What to choose and how to install decorative panels for walls with your own hands


Due to various technical improvements in finishing materials, their variety is very large today. At the moment, various decorative panels for walls are very often used in terms of final finishing. This article will tell you about all the most important aspects of wall decoration with such panels.

Types of decorative panels

What to choose and how to install decorative panels for walls with your own hands

Wall decorative panels are currently produced from a wide variety of materials, which ensures their extensive range. Thanks to innovative technologies, such panels used for wall cladding are manufactured from the following materials:

  • tree (glued wood is used as a material, as well as an array);
  • Gypsinyl;
  • chipboard;
  • plastic (from polyvinyl chloride);
  • aluminum;
  • Wood-fiber stove, having different density (such products produce from MDF, DVP and HDF);
  • bung;
  • acrylic glass;
  • polystyrene;
  • Textiles and leather.

Consider each view separately.

The panels are based on a tree. Such wood products for wall decoration are made from various wood breeds. The most commonly used the following types of wood: cherry, ash, oak, beech, pine, alder, as well as cedar. This is an environmentally friendly material, so wooden panels are suitable for wall decoration in any residential premises (such as bedroom, office).

Gypsum sheets. They are based on plasterboard and historical. Such gypsum products are often used for facing internal partitions and walls. Gypsum panels are not afraid of moisture, so they can be installed even in the bathroom. In addition, gypsum sheets have resistance to mechanical effects. For their washing, you can use different detergents.

What to choose and how to install decorative panels for walls with your own hands

Decorative panels made of composite materials that have in their composition aluminum, have a beautiful holographic appearance. To create them use special processing technology. They have a form of construction, which consists of two layers of aluminum sheat and a sheet of monolithic polyethylene located between them. This design is similar to drywall sheets, but with another filling.

Wood-chipboard. The basis contains a tree, or rather sawdust. Binder in this case resin. Such products are obtained by applying the hot pressing method. The material is less reliable than wooden plates. Used to decorate walls in insulated and dry rooms. Such carved panels are different. They possess different density: MDF (average density) and HDF (high density).

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Plastic panels. They are made of polyvinyl chloride. Have the greatest demand. These plastic products have a long service life, high humidity (suitable for the bathroom), simple departure and excellent hygienic properties. Plastic panels are mounted in any rooms: bathroom, living room and even in offices.

Decorative cork. Cork, like a tree, is a natural material with a long period of service, as well as simple departure. Such sheets are not subject to deformation, do not absorb moisture (suitable for installation in the bathroom), odors and dust, and also do not burn. Any contamination is easily washed with them.

What to choose and how to install decorative panels for walls with your own hands

Acrylic glass products are made of synthetic resins. For their decoration use various methods and approaches. The surface of acrylic plates can be decorated with even semi-precious stones.

Polystyrene. This is a kind of plastic sheets. They have a special protective film layer. Their surface is mirror, rough and smooth. Carved panels have different thickness parameters. Also produce products from foamed polystyrene. This type of sheets has a rigid base and reinforced layer. They have a high degree of noise hydro, and thermal insulation. In addition, they are characterized by moisture resistance, so suitable for trimming the bathroom.

Panels from fabric and leather. This product has different form parameters, textures and degree of softness. They are used to create in the premises of a bright and unusual accent. On such decorative sheets, you can even apply a photo printing with various images.

As you can see, there is a huge variety of decorative panels for wall decoration. The choice of available diversity (gypsum, plastic, etc.) must be done based on what finish properties you need, as well as where it will be operated (in the bathroom, kitchen, bedroom or office).

