Garden do-it-yourself girlfriend with photos of ideas


Country house with a plot - a dream for many urban residents. After all, your garden and garden is a place to relax from urban bustle, real sweat, the opportunity to be closer to nature and, of course, the chance to realize creative ideas. Spaciousness for fantasy can be on a plot of any size, even on standard summer cottages. Today we will talk about how to create a garden with our own hands, quickly and harmoniously.

Garden do-it-yourself girlfriend with photos of ideas

Basic principles

You should start with the selection of the site for the future garden. It should take into account many nuances, because you put the garden not for a year or two, but for whole decades, and the garden is formed quite slowly, that is, mistakes will not be visible immediately. What to pay attention to? Competently select a plot for future landing. He should not be with a strong bias, quite smooth, best on the southern slope, where most of the sun. It is worth considering the nature of the soil: the swamp, clay, rocky soil is categorically not suitable. Garden trees have a wide root system and do not like too moistened land.

Here are some tips for novice gardeners by definition of the soil type on your site.

Garden do-it-yourself girlfriend with photos of ideas

An apple tree love black soil or suescha. Plums and pears are well growing on a subline earth. Cherries are good for the soup soil.

It is worth considering the factor of groundwater. In places where the waters are too close to the surface, fruit trees grow badly and soon die. Waters should run at least 1.5 -2 meters deep.

Your prompts can be forest trees growing on a plot or nearby. For example, where well and firmly growing oak, and apple tree is also taken. But the presence of alder or chests speaks about the unsuitability of a landing site, the terrain is too bursting. But if it is hung and prepared, then it is quite possible to plant fruit trees.

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Do not forget about the protection against wind. The following figure briefly describes the main factors of windscreens.

Garden do-it-yourself girlfriend with photos of ideas

We plan the scheme of seating

The correct schemes have long been derived by experienced gardeners and they can be used. It is necessary to plant rationally - tight, but at the same time leave enough space for the development of trees, but also not to give opportunities to be destroyed by weeds.

For example, this is such a landing scheme.

Garden do-it-yourself girlfriend with photos of ideas

Large fruit, pears, apple trees need to be planted at a distance of about 5 meters from each other, whereas for the drain and cherries are enough distances in 2.5-3 meters. Competently choose and apple trees - most of them will be summer varieties, but also a couple of winter and autumn varieties should also be present.

Origine decorate the garden

There are many options for beautiful decoration of the site. Many of them do not require large investments and work of professionals. And the garden, decorated with several interesting things, always looks fresh and nice.

We want to share with you interesting ideas.

Using a braided decorative fence, you can make a kindergarten especially cute.

Garden do-it-yourself girlfriend with photos of ideas

The woven is suitable for zoning a plot or concern around the flower beds. It happens different heights.

Garden do-it-yourself girlfriend with photos of ideas

The highest quality is the woven from Willow.

Flower flower beds are an integral attribute of garden sites. It is better to plant them in places where you most often have, for example, at the entrance to the site, under the windows, near the barbecue zone, because the main purpose of flowers is aesthetic pleasure.

Garden do-it-yourself girlfriend with photos of ideas

It is necessary to competently pick up flowers in color and height. Best of all looks at the bulk flowers of several bright colors. Do not put too many different varieties. Do not forget about decorative herbs - they will decorate the flowerbed, even when the flowers have not yet bloom.

Garden do-it-yourself girlfriend with photos of ideas

The flower beds, decorated around the perimeter, especially harmoniously look. You can create a decor of girlfriend. For example, a tree trunk.

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Garden do-it-yourself girlfriend with photos of ideas

Or here are the original water flower beds that are completely created.

Garden do-it-yourself girlfriend with photos of ideas

Plants suitable for water flowerbams: Waterfronts, Iris Water, Rug, Vodokras, Nimfeyanka.

You probably saw the familiar decorations of the garden in the form of corping trees. Such snags and roots are called the Rutar. Examples can be seen in the photo.

Garden do-it-yourself girlfriend with photos of ideas

Fancy and diverse roots and squigs always excite the imagination and transfer us to a fairy tale and magic, so such decoration will give a special charm garden.

Garden do-it-yourself girlfriend with photos of ideas

Garden do-it-yourself girlfriend with photos of ideas

Everyone has objects of old furniture, old chairs, dressers, boxes that we often get drunk on the garbage. But they can give a second life, and they can become, for example, flowerumbour or flower pot.

Garden do-it-yourself girlfriend with photos of ideas

Tracks in the garden

Beautiful garden tracks serve for a long time and are subjects of special pride of the owners. You can create them from bricks and pebbles.

Garden do-it-yourself girlfriend with photos of ideas

Places for future tracks are often determined by themselves - these are already wounded by the owners of the path. It is necessary to outline the path of one width, pour rubble and tackle it with vibrator, then pour with a special cement solution. Follow the track to remain smooth and lay out the pressure method prepared pebbles or a flat stone. It is better to decide in advance with the pattern.

Garden do-it-yourself girlfriend with photos of ideas

Garden do-it-yourself girlfriend with photos of ideas

As you understand, your garden is not only useful fruits and vitamins, but also an inexhaustible source for creativity and fantasy.

Video on the topic

More interesting thoughts about the garden you will find in the video below.

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