Overview of the catalog of interroom doors Juras


Juras - Distributor of the most famous manufacturers of Russia. Belarus, PRC. The company's catalog includes many options for interior entrance doors of the most different design and from a variety of materials.

Overview of the catalog of interroom doors Juras

Doors Juras Swing from MDF with glass inserts

Construction features

If earlier there was a single alternative in the form of a tissue curtain, today the interior design may have not only the most unusual appearance, but also an unusual opening method.

Various options are appropriate in different situations, and in any of them the consumer will satisfy the catalog of interior doors Juras.

  • Swing doors are such models and are now most popular. Explanation Simple - In most cases, this design ensures the best heat and, and, the main, sound insulation. In addition, the opening mechanism is the easiest, is the most reliable.

The minus of the swollen system is the area necessary for opening.

Next to the doorway can not be put in furniture.

  • Sliding system - In this case, the sash at the opening is moving along the wall or second sash, if it comes to a two-dimensional interior door from Juras. The design is completely different: the door leaf moves along the rail on the rollers. At the same time, the open sash does not occupy the place and completely relieves the doorway.

Overview of the catalog of interroom doors Juras

Sliding doors

A minus of such a solution is not to achieve a dense adjoining of the sash to the wall, that is, the sound and thermal insulation in the room will be worse.

The sliding system is the cassette interconnect doors of Juras. In this case, the sash, shifting to the side, goes to the box disguised as a false panel. It seems that the door leaf is hiding in the wall.

Overview of the catalog of interroom doors Juras

Cassette doors

The mechanism can be seen on the official website of the company.

  • Folding - the door canvas consists of 2 books, or several - harmonica, parts. At the top of each fragment, a roller is fixed. When opening the cloth folds in 2 or more times and shifts the opening of the opening. In this case, the opening is exempt in part, but the area folded sash takes the minimum.

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Overview of the catalog of interroom doors Juras

Doors harmonica

The book is manufactured from any materials, but for the accordion fit, according to the reviews of experts, only the lungs, like plastic or tissue.

Overview of the catalog of interroom doors Juras

Door book

Juras offers such a solution for economic premises or niche.

  • Roto doors - an interroom door in this design rarely occurs, although the option is very interesting. The sash in the opening first turns around its axis, and then shifts to the slope. At the same time, she needs less space for opening, and it takes less. A large plus option is the ability to achieve a dense adjoining of the sash, so sound insulation in this case at the height. Door canvas can open on the right or left side.

Overview of the catalog of interroom doors Juras

  • Hidden interior doors - Juras offers models without a door frame, and rather speaking, with a hidden box. In fact, this is a variant of the broken interior door, but in an unusual design: when opening, the feeling is created that the opening is simply drove in the wall. In the photo - a model from the company's catalog Juras.

Materials for manufacture

Materials for the door leaf are trying to choose sound and heat insulating.

However, these requirements are not always observed: so, glass interior doors from Jurass look amazingly effectively, but they do not hold warmth.

  • The most popular material is an array of wood. Ircars interior doors are made from an array of oak, alder, pines. It looks great to mechanical damage to the wood, it looks easily painted and serves for many years. It is made of wood not only classic models, but also in the most modern styles. Wood - material, easy to process, so make a carved, the complex product is not difficult.

Overview of the catalog of interroom doors Juras

A tree, as a rule, is combined with glass inserts of various kinds: a grave glass, matte, with a pattern, with fusing.

  • Interior doors from EcoChppon Juras are no less popular. Veneered products can be found on the company's official website, and in the most unusual options. At the same time, the finishing is used as a natural veneer - oak, for example, and the ecoschpon is more resistant to moisture material. In the latter case, a veneered door can be safely installed not only in the living room, but also in the kitchen and even in the bathroom.

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One of the useful features of a veneered product is a more affordable price. Made a canvas from glued wood cheaper rocks, and we are lining with a natural expensive tree. ECOPSHON reproduces the structure and color of any tree, which is noticeably expanding the possibilities of design.

Another option of the ecoshpon is 3Dx-design. The ecoschpon imitates not only the color and drawing, but also the texture with incredible accuracy. To distinguish a veneered sash from a natural veneer, as confirmed by consumer feedback, almost impossible. In the photo - door canvases with a 3D embossing from the catalog.

Overview of the catalog of interroom doors Juras

Enamel - it's not about the material of the door, but about the finish. This is a complex coating based on polymer additives, varnish and resins. May be matte or glossy. Enameled interior doors are very easy to clean, so even with very active use of their dazzling whiteness does not disappear.

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