Bright carpet in the interior: how easy and easy to bring paints to your apartment (37 photos)


Bright carpet in the interior: how easy and easy to bring paints into your apartment (37 photos)

The carpet in the interior can play a rather important role and become a highlight of your home. In modern designs and design rooms, bright carpets are often used, which can emphasize one or another indoor accent.

Bright carpet in the interior: how easy and easy to bring paints to your apartment (37 photos)

Bright carpet in the interior: how easy and easy to bring paints to your apartment (37 photos)

Bright carpet in the interior: how easy and easy to bring paints to your apartment (37 photos)

Bright carpet in the interior: how easy and easy to bring paints into your apartment (37 photos)

Bright carpet in the interior: how easy and easy to bring paints into your apartment (37 photos)

The features of the bright carpet

Choosing bright shades carpets, it is worth a little to know their features and nuances. Here are some useful information that can help you choose:

    1. Most often, all bright carpets in their composition of materials are not natural. This is due to the fact that artificial material is easier to paint, and it will not spoil the sun as quickly or hesitates.

Bright carpet in the interior: how easy and easy to bring paints to your apartment (37 photos)

    1. Among the carpets made by hand the most bright will be those manufactured and silk material.
    2. In size, bright carpet versions are usually small, there are different forms and colors. Mostly choose to visually zonate the room, or they are selected in a specialized room for creating an accent moment (in a bathroom, children's bedroom).

Bright carpet in the interior: how easy and easy to bring paints to your apartment (37 photos)

    1. A kind of analog is considered painted sheep skins, which can also be placed with any room at home.
    2. Share carpets and in the size of the pile. It can be both long and short, depending on the individual wishes of the client.

Bright carpet in the interior: how easy and easy to bring paints into your apartment (37 photos)

Carpet in different interior styles

Depending on the style of the interior, in which the room is decorated, we can choose one or another color and shape. It will depend on how a bright carpet will be able to fit into the general atmosphere.

Remember that according to your principle, carpets are designed for the fact that there will be few furniture in the room. Therefore, such a bright emphasis is perfectly suitable for the style of minimalism, which is designed to minimize furniture and maximum functionality.

Bright carpet in the interior: how easy and easy to bring paints into your apartment (37 photos)

If your interior is equipped in a modern style, it is best to select the color of the carpet under the palette of the curtain textile and pillows. Together they will beautifully harmonize and create an excellent atmosphere indoors.

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Bright carpet in the interior: how easy and easy to bring paints to your apartment (37 photos)

To the classic style, the bright carpet unfortunately will not fit well, because this direction is characterized by calm equation of tones and patterns.

Rooms in the Art Nouveau or Art Deco, first of all tell us about the luxury and efficiency of the design of the premises. In such versions, the carpet must be with a high pile, it is desirable to have a hill relief and a monophonic color.

Bright carpet in the interior: how easy and easy to bring paints to your apartment (37 photos)

For Provence and Country styles, you can choose excellent bright carpets, combined with a local national flavor. The difficulty will only be that it will not be so easy to find a carpet of such colors and motifs in a regular store. Therefore, it can be made to order or directly buy abroad.

Bright carpet in the interior: how easy and easy to bring paints to your apartment (37 photos)

For those who prefer Shebbi-Chic and Bocho, a bright carpet will surely suit the interior design. Basically it will be carpets themes of flower, stripes, peas and other most unusual colors and structures.

Bright carpet in the interior: how easy and easy to bring paints to your apartment (37 photos)

How to enter a carpet in the interior of the room

Of course, depending on the style and direction in the design of the room design, we must select the appropriate carpet option. But his meaning and idea in the very idea can also play a different role.

Bright accent

This is one of the possible options in which the carpet will play the role of the color accent in the overall room interior.

For the living room and bedrooms, which are made in neutral colors, is perfectly suitable for such an accent moment as a bright carpet. It must be sure to beaten with other textiles in the room (pillows, curtains, other). As a result, we will have a good juicy accent and the atmosphere of the room, which will not want to leave.

Bright carpet in the interior: how easy and easy to bring paints to your apartment (37 photos)

Harmonious supplement

This is the option when the carpet will harmoniously fit into the overall design and color decision of the room. For example, in modern designs, the wall can be painted in green, yellow or orange colors, while the overall palette is additionally put on the floor of the carpet of the same color.

It can be bright graphic carpet colors with various abstract and unexpected drawings. By the way, if your apartment is made in the Loft style - perfectly suitable under the subject of the interior of bright brick-colored carpets.

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Bright carpet in the interior: how easy and easy to bring paints to your apartment (37 photos)

Visual effect

Depending on the color color, you can visually expand or reduce the area of ​​the room. If the color carpet is a monophonic - it will affect the perception of space only with its color saturation. At the same time, cold shades will narrow the space, and the warm on the contrary - expand it.

