New Year's toys from the cones: master class with photos and video


It is a very old tradition in Russian culture, which, unfortunately, lied towards the end of the twentieth century. It was at that moment that beautiful decorative balls, unusual animals and fabulous characters began to appear. But now more and more women make decorations on the Christmas tree on their own, for example, make New Year's toys from the cones. It is the bumps that are ideal for creativity, which can be engaged not only to one, but also with children. And the products from the cones are always suitable for any New Year's interior and will give the best festive mood.

Let's give a festive mood

Festive Christmas tree made of cones, perfectly decorate your interior and will give an extraordinary atmosphere.

In order to make such a small Christmas tree, you will need cones, adhesive gun, scissors, gold paint in canisters, green and brown cardboard.

New Year's toys from the cones: master class with photos and video

The first step we need to take a green cardboard and make a cone from it. It will be the base of the Christmas tree. Then take the paper of brown and cut the circle, the length of which is equal to the diameter of the cone. The next step is necessary to rinse and dry the cones, eliminating them from garbage and small particles. Then you need to paint the bump. Immediately warn it that it is impossible to evenly paint the bump with a brush from the first time, so use the cartoon gold paint. You can also use silver color. Paint must be evenly distributed across the linen. Then glue the circle and cone from the cardboard. Next, bottom is starting to glue the cones to the cone, moving circles from the biggest cones to the small. Tree is ready. At the end, you can decorate it at your own request.

Second option

On this master class, you can trace the phased process of making Santa Claus toys from cones. This work will be a little more difficult, but if you carefully monitor the step-by-step instructions, there should be no difficulties.

So, for work, take: cones, red paint, small diameter ball, beige or white fabric, wool, felt, marker, super glue.

New Year's toys from the cones: master class with photos and video

First step you need to clean the bumps from the garbage, wash and dry them. Then paint red, then give to dry. Take a small ball and cover it with beige cloth to start making face. Next, we draw a beard out of cotton, which is consequently glued to the head. We take a piece of red felt and make a cap, you can just make a cone. The cap can also be made from tinsel. At this stage, be careful, because at the top it is necessary to leave a little space in order that in the future it was possible to secure the loop.

Article on the topic: Heroes of cartoons: crafts do it yourself from natural materials

Draw eyes marker, marker or paints. You can buy ready-made, but you can sew small black beads. With the help of super glue, glit head to the body. Here is such a pretty Santa Claus turned out. The process of making Snow Maiden is exactly the same, but in this case, use blue or blue colors, do not need to stick with the beard.

New Year's toys from the cones: master class with photos and video

Decoration for table

Corses can be used not only as christmas products, but also as a decoration for the table. How exactly to make such an unusual souvenir for each guest, can be found in the following photos. To work, take a bump, a couple of sonym species, glue and name, paper, marker.

New Year's toys from the cones: master class with photos and video

Take a piece of paper on which you write or print an invitation on paper. In this case, using a stamp painted a place in which the name is located.

New Year's toys from the cones: master class with photos and video

We write a name.

New Year's toys from the cones: master class with photos and video


New Year's toys from the cones: master class with photos and video

We glue to the end of the bump of a ponyth, initially washing and drying the cones.

New Year's toys from the cones: master class with photos and video

We glue a name.

New Year's toys from the cones: master class with photos and video

Here is such a beautiful souvenir for a festive banquet here:

New Year's toys from the cones: master class with photos and video

Video on the topic

Consider a selection of video lessons to create various Christmas toys from the cones.

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