5 things that create a feeling of purity and order in the interior


There is no time to carefully clean the apartment, and guest visits are unexpected. In order not to worry about the mess and do not blush for the unwashed floor, you should know a few tricks that will help create a feeling of cleaning. Non-case councils occupy not so much time, but will always return to the neat and fragrant accommodation.

5 things that create a feeling of purity and order in the interior

All objects in their places

Daily 5-10 minute folding of things in places will help maintain a state of order and tidy. It is necessary to accurately refuel the bed, raise the fallen items from the floor, place the stuff on the tables and on the shelves. It is important to do it every time before leaving the house, then returning, you do not have to spend time cleaning. Chairs and stools place in places. Leaving the house, look for a couple of minutes into the kitchen or in the living room - if unobed items remained on the tables or shelves, hide them into the boxes or make it gently on the shelves. Dirty dishes to remove into the dishwasher, household appliances and countertops wipe.

5 things that create a feeling of purity and order in the interior

Dried in trifles and dust covered horizontal surfaces attract glance at entering the room and create an impression of untidiness.

5 things that create a feeling of purity and order in the interior

Fragrance freshness and purity

The use of flavors, especially if there is pets, allow smells to disguise. The timely replacement of the filler in the trays will help avoid an awkward situation with unexpected visits. A pleasant aroma of wet cleaning using detergents should not be neglected with aromatic candles. If the weather is warm on the street, the open windows will fill the apartment with a pleasant flavor of freshness.

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5 things that create a feeling of purity and order in the interior

Remove unnecessary subjects

Oddly enough, but a sloppy look apartment gives disassembled ironing boards, laundry dryers left at the door of a bucket and belties. What to talk about rags and gloves on the prominent place. All things that are used to maintain cleanliness in the house should be removed from the prominent place. The boards for ironing are folded immediately after use, like the dryer. Sponges and rags for cleaning after work are dried in a place closed from an extraneous eye and remove. In no case should not stand the garbage bucket in a prominent place.

5 things that create a feeling of purity and order in the interior

Important: The fewer objects in prominent places, the greater the order in the apartment.

Choice of furniture

Oddly enough, but closed furniture gives a feeling of order and clean more than racks with open shelves. The cabinets and shelves with the doors are easier to keep in order, dust and mess are not so much noticeable. Large cabinets in the hallway with deaf closed doors will give themselves the feeling of order. Hangers with the mountains of the outerwear, on the contrary, create the impression of litters. Excess shoes, caps, gloves and outerwear should be stored in cabinets and bedside tables.

5 things that create a feeling of purity and order in the interior

Important: minimalist style and closed cabinet furniture create a sense of order.

Bathroom and bathroom

The importance of cleaning in rooms is clear to everyone, but the effect of the effort is easy to spoil the slope in the bathroom. On the mirror and the tile there should be no divorce and dirt, bathroom and sink should shine cleanliness. All the extra stuff is worth cleaning in closed lockers, and towels gently spend.

5 things that create a feeling of purity and order in the interior

It is not always possible to make cleaning on time, it happens that guests come completely unexpectedly. But every hostess always has a couple of minutes, while the guests climb the stairs to put the tables and shelves in order, place the furniture in places, hide extra things in closed cabinets. But the bathroom cleaning time is not enough, so the bathroom must be kept clean and the order constantly so as not to feel embarrassed.

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5 things that create a feeling of purity and order in the interior

10 simple tricks so that the house seemed cleaner (1 video)

Clean and order in the interior (8 photos)

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