Glass tables in the kitchen: what are good and how to care?


The table with a tabletop of tempered glass is highlighted by visual fragility and does not clutch the kitchen space. The glass furniture is easy to care for modern means and proven folk ways.

Glass tables in the kitchen: what are good and how to care?

Advantages and features of glass tables

In the interiors of the modern style kitchen, it most often prefers to the dining tables with glass table top, as the designs of this category are characterized by a mass gain:

  • strength. Despite the visual fragility and weightlessness of the tempered glass countertops have a high strength coefficient, able to withstand essential mechanical and shock loads;
  • Resistance to temperature drops. The product is storm withstanding contact with hot surfaces, as well as with objects with a negative temperature;
  • safety. The risk of wounds and cuts in case of splitting the product is excluded. In deformation, the material will split into small fragments without sharp edges and angles;
  • Ecology . There are no components harmful to the environment, the material does not allocate toxic compounds;
  • practicality. The product is able to maintain the initial view in conditions of high intensity of operation, it is easy for it to care.

Reference! A big plus in the piggy bank is considered the variability of glass tables to the kitchen. Laconic models are popular on tubular legs made of metal, as well as stylish structures with an exquisite design table top with a trowel.

Glass tables in the kitchen: what are good and how to care?

Types and features of glass tables in the kitchen

There are 3 types of tabletops in this category:

  • From matte glass. The product has a characteristic greenish tint, harmoniously fits into the interiors with white, yellow or green facades. On the surface of the design there are no traces of fingers;
  • With toning. Also not visible fingerprints on the surface, you can experiment with the design by placing a graphics or original image under the countertop;
  • Classic transparent glass . Due to the neutrality of the external characteristics, the product can be used regardless of the color of kitchen walls and facades. Dissonance is excluded, since due to the transparency of the material, the tonality of interior design is not disturbed.

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Glass tables in the kitchen: what are good and how to care?

On a note! Black matte glass introduces elegance to the kitchen design, emphasizes the strict sophistication of "Gothic", effectively complements glamor interiors.

Features of care

After the meal, you only need to wipe the surface of the glass design with a damp napkin, better from the microfiber, then you should walk with a soft dry cloth. Matte solutions are not demanding in care, for glossy versions, it is advisable to use the means for washing the glass.

Glass tables in the kitchen: what are good and how to care?

Depending on the intensity of exploitation and complexity of pollution, it is recommended to clean the glass countertop with a special composition every 7-10 days. To do this, distribute the wiper over the entire surface, to process the microfiber plane and polish to shine.

Care with the help of folk remedies:

  • A mixture of ammonic alcohol and food soda 1: 1 will help to remove complex stains on the glass countertop;
  • To give the natural glitter glass, you can handle the product with green tea or milk and polish microfiber;
  • The solution of the cooking salt and food soda in water works well against the running spots on the kitchen table from tempered glass. After processing the composition, the plane should be thoroughly wipe, otherwise it is not possible to avoid divorces.
Glass tables in the kitchen: what are good and how to care?

To clean the glass table, you should not use hard brushes, metal sponges, compounds with abrasive particles.

Glass tables in the kitchen: what are good and how to care?

Glass table - pluses and cons (1 video)

Glass table in the kitchen (6 photos)

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