Gifts from diapers do it yourself: master class with photo


The birth of a child is the most beautiful event in the family life. In such cases, happy parents of the newborn can be given gifts. The most necessary and practical thing for the baby are diapers. Mom and dad will be inevitably glad to such a gift, because now the diapers are quite expensive and also quickly end. Gifts from diapers are very popular lately, as they look very impressive and solemnly. This master class will teach beginner lovers of needlework, as with the help of ordinary diapers for kids to create real masterpieces.

Unusual stroller

Such an original stroller from diapers for the girl is created very easily and quickly.

Necessary materials:

  • diapers;
  • corrugated paper;
  • ribbons;
  • Children's towels;
  • A piece of cardboard box.

Gifts from diapers do it yourself: master class with photo

First you need to take a large cardboard sheet and cut out of it the base of oval shape for the future stroller. After taking 30 diapers and minimize each tube. Each such a roll is made on the stationery elastic band. Next, the diapers put on the cardboard vertically so that they completely covered the base of the stroller, and fix everything with a rubber, as in the photo below.

Gifts from diapers do it yourself: master class with photo

Then take 5 diapers and lay out them with a slide in one part of the stroller, top to cover with another diaper. Secure the workpiece with a rubber band. The base of the stroller is ready, the wheels remained.

Gifts from diapers do it yourself: master class with photo

For the wheels, we will come in handy 4 diapers, they must be folded along and twist into the roll. Cooking corrugated paper for decor. Hot glue stuck the frame of the stroller, straightening the edge so that there were no little waves-Ryushikov. To the bottom of the product to glue colored paper or cardboard. From above, craft to a towel. The wheels also overtake the paper, and then glue them to the stroller frame.

Gifts from diapers do it yourself: master class with photo

Decorate the wheelchair with ribbons and beads. You can put a soft toy or rattle, the kid will be very pleased with this very much.

Gifts from diapers do it yourself: master class with photo

Stroller handle make from remnants of cardboard and decorate ribbons. Ready!

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Gifts from diapers do it yourself: master class with photo

Another variant

This gift is perfect for the boy.

Gifts from diapers do it yourself: master class with photo

For work it will be useful:

  • diapers;
  • Satin ribbon;
  • plastic bottle;
  • Wire;
  • Color tinsel;
  • cotton swabs.

To begin with, we need to make the base of the aircraft. To do this, roll a pair of diapers in a tight roll and secure ribbons. Such diapers folded into the tube will be a "wings" of the helicopter.

To make a propeller, the bottom of the plastic bottle is useful. Screw to do with a wire and reorganize it with colored tinsel.

Gifts from diapers do it yourself: master class with photo

Between the wings insert cotton wands, decorate with asterisks or other elements. Put a teddy bear to the "pilot". Wonderful gift is ready!

Original bike

Gifts from diapers do it yourself: master class with photo

For the manufacture of a bicycle from diapers we will need:

  • diapers;
  • ribbons;
  • sharp scissors;
  • stationery gum;
  • diaper;
  • rattles.

First you need to divide diapers in half, a couple of pieces to postpone for the abandon of rattles. From diapers make two wheels: folded each in a circle and pull the rubber band. When the circle is formed, make an open hand in the center. To keep the design, tie the diapers with ribbon.

Gifts from diapers do it yourself: master class with photo

Then take rattles, wrap the diapers around them, secure stationery rubber bands and insert the wheels into the hole. Each wheel to ovell a towel.

Gifts from diapers do it yourself: master class with photo

Top on the product put sliders, and the steering wheel make the tips of the diaper, socks and ribbons. It remains only to plant a soft toy on a bike and make a beautifully arranged a present.

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