Stand for the book with your own plywood hands and from wire


While reading it is very important that the book is at a certain angle to the eyes of a person. It has a positive effect on vision, does not give her eyes to get tired, and also saves a place on the desktop, which is important for schoolchildren, for example. For these purposes, make a stand for a book with your own hands. It should be noted that the front part of it, which keeps the pages of the book, should not be very large or overloaded decorations. Otherwise, it will close a part of the text and will not be convenient to use. Consider the manufacture of a stand from different materials.

Stand for the book with your own plywood hands and from wire

Wooden stand

Such a stand can be made of boards or plywood. It is suitable for reading books, as well as for tablets and other electronic devices. It is very convenient to use the stand in the kitchen for the book of recipes.

Stand for the book with your own plywood hands and from wire

For the manufacture of the stand, a board or sheet of plywood cut on 5 parts with dimensions:

  • 20 × 1x2 cm - 2pcs;
  • 18 × 3x2 cm - 1 pc.;
  • 20 × 5x2 cm - 1 pc.;
  • 34.5 × 20x2 cm - 1pc.

In the largest detail to make grooves, as in the photo:

Stand for the book with your own plywood hands and from wire

The front parts of the workpiece are glued at exactly the center of the largest detail where the grooves for the legs are cut. Sew the glued parts should be under the press.

Stand for the book with your own plywood hands and from wire

Next glue legs. It is also important to dry under the press. If there are no special vice for this, then you can glue the parts in turn, laying the cargo on them.

Stand for the book with your own plywood hands and from wire

If you wish, you can decorate the stand with cutting or burning on the tree, paint paint, open with varnish. Stand ready!

Stand for the book with your own plywood hands and from wire

Very beautiful stands can be cut out of a tree for reading the Quran:

Stand for the book with your own plywood hands and from wire

Stand for the book with your own plywood hands and from wire

Unusually look at the kitchen coasters for a cookbook from an old kitchen board. It will only be left to attach the front holder in front of the front, and rearly holding the bar. For decoration, you can cut or smear the pattern, paint acrylic paints. Then reveal the product. This stand is also suitable for an e-book, tablet, a mobile device.

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Stand for the book with your own plywood hands and from wire

Wooden stands in a selection of photo:

Stand for the book with your own plywood hands and from wire

Stand for the book with your own plywood hands and from wire

Stand for the book with your own plywood hands and from wire

Stand for the book with your own plywood hands and from wire

Paper option

Stand for the book with your own plywood hands and from wire

For the manufacture of such delivery, materials and tools will be needed:

  • corrugated cardboard;
  • ordinary white napkins;
  • newspapers;
  • PVA glue;
  • Thermoclaysheaver pistol;
  • acrylic paints;
  • varnish.

From cardboard cut 2 rectangles 35 × 42 cm. Bend them from a long side by 14 cm. Shake them into one detail. If necessary, trim so that the layers are the same length. Cut from cardboard 2 details of 5 × 14 cm in size, glue with thermoclaim with each other.

Printed a small rectangle to a large bend so that the stand is. To do this, one end to glue to a smaller part of the folded rectangle at the edge, and the second is about the middle of the large part. Connection places thoroughly lubricate the thermoclaim. To glue the corrugated cardboard, use only a thermochelastic gun, PVA glue will not keep parts from it.

Cut the part 29.5 × 10 cm, fold it in half. Cut from cardboard rectangle in width, 2 times less than the previous one. To glue these 2 parts to get a triangular cylinder. Printed it to a large billet from below. Lubricate the workpiece with PVA glue and glue first with newspapers, and then napkins. Paint any paint. Open with varnish. From corrugated cardboard you can make such a stand:

Stand for the book with your own plywood hands and from wire

Stand for the book with your own plywood hands and from wire

It can be used for books, and for the tablet. It consists of only two parts. Very easy, compact. It can also be made of plywood, but then you will need 3 details, not 2.

Iron Stands

Of course, you can make a real forging work of art, but not everyone owns this skill and the necessary tool. Therefore, in this section, let's talk about the coach of the wire. This material is easy to sleep, it is enough for him to just give the desired shape.

Wire thickness should be 4-5 mm. For fastening 4 pcs are used. Spreads 1.5 mm. The stand is sliding, foldable.

Scheme in the photo:

Article on the topic: Frame from cardboard with your own hands: Master class with schemes and video

Stand for the book with your own plywood hands and from wire

In addition to this method, bend the wire to get a stand and others. A selection of interesting ideas in the photo:

Stand for the book with your own plywood hands and from wire

Stand for the book with your own plywood hands and from wire

Stand for the book with your own plywood hands and from wire

More options for iron supports for the book:

Stand for the book with your own plywood hands and from wire

Stand for the book with your own plywood hands and from wire

Stand for the book with your own plywood hands and from wire

Video on the topic

Also see Master Classes on the video:

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