What is and where the starting putty is applied


Before starting repair work, it is necessary to stock up the desired construction materials and solutions. Regardless of the type of repair at a certain stage, you will always need a starting putty. About what it needs and what kinds it happens, this article will tell.


Many people heard of such a building mixture as the putty start. It is sometimes called putty. But at the same time, only units know that it represents and for which it is intended for. This is usually professional builders who spent not one repair. But for people who in this case are newcomers, such knowledge will help not only correctly apply a solution for their intended purpose, but also make a high-quality wall and ceiling with it.

What is and where the starting putty is applied

In terms of its composition and purpose, the putty of the starting type is somewhere in the middle between the mixtures used for the finishing alignment of various surfaces (walls and ceiling) and plaster. But the structure of such a putty will be somewhat smaller than that of the plasters, but the larger the rest of its items. Today, the most popular manufacturer of building mixtures, including this solution, is the German company Knauff.

At the same time, if a single mixture of KNAUF was used during the repair, then in the choice of the rest, it is also worth a preference for this brand. In such a situation, there will be no problem with the quality of the finish.

The main purpose of any starting putty (Knauf or another manufacturer) is to align the coarse surfaces. These include the following types of surfaces:

  • brick walls;
  • concrete floors;
  • plastered walls and ceilings;
  • surfaces that have a significant deviation from the level;
  • Surfaces with explicit defects in the form of cracks, chips and chosel.

What is and where the starting putty is applied

There are situations where the starting putty is applied to the reinforced layer (fiberglass). This approach is used in strong irregularities. With minor deviations in the level, putty are applied in several layers. At the same time, its consumption increases significantly with respect to the method with the glass wall. It should always be remembered that the consumption of a mixture of any brand (KNAUF, etc.) will be determined by a thick layer. Consumption is usually determined by 1M2 surface treated. Therefore, the mixture must be purchased with this parameter.

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Start type putty suitable for the following types of work:

  • Filling the stroke;
  • Finishing of door and window openings around the box;
  • sealing joints formed between ceiling and wall reinforced concrete panels;
  • Aligning window slopes.

Please note that different types of mixture should be used for internal and external work, the characteristics of which correspond to one or another operating conditions. For example, to work with the facade or finishing of the seams in the balconies, it is necessary to apply only that putty, which is intended for outdoor types of work.

Types of spacure

What is and where the starting putty is applied

Due to the fact that there are different manufacturers (KNAUF, etc.), as well as various types of finishing works and finishing materials, starting type putty is also divided into several groups.

It should be noted that any kind of putty can be made with your own hands. But here it should be remembered that the self-made mixture in quality will be somewhat instructed by solutions manufactured by the production method (for example, KNAUF). This is due to the fact that the handicraft method cannot be achieved at the mixture of necessary properties and high quality.

It is also worth noting that the consumption of homemade starting putty will be somewhat larger than that of the purchase. Therefore, it is necessary to use mixtures prepared by your own hands only in rare situations, when there is no possibility to purchase a high-quality mixture of a known brand (for example, KNAUF).

By purchasing a mixture made in technological method, you not only minimize its consumption, but also get a high-quality end result.


What is and where the starting putty is applied

If necessary, save money on the purchase of branded starting putty (KNAUF, etc.), you can make this kind of construction mixture with your own hands. Consider how to make one or another putty do it yourself in more detail:

  • Gypsum-chalk mixture. It is used to align plasterboard and concrete walls in dry rooms. To make it preparation, you need to mix 3 parts of the chalk with 1 part of the gypsum in dry dishes. Gradually stirring the mixture, pour it into a container with a 5% animal / joinery glue solution. All this should be mixed to homogeneous mass. Homemade solution must be immediately used, as it quickly freezes;
  • Oil mixture. It is used for wooden surfaces that will be operated under sharp temperature differences (wooden window frames, facades, etc.). To make such a self-made mixture, you need to mix 1 kg of olifa with 2 kg of chalk. After that, in the resulting mixture add 100 g of the sequivat and put everything together on fire. Bring the boiling solution and cool it. It is necessary to use such a mixture in warm form.

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Recall that the consumption of putty here will be more than that of purchased ready mixes.

Ready mixes

What is and where the starting putty is applied

Putty start is sold in the finished form. Such ready-made mixtures are the following types:

  • Cement. It is characterized by moisture resistance, but they are able to lie down when dried. Have a gray color. Used to finish window and doorways, facades and rooms with high humidity;
  • Gypsum. Such mixtures will quickly dry, elastic and do not give shrinkage, but they are absolutely not resistant to moisture. Used for finishing ceilings and walls in well-heated and dry rooms;
  • Polymer. Characterized with elasticity and durability, do not give shrinkage and very comfortable in work. Have white color. Their only drawback is a high cost.

Also for finishing metal, wooden and other structures, the following ready-made mixes can be used:

  • Oil;
  • epoxy;
  • Adhesive and other special putty.

Each finished starting putty solution has its own flow, which should be remembered by choosing it in the store. Also, the consumption affects the thickness of the layer applied to the surface. These two parameters should be considered when determining the volume of necessary finishing material.

How to apply

What is and where the starting putty is applied

Start type putty is applied in a certain way. Each manufacturer on its products in the instruction describes how to use the product in one way or another. Usually, the use for different types of putty differs only in the first stage - preparation.

Cement and gypsum blends need to be dissolved with water in the necessary proportions, but the polymeric should simply open and mix. They are initially ready for use. Remember that the prepared mixes after their breeding are pretty quickly frozen. Therefore, they need to be prepared only before the immediate start of finishing work.

All types of putty should be applied to a dry, stable and pre-projected surface.

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With relatively smooth surfaces, the use of putty is as follows:

  • The spatula is gaining a solution with large portions and put on the wall in squeezed wide strokes;
  • All movements should be fast and confident;
  • The spatula when applied should be tightly pressed to the finishing surface, while it holds to the surface under the same and the same angle;
  • Formed influxes smear a blank spatula or delete.

What is and where the starting putty is applied

If there are strong irregularities, then at first the solution is applied to them according to the scheme described above and let it be frozen. After that, we are already engaged in the final leveling of the entire surface.

When the solution is completely frozen, it is necessary to poll it with the emery paper. As a result, a smooth and smooth surface, devoid of influx, traces of a spatula and other small defects should be formed.

Professionals are easily and quickly getting a smooth surface, but beginners for this will have to try.

As you can see, it is necessary to get a perfectly smooth surface, it is necessary not only to understand the types of starting putty, but also to be able to apply it. Only in such a situation the surface will be perfectly aligned. After that, you can safely begin the final finish.

Video "Applying a starting putty"

This video will teach you how to perform a start putty in the preparation of walls under the wallpaper.

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