Cocktle Coat with Open Sleeve: Seating Pattern for FREE


The cocoon coat came from the distant 1959, the pattern of which implies an unusual form, a narrowing book, remains in fashion until now.

Cocktle Coat with Open Sleeve: Seating Pattern for FREE

Cocktle Coat with Open Sleeve: Seating Pattern for FREE

Warm, cozy and elegant, it is perfectly suitable for thinners and ladies with magnificent forms, because it hides the flaws of the figure, makes the legs slimmer and emphasizes on them. Moreover, it was the coat that is obligatory to wear women with wide hips: This form one of the few narrows them, and also looks unusually and amazingly effectively.

Cocktle Coat with Open Sleeve: Seating Pattern for FREE

We owe the emergence of this model to our compatriot designer of the Galkovskaya Zinaide, which introduced the style and its patterns by the magazine "I SHI SAMA", which allowed the needlewomen on their own to sew a beautiful thing.

Cocktle Coat with Open Sleeve: Seating Pattern for FREE

Cocktle Coat with Open Sleeve: Seating Pattern for FREE

A coat with a collar-shawl and soft swelling near it is sits freely, the sleeves are soloked and pressed at the line of the seam. Reliefs of the back begin with a coquette.

Below is a pattern of a coat with a single sleeve for 48 size, which can be sewn as a long and short variant. Despite the simplicity of building, get the best result possible, if there is at least a minimum experience of tailoring of outerwear.

Cocktle Coat with Open Sleeve: Seating Pattern for FREE

To competently draw the scheme, it is necessary to correctly produce calculations on these formulas:

• for Backs: Height: 10 x 2 + 6 cm

• Shir Backless: Semi-Crack Breast: 3 + 2.5cm

• for Sleeves: Growth: 10 x 3 + 9cm

• for Sleeves to Elbow: For. Sleeves: 2 + 2 cm

Cocktle Coat with Open Sleeve: Seating Pattern for FREE

Cocktle Coat with Open Sleeve: Seating Pattern for FREE

As a material for sewing, it is better to take lack of launching cloths: due to folds and assemblies too dense fabric can give an additional volume. Drap, Gabardine, Boston and similar matter are perfectly suitable.

Find out the right amount of material, postponing three lengths, niza bending (the tissue must be wider than 1.5 m) and another length of the weld. Of course, future seams and bending are taken into account.

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The style of coat is great for any kinds of clothes: from long dresses and skirts to trousers. If your coat assumes the length above the knee, and the skirt length is lower, it is better to give preference to a narrowed book models, such as pencils. Such a combination emphasizes legs and reduce the focus on problem areas. Wide skirts are better not to combine with a cocoon coat: it gives the figure an extra volume. From the shoes it is better to give preference to boots or boots. The coat assumes the presence of a handkerchief as a headdress, shawl with an interesting print or an elegant hat.

Cocktle Coat with Open Sleeve: Seating Pattern for FREE

Cocktle Coat with Open Sleeve: Seating Pattern for FREE

On our site you can watch interesting models and get tips on building a pattern of a coat for free. Be beautiful and bright every day is much easier than it seems.

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