Visulki on the door do it yourself from paper with photos and videos


It happens that the door becomes inappropriate in a certain interior. To do this, there are hanging on the door (they are easier to make them easier), which are curtains. This article describes how to independently make such an interior decor.

The curtain as a whole serves as an excellent decoration method. She will quietly complement the interior, partially limit the room from others, give comfort in the house. Curtains of this type do not take too much space, which is very convenient for apartments. Also, Visulki is often used instead of interior doors.

Visulki on the door do it yourself from paper with photos and videos

Simple cornice

Before starting to make bobbers, you must first make a cornice. For the eaves the ordinary wooden plank or tube takes. You can take old window eaves or take advantage of the new one.

It is important to remember that the length of the eaves should be greater than the width of the opening. Thus, the curtain completely closes this place, while slightly goes on the walls.

Visulki on the door do it yourself from paper with photos and videos

The cornice is installed on nails or special attachments (brackets). For the manufacture of curtains you can use any means. Each option will give beauty to the interior and very simple: beads, shells, coins, newspapers, chips CD and much more.

Variety options

One of the popular visiting options are beads. The photo shows the beauty of such products.

Visulki on the door do it yourself from paper with photos and videos

Curtains look aesthetically, and not finding difficulties in the manufacture. To create it is necessary to schematically portray on Shirma any drawing (pattern). For the manufacture of the curtains, you will need a large number of beads, we are rolling in either on the line, or on a sufficiently strong decorative thread. Each element is fixed in its place with a nodule. It is better to hang elements on the cornice when the cornice is already installed and fixed. Instead of beads, seashells, sinks, pebbles are also used.

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Textile curtains

What can you think more easily than using fabric for curtains? The grid will be a good material, but also use durable threads. For such a curtain, it is not necessary much - threads and eaves.

Visulki on the door do it yourself from paper with photos and videos

Knit better small beams. If you want to achieve a smooth and perfect cascade, you will have to sweat and gain patience.

This is quite a painstaking job, because it will be necessary to process every string separately. Sometimes threads are fixed on the karnis glue.

For longevity, we recommend pouring the curtains or put on the ends of the beads. Do not forget that there is still knitting macrame. For their manufacture, you will need more time. You can also resort to crochet.

Dores and other things

We use wooden dies that have holes. Wire through them, connecting all fragments. Additional will be wooden beads. In order for the curtain to be not heavy, carefully dry the fragments used. Do not forget to process them with an antiseptic.

Visulki on the door do it yourself from paper with photos and videos

Corks from wine

First of all, we pierce the holes with a selection in traffic jams. After that, the reinforced thread is done through them. In order for traffic jams not to pressed each other, make a nodule on a thread. Another way to add beads between them.

Visulki on the door do it yourself from paper with photos and videos

Unnecessary DVDs

From broken and non-working disks, you can make cool curtains for doors with your work. The manufacturer is simple. Find unnecessary discs to anyone will not make problems. To get the hanging, drill discs on both sides. Through the resulting hole to the thread. Connect discs with fairly ordinary clips.

Visulki on the door do it yourself from paper with photos and videos

Stationery clips and tubes

Perhaps you can call one of the simple methods of manufacturing the hillock curtains. Total connect to each other to each other until the required length is obtained. The resulting strips are attached immediately to the door or to a specific bar, which is installed on top of the doorway.

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Down of the buttons from the coat. Curtain is not so picky, it can be made of buttons of different size and color. They wear on a solid fishing line or thread.

Visulki on the door do it yourself from paper with photos and videos

Pipes for cocktails - the same simple material for creating a fashionable curtain. It is better to add beads to them. It will look just, but at the same time with a highlight.

Last option

We turn to the latter from options - old magazines, newspapers. Curtains is pre-assembled from beads. These beads are made from paper, make the required amount for the curtain. Take paper balls and ride on the fishing line. So, we have chains. The length of the beads is different, in the range of 3-10 centimeters. The thickness depends on the thickness of the magazine sheets.

Visulki on the door do it yourself from paper with photos and videos

Make the balls so that the opening remains inside, through which the fishing line will be done. To give the brightness curtain, paint it with colorless pearl varnish. It takes about 10 hours to the entire curtain, but maybe longer. It all depends on the speed, the length of the curtains and widths. It is recommended to start with such a way to create a curtain. Let your home will be covered by concern, comfort and the most beautiful and warm memories.

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