What are the sizes

What to choose and how to install decorative panels for walls with your own hands

Decorative wall panels differ from themselves depending on the size of the sheets. They are the following types:

  • Tile products. They are produced in the form of square sheets. Their standard size is 30x30 cm or 90x90 cm. Having such dimensions, they are suitable for laying up a mosaic or panel. Possess various colors and drawings. Such a square is equipped with special fasteners to simplify the installation process. Square carved panels (gypsum, plastic, etc.) are used to finish various rooms;
  • Racial (set) sheets. Produced in the form of rivers or skimps. They are characterized by different dimensions: length from 0.9 to 3.7 m, width up to 30 cm, the thickness does not exceed 12 mm. The panels are attached to a pre-prepared crate, the mounting to the frame is carried out with the help of curmmers (special metal brackets). Rank panels (gypsum, plastic, etc.) are installed on each other close. Visually, such a lining is very similar to the lining;
  • Leaf panels. Such sheet panels have the type of sheets. They are characterized by a width of 122 cm, a height of 244 cm, and the thickness is not more than 6 mm. Sheetworks are convenient in a situation where you need to avoid the formation of a large number of seams and junctions. Due to its size, leaf carved panels are quickly installed. Sheetworks are made from recycled wood (for example, DVP, MDF), aluminum, PVC, drywall, and polystyrene. Such sheets have a decorated facial side, which has water-repellent properties. Installation here is also carried out on a specially prepared crate.

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Benefits of material

What to choose and how to install decorative panels for walls with your own hands

The main advantages of decorative panels (gypsum, plastic, etc.) have the following advantages:

  • simple installation;
  • versatility;
  • The presence of moisture-resistant properties. Thanks to them, such products are used to decorate walls in the bathroom and other rooms with high humidity;
  • high noise absorption;
  • thermal insulation;
  • simple care;
  • affordable cost;
  • attractive appearance;
  • durability;
  • reliability;
  • practicality;
  • safety and reliability;
  • hygienicness;
  • Resistant to various mechanical damage.

Thanks to such advantages, decorative carved panels today are in great demand and are used to finish the walls of any premises (offices, bathroom, bedroom, corridor, living room, etc.)

How to separate the wall panels

What to choose and how to install decorative panels for walls with your own hands

The wall decoration with such panels consists of the following steps:

  • Mounting frame;
  • Installation of sheets.

Consider each stage in more detail.

Installation of carcass

The framework must be installed in a situation where there is a curvature of the walls, as well as using certain types of material (sheet and twenter carved panels).

The lamp is carried out using the following items:

  • Metal profiles. They are considered a more advantageous option.
  • Wooden rails. In this situation, additional processing of the tree by antiseptics is necessary to improve the life of the tree.

The frame assembly occurs as follows. Initially, fastened under the ceiling guide. It must be aligned with the construction / laser level. Profile Breeping with dowels or self-tapping screws. After that, we set the lower guide in the uniform plane from the top. Planks are set perpendicular to sheets. After that, we proceed to the installation of intermediate vertical profiles. The distance between them should be about 40-50 cm.

To increase the strength of the crates, increase the intermediate profile with the help of short guides.

Installation of panels

What to choose and how to install decorative panels for walls with your own hands

When the frame will be fully erected, you can start installing decorative panels on it. Their installation is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • In the corner, fasten the starting profile. The first panel will be inserted into it.
  • Sheets fix on the frame using self-tapping screws or construction stapler. It is applied in a situation where the lamp is not performed from metal profiles, but from wooden plates. Please note that some types of products mentioned above should be installed only on special brackets. Also, the sheets themselves may contain special puzzles, which simply simplify the installation of panels.
  • Each set decorative element must be checked with the level to get a perfectly smooth wall.
  • Before installing the last panel, the Finish Molding is fixed. It is then inserted into it and insert the last slab. It does not need it in this situation. It will be firmly fixed with molding.

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At the end of the finish, you can install additional decorative planks on the wall. They will give the design completed view.

As you can see, the installation of decorative carved panels is just enough, if you know what to do. The main thing is to choose from all the diversity you need building materials.

Video "Installation of decorative panels"

See how the process of installing decorative panels on the wall looks like, and what a wonderful result is as a result.

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