Bright carpet in the interior: how easy and easy to bring paints to your apartment (37 photos)

Fashionable bright carpets in the interior

Carpets also have their own style and direction, so when choosing a particular model, pay your attention to this.

Conditionally, they can be divided into such stylistic types:

    • Fusion. This direction of carpets has a futuristic drawing of an unnaturally bright color coloring and a completely unusual shape.
    • Animal print. Here the main highlight is an image of a variety of animals, which, on a general interior background, will be enough to stand out quite brightly. The most popular drawings are: Cheetah, Zebra, Peacock, Giraffe and different color colors of birds of birds.

Bright carpet in the interior: how easy and easy to bring paints into your apartment (37 photos)

Bright carpet in the interior: how easy and easy to bring paints to your apartment (37 photos)

Bright carpet in the interior: how easy and easy to bring paints into your apartment (37 photos)

Bright carpet in the interior: how easy and easy to bring paints to your apartment (37 photos)

  • Graphics. To date, this direction is gaining quite large scales of connoisseurs and is becoming increasingly popular in its category. In the version of graphic carvers, we can meet: stripes, pixels, screenshots, zig-knocked, monotysta and interesting complex graphic images.
  • Anti-Graphics. Also a relatively new but popular direction that is carpets in blurry watercolor bright colors, a different transition of the color gamut, the effect of de Grada and the gradient.

Variety of carpets in room design

Whatever the version of the modern style direction you would not choose, remember that there are also so-called universal classic ideas of bright carpets. It can be:

    1. The carpet is monophonic. Absolutely win-win universal option that can be combined with common textiles of the room. Moreover, its color is allowed absolutely any: such colors as bright pink, salad, azure-blue and others that will like you.

Bright carpet in the interior: how easy and easy to bring paints to your apartment (37 photos)

    1. Folk motifs. This type of carpets will also be bright and colorful, but at the same time they additionally transmit the atmosphere and color of a particular country, depending on whose people's motive you chose. At the same time, it is very beautiful to combine eastern motive with modern furniture design.

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Bright carpet in the interior: how easy and easy to bring paints to your apartment (37 photos)

    1. Avant-Garde. This is a carpet option that will be able to emphasize the entire depth of the room with various geometric shapes or figures. Remember that if you prefer precisely this type, it is not necessary to additionally use the elements of cubic forms in the interior, because it can create an overview of the atmosphere.

Bright carpet in the interior: how easy and easy to bring paints to your apartment (37 photos)

    1. The form matters, and it is hard to argue with it. In addition to a bright accent role, an important point will be played out the form of carpet. Therefore, in the modern market, you can meet absolutely different options that were even difficult to imagine.

Bright carpet in the interior: how easy and easy to bring paints to your apartment (37 photos)

    1. Number. Here you need to be extremely careful. But if you think about everything correctly, a fairly interesting designer move will come out. Attention can be attracted not only by bright colors of carpets, but also their number. It is best to combine 2-3 colors to stand out in the interior. The main thing is not to rearrange and ensure that everything has harmonized and looked.

Bright carpet in the interior: how easy and easy to bring paints to your apartment (37 photos)

Bright carpet in the interior: how easy and easy to bring paints to your apartment (37 photos)

Bright carpet in the interior: how easy and easy to bring paints to your apartment (37 photos)

Bright carpet in the interior: how easy and easy to bring paints into your apartment (37 photos)

Bright carpet in the interior: how easy and easy to bring paints into your apartment (37 photos)

The choice of a bright carpet into the room is a fairly important task, because here you need to combine style, direction, color and shape of the carpet, and also in the general interior so that everything looked colorfully and harmoniously.

Bright carpet in the interior: how easy and easy to bring paints to your apartment (37 photos)

Bright carpet in the interior: how easy and easy to bring paints to your apartment (37 photos)

Bright carpet in the interior: how easy and easy to bring paints into your apartment (37 photos)

Bright carpet in the interior: how easy and easy to bring paints to your apartment (37 photos)

Depending on what effect you want to achieve - the carpet of a small or large size is selected, with a long or short pile.

Bright carpet in the interior: how easy and easy to bring paints into your apartment (37 photos)

Bright carpet in the interior: how easy and easy to bring paints to your apartment (37 photos)

Bright carpet in the interior: how easy and easy to bring paints into your apartment (37 photos)

Bright carpet in the interior: how easy and easy to bring paints into your apartment (37 photos)

They are also divided in directions, because you can choose a fashionable stylish design of modern options, or take a universal one-picture, avant-garde, with a folk motive. Here, the main thing is to prematurely decide what it will be best and then to look for a specific option.

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