Where Polina Gagarin lives [Star Interior Overview]


Pretty bright personality constantly causes interest in himself. Polina Gagarin - Artist of the Russian Federation, composer, actress and model. Fame increases rapidly, as well as earnings for filming in film, commercials, television projects. To a large number of fans, it is curious to find out where such a talented woman lives. The apartments are located in the elite area of ​​the capital near the Mayakovskaya metro station with an overview for the Kremlin. Earn money. Girl invests in real estate.

Where Polina Gagarin lives [Star Interior Overview]

Description of housing

The apartment is quite free, more than 100 sq.m. And besides her there live her spouse photographer, son from the first marriage Andrei and little daughter. Despite the fact that Polina being a child lived in Greece, today she does not have housing outside the Russian Federation. During different interviews, the couple reported several times that I would like to get a mansion near the sea over time.

Where Polina Gagarin lives [Star Interior Overview]

Gagarina additionally has real estate outside the city, which is located near the Moscow region. It does not call exact location, it prefers to relax from the fuss. The actress loves to train, because the coach is a frequent guest. She is engaged in the sports and instructor Vyacheslav Dyuchev. The free apartment has the necessary conditions.

Housing with landscape glazing near the metro station "Mayakovskaya" singer and her husband photographer Dmitry Ishakov purchased a couple of years ago, at the time of the participation of the girl in the Eurovision show . More than the year has taken transformation, due to the fact that the apartments were purchased without decoration.

Where Polina Gagarin lives [Star Interior Overview]

For the construction of a decent style in the apartment of the singer asked for help in the architectural bureau in designers Dmitry Prasolov and Natalia Sidorova. As a result, they received a complete set of difficulties, for example, with incredibly uneven walls in the corridor and the living room. Because of this, a huge amount of time was planned. Such a situation arose with a floor, a huge difference was found only during the laying of the floor covering.

Favorite spot girl living room, there is a complete family here during various events.

Where Polina Gagarin lives [Star Interior Overview]

Home interior

The hallway of the main housing is executed in the gray color scheme, there is a mirror in full growth.

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The sublime elements of the interior, the light-coffee colors are perhaps a tempting choice, perfectly harmonizes with decorations on the walls and a wooden coating. The component of the decor is stylish lamps. In the living room there are curtains of light beige color, they look great with furniture in a dairy shade. In the middle of the large hall is a black piano and a red table decorated by Polina from masters for personal order. The main accessory in the house of Gagarina - Piano, behind him her son is busy with music, and they jointly reproduce musical compositions in four hands.

The kitchen also supports a creamy style, and the technique itself is black. Despite his schedule, Polina periodically prepares personally. And just because the kitchen set in the mansion of the singer is especially multifunctional. The territory for cooking and receiving food is made in a standard style, the main color-cream. The bathroom was decorated with marble. It is noteworthy that the interior is fulfilled for its own comfort, and not to place a deposit. Polina always wanted to make the house in the house there was a maximum of light and judging by the number of gorgeous chandeliers, she did it.

Where Polina Gagarin lives [Star Interior Overview]

The daughter's room is made in pink and lilac colors. And the son has everything in blue tones with a lot of wooden parts, which looks like male enough.

Where Polina Gagarin lives [Star Interior Overview]

Other housing

Another apartment at the artist is located in the Novoslobodskaya metro station (LCD "Mahar"), are located next to the actor Khabensky.

In the countryside there is a living room with a fireplace, a number of guest and bedrooms, a swimming pool with a bath. The design is in the advantage of bright shades and wooden finish. The housing chip is a large number of daggers.

One day with Polina Gagarina (1 video)

Where Polina Gagarin lives (6 photos)

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