Shibori technique: Jewelry for beginners with photos and video


Today she is familiar to us as a chibori technique - jewelry for beginners and experienced craftsmen. Use of a specially colored ribbons, beads and beads in the manufacture of jewelry.

Shibori technique: Jewelry for beginners with photos and video

Shibori technique: Jewelry for beginners with photos and video

Any antique craft, having passed through the years and through thousands of hands, is modified. Each generation of needlewomen brings something to him and trying to simplify or improve. Such fate has suffered a chibori technique, which leads its own story from mysterious Japan. And originally was considered the technique of a nodule painting of the fabric. Initially, the "native" color of the chibori was considered the color of Indigo in all shades.

Ornaments and jewelry can be created in different ways. But besides the rich fantasy and set of necessary materials, this direction of needlework requires incredible accuracy and amplitude. And, of course, practices to achieve success. Chibori decorations are no exception. After all, the decorations made in this technique are the finest work from silk ribbons, supplemented by different decorative elements and assembled by hand with a needle and thread.

Photo of works performed in chibori technique:

Shibori technique: Jewelry for beginners with photos and video

Shibori technique: Jewelry for beginners with photos and video

Shibori technique: Jewelry for beginners with photos and video

Shibori technique: Jewelry for beginners with photos and video

Dear view and cost

Beginner needlewomen who decide to learn this difficult art, you need to be prepared for the fact that consumables will require considerable costs.

The thin silk tape is corrugated by hand with a special makeup, allowing the ribbon to keep the form, then manually stains. As a result, it acquires the cost of semi-precious material.

Shibori technique: Jewelry for beginners with photos and video

Shibori technique: Jewelry for beginners with photos and video

High-quality fittings, often with precious spraying, beads, beads, precious and semi-precious stones have an appropriate price.

Shibori technique: Jewelry for beginners with photos and video

And if the desire to create unique jewelry is great, and large costs are not an obstacle, then the time to start learning the chibori technique.

Autumn jazz

To understand how close is this technique for the needlewoman, in the first stage of creativity, we will try to make a decoration with minimal spending, without using expensive materials. The novice craftsmen will help in this detailed master class Natalia Machnev to create decoration "Maple Leaf".

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For work you will need:

  • pencils with paper;
  • Small silk cut;
  • to choose from: suede, leather or velvet fabric;
  • Different beads of warm autumn colors;
  • beads in the same color scheme;
  • felt, flizelin, cardboard sheet, glue (for example, "moment");
  • needle with thread and scissors.

Shibori technique: Jewelry for beginners with photos and video

First draw a sketch of the maple leaf.

Shibori technique: Jewelry for beginners with photos and video

Ready drawing to move to a segment of felt.

Shibori technique: Jewelry for beginners with photos and video

Cut off the cloth of the desired size, placing the workpiece on it. The size of the silk fabric refers to a third more than the future decoration.

On felt, we mark the corners where the beads will be sewn.

Shibori technique: Jewelry for beginners with photos and video

We engage silk on felt pins in the center so that slippery fabric "did not run away."

First, fasten the silk fabric on the 1st corner; It should be smooth to sew then in this place beads.

Shibori technique: Jewelry for beginners with photos and video

We make imperceptible stitches for fastening fabric on a fetal basis. In the figure they are marked.

Shibori technique: Jewelry for beginners with photos and video

After fixing the first corner, we begin to formold folds, imitating the real corrugated ribbon chibori. Silk folded into the folds very well, they turn out even and beautiful, the main thing is not to spoil them with further sewing.

There are two ways to lay out folds:

  1. Silk shifts for the entire length of the fold and steamed with an iron at a distance from the fabric. Do not stroke folds, they should not be sharp;
  2. Folds are laid free.

Here is selected by the 2nd.

Fasten the first fold; see photo.

Shibori technique: Jewelry for beginners with photos and video

Cover the stitches around the triangle.

Shibori technique: Jewelry for beginners with photos and video

Folding options Watch photo:

Shibori technique: Jewelry for beginners with photos and video

Further, we fix the folds in your creative plan, not forgetting to leave around the edges of 2-3 mm for the edge of the fabric.

Shibori technique: Jewelry for beginners with photos and video

Lisbage form is needed in the directions shown in the photo; In this case, the sheet will seem more alive and similar to this.

Shibori technique: Jewelry for beginners with photos and video

As the folds are laying, it is to cut the fabric after the formation of each beam of the maple leaf.

Shibori technique: Jewelry for beginners with photos and video

Do not forget about the place of mounting beads. Having reached the second corner, we leave this place smooth and further formold folding.

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Shibori technique: Jewelry for beginners with photos and video

As a result, we get:

Shibori technique: Jewelry for beginners with photos and video

Process the edge and give the shape of the workpiece; We bring silk along the edge, we laugh with small rare stitchs through the edge, without pulling the fabric.

Shibori technique: Jewelry for beginners with photos and video

Shibori technique: Jewelry for beginners with photos and video

Create a harmonious composition by beads and beads.

Decorations cover stitches that could not be hidden in the folds.

Shibori technique: Jewelry for beginners with photos and video

Shibori technique: Jewelry for beginners with photos and video

Cut the edge of the product without damaging the seam.

Shibori technique: Jewelry for beginners with photos and video

For the sheet to become tougher, it needs to be circulated along the contour. Then cut the cardboard for 2 or 3 mm less than the resulting circuit.

Shibori technique: Jewelry for beginners with photos and video

At this stage, it is necessary to decide what this decoration will be to fix the desired mount on it; In this case, the option is selected - necklace and sewls of rings from the wrong side.

Shibori technique: Jewelry for beginners with photos and video

We glue a sheet to a cardboard billet and under 60 minutes.

Shibori technique: Jewelry for beginners with photos and video

After drying, we glue a blank to a piece of leather or suede desired size.

Shibori technique: Jewelry for beginners with photos and video

Cut out one millimeter more sheet loop.

Shibori technique: Jewelry for beginners with photos and video

The edge to sew beads like this: imperceptibly fasten the thread, we dress one bead, we enter a needle on the reverse side of the decoration and take it ones. side; Then we produce a needle to the mine received, the thread remains behind beads.

Shibori technique: Jewelry for beginners with photos and video

It turns out such a beautiful edge.

Shibori technique: Jewelry for beginners with photos and video

Necklace is ready!

Shibori technique: Jewelry for beginners with photos and video

Shibori technique spread in the most unexpected directions. The craftsmen began to actively use it in felting, for decorating clothing and accessories and creating textured, volumetric elements on products.

Shibori technique: Jewelry for beginners with photos and video

Shibori technique: Jewelry for beginners with photos and video

The master class submitted below in the video will demonstrate the use of chibori in creating a female bag:

Technique chibori multifaceted and rich in creative inspiration. In whatever product it is not used, it will be exquisite and unique.

A little photo for creative ideas:

Shibori technique: Jewelry for beginners with photos and video

Shibori technique: Jewelry for beginners with photos and video

Shibori technique: Jewelry for beginners with photos and video

Shibori technique: Jewelry for beginners with photos and video

Video on the topic

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