Support for knife with hand from a tree with a photo


This device will help to bring order in the kitchen, will decorate the interior and shines from random injury to a knife. In stores for sale a lot of supports from various materials, a completely different appearance and for any wallet. But if it is impossible to choose, I want something special, you can make a stand for a knife with your own hands from the girlfriend. The level of complexity in creating such a work is the most diverse. Some stands will easily manufacture even a beginner, while others require special equipment and certain skills.

The most traditional material

Most knife supports are made of wood. It can be a board, platband, etc. For the manufacture of a stand from the board, special equipment will be required, at least a jigsaw. Of course, such a tool is far from everyone can use, but they still meet craftsmen. It is for them that we consider the manufacture of several supports from this material.

Support for knife with hand from a tree with a photo

Materials and tools:

  • wooden plank;
  • Thin and medium rack thickness;
  • glue.

Take the board, in length and width equal to the future stand. If necessary, clean it. On the sides glue two thin rails. At the same time, their thickness should be slightly larger than the thickness of the largest knife. Attach knives to the workpiece as they will stand in the finished stand, and pave a rake between them.

Support for knife with hand from a tree with a photo

When the distance will be outlined, glue the rails. Next, glue the rails slightly thoroughly perpendicular to the previous one - from above, below and in the middle.

Support for knife with hand from a tree with a photo

Instead of glue, you can use screws. If desired, decorate.

Support for knife with hand from a tree with a photo


  • 6 short rectangular brossing;
  • 2 long lumps;
  • axle arbitrary length;
  • Two thick lumps.

Make 10 squares from the axle of arbitrary size, they will connect the lumps and serve partitions. 2 pcs. Printed them between two parses, simultaneously adjusting the width of the connector under the size of the knives. If necessary, glue additional squares in the middle of the connector for small knives.

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Support for knife with hand from a tree with a photo

In large bars, cut the grooves in the size of long bars (planks).

Support for knife with hand from a tree with a photo

All details carefully handle sandpaper. You can cut off pieces of vertical slats for a more harmonious look.

Support for knife with hand from a tree with a photo

Support for knife with hand from a tree with a photo

Collect details together.

Support for knife with hand from a tree with a photo

Support for knife with hand from a tree with a photo

You can make a wooden plank and magnetics stand. To do this, make a shallow groove on the table, lubricate with glue, insert several magnets from neodymium into it. Stand hang on the wall with fixtures.

Support for knife with hand from a tree with a photo

Support for knife with hand from a tree with a photo


  • wooden plank;
  • insulating tape;
  • glue.

Cut 8 identical parts (so much required for 7 knives).

Support for knife with hand from a tree with a photo

Cut 2 curved parts - side.

Support for knife with hand from a tree with a photo

On each of the 8 parts to make a flat recess with a large width of 3-4 mm of the largest knife. Collect details, all the grooves must match.

Support for knife with hand from a tree with a photo

On all parts, flush the groove of the groove, edge to wash with glue. Remove the isolent and glue the items. Make sure the glue did not get into the groove.

Support for knife with hand from a tree with a photo

Support for knife with hand from a tree with a photo

Clean the surface of the workpiece. Cut the handle holder for scissors. Attach her screwdriver to the workpiece.

Support for knife with hand from a tree with a photo

Open with varnish. You can decorate a decoupage or paint in the technique.

A few more ideas in the photo:

Support for knife with hand from a tree with a photo

Support for knife with hand from a tree with a photo

Support for knife with hand from a tree with a photo

Stands from plywood

Such stands are made approximately equally. Consider performing the work on the example of a popular stand today in the form of a person with a shield.

The work is made on special equipment (not always binding). The dimensions are chosen under a certain set of knives.

Support for knife with hand from a tree with a photo

Materials and tools:

  • plywood with a thickness of 19 mm;
  • paint;
  • varnish;
  • primer;
  • Lobzik;
  • Grinding machine (you can use sandpaper);
  • hacksaw.

Apply a pattern from the template on the fane. Cut the jigsaw. Cut the hexagon, the length of the face is about 20 cm. Cut the base of the stand in the form of a rectangle of 17 × 28 cm. According to the sizes of the knives to dig thin rectangles for holes. Place them evenly on the shield. Over the lines cut holes. Clean all the details.

In places where paint will be applied to the stand, you need to be primed. To paint. Noting a man's legs on a stand, drill holes. Self-pressing scum the lower part of the stand. Apply the glue on the shield and arm the glue, copp cuts.

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Covered with varnish. Stand ready!

A few more ideas:

Support for knife with hand from a tree with a photo

Support for knife with hand from a tree with a photo

Support for knife with hand from a tree with a photo

From girlfriend materials

For such supplies, you will need a wooden container in the size of the future stand. If it is not, then you can do yourself from plywood, or use the container from other materials - glass, plastic, iron can. Fill the container can be:

  • bamboo sticks, cutting them into the desired length;
  • cereals, legumes;
  • Plastic bristle from the brush.

The advantages of such supports is the simplicity of manufacture, hygienicity (some fillers can be washed, others can be replaced with new ones), originality.

Support for knife with hand from a tree with a photo

Support for knife with hand from a tree with a photo

Video on the topic

Video for the manufacture of knives stands:

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