Oval and round carpets in the interior (30 photos)


Oval and round carpets in the interior (30 photos)

The interior design must be approached creatively. Having a professional designer at hand, everyone can make simple and interesting elements into the atmosphere of its interior. The game of colors and forms (in reasonable use) will deploy the necessary accents.

The carpet of the modern interior is a universal design subject. He creates not only a warm atmosphere of comfort in the house, but can also become an excellent assistant in the zoning of the room. The manifold of forms and colors, carpet coverings is an opportunity for creativity. On the change of monotypic square and rectangular carpets, there are now carpets of different geometric shapes and sizes. READ ALSO: Woolen carpets in the interior of the apartment.

Oval and round carpets in the interior (30 photos)

Harmonious interior with round carpet

According to psychologists, the presence in the interior of items with rounded corners sets up a person to the peaceful way. In turn, and experienced designers insist that it is oval or round carpets to add harmony to the interior. Their opinions coincide. Round and oval carpets in the interior can visually smooth all the corners and add sophistication to any design. So, if you need to revive too strict furniture atmosphere, then rounded carpets will become an excellent helper in it. Round, as well as oval carpets look especially easy. They instantly attract attention to the feature of the form, although they take less space than square. At the same time, the oval carpet in the interior of a small room can visually increase the space.

Oval and round carpets in the interior (30 photos)

Oval and round carpets in the interior (30 photos)

Oval and round carpets in the interior (30 photos)

Oval and round carpets in the living room

Textiles and carpet covers in the interior of the room are the last strokes and in its improvement. Pick up the right carpet is not so easy. And as if there were no designers and psychologists about harmony, oval and round carpets will be appropriate not in each room. Of course, the choice of most is classic correct forms, but there are several techniques, with which you can find round carpets in the interior.

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The main task of the carpet in the living room is the creation of an additional coziness for both the owner and for guests. Choosing a carpet for a hall or living room, it is worth considering the color gamut, room dimensions and placed furniture. For the interior, the carpet can be viewed in two aspects:

  1. - carpet only as a functional subject;
  2. - Carpet as an object of attention.

The carpet for the living room must be chosen considering how the room will look with one or another variation.

If the first task is set, then the choice of color and textures should be folded to coincide with upholstered furniture. This technique can be combined with a carpet with other interior items: pick up curtains, cabinet furniture, walls, etc. In this case, the carpet be it a round or square shape, located in the room center, visually combines into a single whole interior details.

Oval and round carpets in the interior (30 photos)

Oval and round carpets in the interior (30 photos)

Oval and round carpets in the interior (30 photos)

Oval and round carpets in the interior (30 photos)

Oval and round carpets in the interior (30 photos)

Oval and round carpets in the interior (30 photos)

Oval and round carpets in the interior (30 photos)

Oval and round carpets in the interior (30 photos)

If you need to solve the second task, the selection of the design of the carpet should differ contrast from the rest. It is especially successful if all components of the interior in dull colors. A soft carpet can be added bright colors and emphasize its originality. Many models with modern drawings and current color solutions do not limit the choice.

Oval and round carpets in the interior (30 photos)

Oval and round carpets in the interior (30 photos)

Choosing the form of the carpet, you need to focus on the size of the room itself, the furniture, as well as on the interior stylist as a whole. Designers advise, for harmonious occurrence of county geometry on the floor, the carpet must be supported by a parallel with other circles in the interior. For an example, a round journal or dining table, a rounded upholstered furniture. It will be great to look like an oval carpet in the living room, the entrance in which the arch is decorated, or there are round columns or other "circles".

The carpet as a way of zoning the room is another moment, in favor of round and oval forms. Even in a small room, where you can do with one classic carpet on the whole area, adding another small rug of round shape, you can select part of the interior. For example, put it under the chair by the window or near the computer table at the wall. This will create not only originality, but also comfort.

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Oval and round carpets in the interior (30 photos)

Oval and round carpets in the interior (30 photos)

Oval and round carpets in the interior (30 photos)

Oval and round carpets in the interior (30 photos)

Round and Oval Carpets Interior Bedrooms

The bedroom is the main place to relax in the apartment, so it should be the most cozy and comfortable. The interior of the bedroom should be cozy. The place where we sleep and awaken should be warm and comfortable. A pair of oval bedside rugs located on the sides bed will not only be an original addition to the interior, but also very functional. After all, as nice, it will wake up in the morning and become on a soft and warm carpet.

Interesting and original solution will be the location of a large round carpet under the bed with the edges widely protruding from under it. This technique will smooth the angular shape of the furniture and add soft and Utah. Also with the help of a small oval carpet, it is possible to zerly to highlight a place, for example for a toilet table.

As for the color solutions, they apply the same recommendations as for the living room.

Oval and round carpets in the interior (30 photos)

Oval and round carpets in the interior (30 photos)

Oval and round carpets in the interior (30 photos)

Oval and round carpets in the interior (30 photos)

Oval and round carpets in the interior (30 photos)

Oval and round carpets in the interior (30 photos)

Oval and round carpets in the interior (30 photos)

Oval and round carpets in the interior (30 photos)

Round carpets in the children's room

The carpet in the interior of the children's room is a necessity. It gives heat and protect against strong blows when drops.

Carpets in the children's room are represented by very bright and varied solutions. A very attractive children's topics of carpets with images of cartoon characters, animals, flowers, etc. So for example, in a girl's room, a carpet with a pattern Flowers will be associated with a flower glade, and a round carpet in the form and color of the soccer ball, perfectly, will fit into Interior of the children's room for the boy.

Places for the placement of carpets in the children's set. It is only necessary to look at the room:

  1. - near the bed;
  2. - In the gaming zone, where the rug of a round form or in the form of a toy will be able to not only solve the problem with a cold floor, but also become a certain semantic accent and a convenient place for games.
  3. - In the working area of ​​the child, in which a small round rug is perfectly put under the table, thereby separating this place zonal.

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The round form of carpeting looks very beautiful and exquisite. Thanks to this, parents often acquire such a carpet in the children's room. It successfully falls into small areas free from furniture meta in the room, decorating it. The rug is round - this is not just a room decoration, it is very useful in the interior.

Oval and round carpets in the interior (30 photos)

Oval and round carpets in the interior (30 photos)

Oval and round carpets in the interior (30 photos)

Oval and round carpets in the interior (30 photos)

It would be appropriate to look a round carpet and in the kitchen, especially if it is unzipped under a round-shaped dinner table. Also in the hallway and the bathroom will be appropriate for the placement of small oval carpets. Such a form of carpet in conditions, long and narrow rooms will contribute to some audit expansion of space. The composition of carpet coatings be it wool, acrylic, or other synthetic fiber completely depends on the disposable budget.

Round carpet for you

In general, oval and round forms of carpets can become an assistant in difficult to see the visual correction of the size of the room, expanding it. This method is often applied in the interior of professional designers. And most importantly, you always strive to think in advance how the carpet will look like. Experiment, pick up various carpet solutions in the interior. Perhaps it is that the carpet of an oval or round form will be the most successful option for you.

Oval and round carpets in the interior (30 photos)

Oval and round carpets in the interior (30 photos)

Oval and round carpets in the interior (30 photos)

Oval and round carpets in the interior (30 photos)

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