Printing on cardboard and cardboard packs


Methods and methods of printing on cardboard and cardboard packs

It is important for the manufacturer of goods that the packaging is recognizable by the consumer. To do this, it is necessary to apply photos of products, the company's logo and the main characteristics of the goods. This requires printing on cardboard, allowing you to comply with all customer requirements for the color solution and image quality.

Printing on cardboard and cardboard packs

Diversity of printing methods on cardboard

Depending on the product, the image application approach is selected. The final price is depends on the relief of the pattern, color range and volume.

To avoid unnecessary spending and get a clear printing better to choose a professional typography. The printing in the cardboard has a number of specific features, so by making an order in You can count on a great result with any complexity of work.

To apply the drawing to the cardboard use the following methods of printing:

  • Silkography;
  • dry offset;
  • Hot stamping.

Silkography. The method came to us from past times, but does not lose its relevance. Previously, natural silk was used for printed forms. From here is the name of the method. The essence is to use stencils through which images are applied.

Dry offset. A method used to quickly print a large number of copies. At the same time, the scrubbing plate of rubber is used, where all the paints used are applied alternately. Next, with this plate, the drawing is transferred to the packaging.

Hot stamping. Used when a brilliant image is needed. This effect is achieved only at high temperatures, pressure and use of metallized foil.

To ensure a clear result, the package must be quite smooth and rigid. In this case, the color scheme is very diverse, but always has a brilliant surface.

Printing on cardboard and cardboard packs

Applying an image to the cardboard has its own nuances. It is tougher and has sufficient thickness. For packing goods, cardboard is often used:

  • melted;
  • castled;
  • corrugated cardboard;
  • metallized.

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High stiffness of the material provides additional difficulties in its printing machines. In order for the material to do not be deformed, it is necessary to monitor its bends. This uses printing machines with special settings.

Also, the printing is not complicated by constant machine stops, you should use automated devices that provide uninterrupted operation.

Due to the characteristics of the structure of the cardboard, dust often accumulates in it. Therefore, printing machines used to work with this material are equipped with a device for cleaning it from contamination.

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