master class with photos and video

Wedding glasses do it yourself: master class with photos and video

Wedding glasses do it yourself: master class with photos and video

Gentle lace

Several useful tips before starting work:

  1. For the decor, strong glasses are best suitable, since when working, they may be damaged;
  2. Glasses of the bride and groom may differ in shape, height and width;
  3. Before entering into the main work, it is better to practice on ordinary glasses;
  4. Decorations can be bought in online stores or needlework stores;
  5. It is unacceptable in one style to use many types of decor.

To make such gentle glasses with lace, you need to stock all the necessary material.

The style of the glade will depend on the selected base. White lace with a lurex thread look very elegant and stylish.

Necessary materials:

  • PVA glue;
  • Super glue;
  • silicone glue;
  • Instant adhesive for crystal and ceramic products;
  • Adhesive pistol.

Wedding glasses do it yourself: master class with photos and video

All subsequent steps must be made step by step.

To begin with, retreat from the edge of the neck for 1 centimeter and overturn a glass of lace. Cut the desired length, leaving several millimeters on the smell. Next to the glass gently glue the lace. If you wish, you can additionally decorate the leg of the glass by the same lace. Sleep it to one edge. Tighten the backstage thread so that the skirt came out to wrap the base of the glade. Secure thread. Close the skirt around the legs. Lace glasses are ready!

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Decorative painting

This decor method is suitable for people who know how to draw. Such bright glasses are suitable for a rainbow wedding.

Wedding glasses do it yourself: master class with photos and video

Wedding glasses do it yourself: master class with photos and video

What materials do you need:

  • a couple of glass glasses;
  • paint contour;
  • stained paints;
  • alcohol or solvent;
  • Thin brushes for painting;
  • brush for stained paint;
  • toothpick;
  • Napkins.

Start all the work is necessary with degreasing the surface of the wine glasses. Only then you can apply a thin contour of the desired pattern. It will also look like a contour drawn by silver sparkles. Let dry the contour. After complete drying, proceed to apply the second circuit. This circuit should be much thicker. Small irregularities can be adjusted to the toothpick when all the layers of paint dried. Full drying should occur only after 3 hours. Next, you need to start drawing stained glass paint. It must be applied with a round thin brush, starting with the leg legs.

It should be neat, because the paint is liquid enough and can flock. Each individual part of the picture should dry.

Now that one glass is ready, you can proceed to another. Silver contour to apply final strokes on both fecents. Bridal glasses are ready!

Wedding glasses do it yourself: master class with photos and video

Chic and shine

Wedding glasses with rhinestones differ from the rest with their chic. For decoration you will need small rhinestones. Pebbles can be both monophonic and multi-colored. They can lay out any drawing, initials or arrange an axle.

Photo of the brightest glasses with rhinestones:

Wedding glasses do it yourself: master class with photos and video

Wedding glasses do it yourself: master class with photos and video

Wedding glasses do it yourself: master class with photos and video

Wedding glasses do it yourself: master class with photos and video

Video on the topic

Video lessons on the decoration of wedding glasses do it yourself:

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