Lilac Lilac Cruising Scheme: Master Class with Photo and Video


Lilac is a very unusual bush who has conquered the hearts of many beautiful blossoms and a sweet odor. But, unfortunately, these gentle flowers flip in a couple of weeks, leaving warm memories of the month of May. However, thanks to the beer and knowledge in needlework, you can enjoy the type of lilac all year round. Schemes of the lilac bush from the bead from our article will help you learn to weave such a plant with your own hands easily and in a short time.

Lilac Lilac Cruising Scheme: Master Class with Photo and Video

Lush flower

In order to weave the lilac lilac branch with their own hands, it will be useful:

  • beads (pink and green);
  • fiberglass (in tone bee);
  • Wire;
  • green ribbon for floristics;
  • Threads Muline;
  • sharp scissors;
  • nippers;
  • alabaster;
  • VAZochka.

To begin with a wire with a length of about 50 cm, you must dial 5 pink beads and make a loop (about 10 cm from the edge):

Lilac Lilac Cruising Scheme: Master Class with Photo and Video

Then, on this wire, make another three loops of 5 beads.

Lilac Lilac Cruising Scheme: Master Class with Photo and Video

Wire combine the glass to turn out the first flower.

Lilac Lilac Cruising Scheme: Master Class with Photo and Video

In the same way, there are 8 more floweries.

Lilac Lilac Cruising Scheme: Master Class with Photo and Video

The finished billet of nine colors is copped with thick wire. After winding a green floral ribbon.

Lilac Lilac Cruising Scheme: Master Class with Photo and Video

Lilac Lilac Cruising Scheme: Master Class with Photo and Video

There should be about 30 pieces of such infloresions.

Next, proceed to the assembly of the lilac branch. In a checkerboard, fasten all the colors in turn.

Lilac Lilac Cruising Scheme: Master Class with Photo and Video

Lilac Lilac Cruising Scheme: Master Class with Photo and Video

It's time to proceed to the leaves of lilac. To create leaves, we will use knowledge about French techniques. Score bispers on a wire. Then take another small auxiliary piece of wire and twist it with the main one. The top segment should be about 5 centimeters.

Lilac Lilac Cruising Scheme: Master Class with Photo and Video

Lilac Lilac Cruising Scheme: Master Class with Photo and Video

On the segment of the auxiliary wire, wear 5 beads, and after shaking it the main wire.

Lilac Lilac Cruising Scheme: Master Class with Photo and Video

Lilac Lilac Cruising Scheme: Master Class with Photo and Video

Make the first turn and immediately the next arc.

Lilac Lilac Cruising Scheme: Master Class with Photo and Video

Wire must be twisted according to a special method, as shown in the diagram below:

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Lilac Lilac Cruising Scheme: Master Class with Photo and Video

Lilac Lilac Cruising Scheme: Master Class with Photo and Video

Split 7 arcs for each of the leaflet.

On a note! Some leaflets can be made of 5, 6, 8 arcs to look like natural possible.

Lilac Lilac Cruising Scheme: Master Class with Photo and Video

Lilac Lilac Cruising Scheme: Master Class with Photo and Video

Lilac Lilac Cruising Scheme: Master Class with Photo and Video

Lilac Lilac Cruising Scheme: Master Class with Photo and Video

The remaining piece of the wire is cut and bend inside.

Lilac Lilac Cruising Scheme: Master Class with Photo and Video

To make the leaf tougher, it is necessary to wind the wire on the leg and disguise all this with threads of Moulin or a ribbon of green tone.

Lilac Lilac Cruising Scheme: Master Class with Photo and Video

20 leaves will come in handy for finished work.

Lilac Lilac Cruising Scheme: Master Class with Photo and Video

Then you need to form sprigs from the leaves and tie the leaves among themselves in a checkerboard order. Disguise with ribbon.

Lilac Lilac Cruising Scheme: Master Class with Photo and Video

Lilac Lilac Cruising Scheme: Master Class with Photo and Video

Now you can proceed to assembling the branch. Tightly connect all the leaves with thread and ribbon.

Lilac Lilac Cruising Scheme: Master Class with Photo and Video

Next, take a small ceramic vase and pour its alabaster, where the roots will be "roots".

Lilac Lilac Cruising Scheme: Master Class with Photo and Video

The master class is finished, wonderful lilac beads is ready!

Big bouquet

From beads you can also make a whole bouquet of lilac, for this it will be useful:

  • beads (lilac and green);
  • Wire 0.3 mm;
  • Copper and aluminum wires;
  • Florlent;
  • gypsum;
  • PVA;
  • self-hardening clay;
  • paints;
  • varnish;
  • Molding for landing.

First you need to dial a lot of lilac bisper on the wire.

Lilac Lilac Cruising Scheme: Master Class with Photo and Video

Next, retreat from the edge of 10 cm and make a loop out of 15 beads. From it to retreat 0.5-0.7 and make the next loop of 13 beerin. Further 11, 9, 7, 5 and 3.

Lilac Lilac Cruising Scheme: Master Class with Photo and Video

Having reached the third biserini, start counting: 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15. Two sides twist, as in the photo:

Lilac Lilac Cruising Scheme: Master Class with Photo and Video

The twig is ready:

Lilac Lilac Cruising Scheme: Master Class with Photo and Video

Twist two together. Such twigs should be about 30. The more twigs, the more magnificent.

Lilac Lilac Cruising Scheme: Master Class with Photo and Video

Now it's time to proceed to the leaf. Dial beads, retreat from the edge of a 10 cm wire and make a loop out of 9 beads, make another loop.

Lilac Lilac Cruising Scheme: Master Class with Photo and Video

The next double loop to do about the centimeter. There should be only 7 pieces. Bend twig in half and twist. Next neat fingers bend the top of the leaves, making them sharper. Twigs should be 35 pieces.

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Lilac Lilac Cruising Scheme: Master Class with Photo and Video

Then take lilac and green twigs and twist them together.

Lilac Lilac Cruising Scheme: Master Class with Photo and Video

At each branch to attach a copper wire and wrapped with florlent.

Next to take an aluminum wire and form thick branches of the tree, winding up with a ribbon.

Lilac Lilac Cruising Scheme: Master Class with Photo and Video

Connect all branches by wrapped wire. Then take self-hardening clay and cover it the trunk.

Lilac Lilac Cruising Scheme: Master Class with Photo and Video

When the gypsum dries, cover the craft of varnish. Ready!

Lilac Lilac Cruising Scheme: Master Class with Photo and Video

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