Targets from napkins for children: Color creation schemes


Modern preschoolers are difficult to bring out ordinary applications. Children raising in the era of high technologies seek something more complex, even in kindergarten. How to combine small baby skills and his desire to perform intricate crafts? This is actually using the technique of a carriage. What is the carriage of napkins for children and what works can be offered to their chad, will demonstrate a master class on this topic.

Targets from napkins for children: Color creation schemes

Torching is the art of reproducing volumetric images using conventional paper by fermentation. It can be both bulk and plane.

If in the first case the composition is executed completely from all sides, then in the second it is performed on a sheet of paper with a pre-applied pattern.

Targets from napkins for children: Color creation schemes

Children will suit the coaling on the plane. Such work perfectly develops small motility and color perception. Teaches perseverance and patience. With the arrival of experience in this technique, even preschoolers are able to compile large volumetric crafts and picturesque canvas.

In order to learn the Azam Torching, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the step-by-step description of the work on one of the products.

Targets from napkins for children: Color creation schemes

Sunflower in 3D

Such work provides for the planar design of the prepared pattern of the drawing.

What you need to prepare for the creative process:

  • Wipes of three colors (yellow, green, orange);
  • Tight white cardboard;
  • plasticine;
  • corrugated paper black paper;
  • PVA glue, brush for glue;
  • rod from handle;
  • toothpick;
  • scissors.

Targets from napkins for children: Color creation schemes

The desired image is applied to a dense cardboard with a pencil. In this case, this will sunflower. For convenience, the pencil contour will be burned with a black marker or felt-tip pen.

You can use an existing schematic pattern, printed on the printer.

Targets from napkins for children: Color creation schemes

Colored napkins are cut into squares with a side of 2 cm.

Targets from napkins for children: Color creation schemes

The image should be sealed with plasticine. How it is done: plasticine is smeared with his fingers over the surface, without going beyond the drawing lines.

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Targets from napkins for children: Color creation schemes

In one hand takes the rod from the handle, the napkin square is put on the index finger of another hand.

A stupid side of the rod napkin is pressed to the finger, after which the hands are larger and index fingers, in which the square is located, you need to twist the napkin into the tube and attach a crumpled item onto plasticine.

Targets from napkins for children: Color creation schemes

In this way, the entire open area of ​​the petals of the sunflower is issued.

Targets from napkins for children: Color creation schemes

The space along the inner line of the petals is labeled with glue. Squares of orange color are attached to the glue, formed according to the principle described above.

Targets from napkins for children: Color creation schemes

Targets from napkins for children: Color creation schemes

The plot inside the sunflower is decorated with corrugated paper. For this, each small hand-drawn element is processed by glue and closes with black paper.

Targets from napkins for children: Color creation schemes

Then the next, etc.

Targets from napkins for children: Color creation schemes

The remaining free space on the sheet is flashed with napkin squares of green.

Targets from napkins for children: Color creation schemes

Crafts ready.

Targets from napkins for children: Color creation schemes

The above-described method is loved by many adults.

If you take a complex plot and thoroughly think over all the color combinations and transitions, as a result, you can get an excellent bulk picture that will find your place in the interior or become an unforgettable gift for a close person.

Targets from napkins for children: Color creation schemes

When work on the plane is mastered by a child, you can offer him to work on artificial colors.

As a gift mom

Crafts will be relevant on the eve of the female holiday. Flowers made in shower and mother, and grandmother, and a girlfriend in kindergarten.

Targets from napkins for children: Color creation schemes

The work will be useful:

  • Colored napkins;
  • Corrugated paper green;
  • wooden spanks;
  • solid plasticine;
  • PVA glue.

Corrugated paper cuts on strips. Wooden spanks are wrapped in the resulting stripes. End strips are fixed with glue.

Targets from napkins for children: Color creation schemes

From plasticine of any color, a ball is formed, which is saturated with a wand.

Targets from napkins for children: Color creation schemes

Squares and circles of different sizes are cut from colored napkins. Only squares are prepared from green napkins.

Targets from napkins for children: Color creation schemes

Through the end of the ships of the blanks twisted the petals. Without removing skewers, the item sticks into a plasticine ball. All other petals are entered into plasticine near the first. At the same time, they should be located close to each other and take only the upper half of the base from plasticine.

When the color head is decorated, you should form a flower with green napkins. Torching is carried out along the contour of colored petals.

Targets from napkins for children: Color creation schemes

The visible part of the plasticine turns into a green napkin.

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Flower leaves are created from corrugated paper. They are attached to the stalk with the help of glue.

Targets from napkins for children: Color creation schemes

Flower ready.

In this way, you can create a whole bouquet and please your favorite mom.

Targets from napkins for children: Color creation schemes

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