Loggia is ... Definition and differences from the balcony


Balcony and loggia - many confuse these concepts, without realizing the difference between the two building structures. In fact, it is easy to understand what the difference between the balcony and the loggia is one design has a wall, and the second (balcony) is open from three sides. There are a number of differences about what we will talk about.

What is a loggia

Often, the words of the loggia and a balcony for people are synonyms, designs are used as platforms for recreation and economic needs, so the similarity in use pursues the idea of ​​an analogy. For many people, a balcony or loggia are so similar structures that the differences between them are practically not noticeable, we will try to make clarity in this question.

Loggia is ... Definition and differences from the balcony

Design of an inacidated loggia

The definition of a loggia is a premises, limited (fenced) in terms of 3 sides, having a overlap, intended for rest and protection against solar insolation.

The difference between the loggia from the balcony is that the design embedded in the building is limited by deaf walls from two sides. The front part of the design is usually open, has a fencing.

The room has a limit in the form of a window block with a glazed door, by means of which access to the residential premises and output from it is provided.

Regulatory documents and requirements for the device

Installation of balconies and loggias during the construction of residential buildings is carried out in accordance with the standards of SNiP 31-01-2003 "Buildings of residential apartment buildings". During the structure of the structure there are restrictions on width - it is not allowed to degrade the natural illumination of the main room.

Loggia is ... Definition and differences from the balcony

For loggia and balcony, various conditions are needed.

The device of remote constructions for recreation in residential buildings is not performed with the combination of the following factors:

  1. The average monthly temperature is below 4 ° C.
  2. Street noise from highways, railway branches, tram lines or existing enterprises in aggregate reaches from 75DB and higher, subject to the location of the objects at a distance of 2 m from the front part of the residential building.
  3. The content of suspended dust in the air is from 1.5 mg / m3 for 15 days during the summer months (June, July, August).

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The loggia is a resting place that can be glazed or open, it is very often possible to observe how the new room will weaken from it, conducting the necessary work on insulation and glazing designs. On the loggia (insulated), the heating systems are installed to provide placing with heat, not only ordinary radiators, but also the "warm floor" systems are often used. It is often possible to observe that office cabins, manicure salons, hairdressers and other small business facilities are located on the loggia.

Balcony structures

Loggia is ... Definition and differences from the balcony

Loading on the loggia may be more than a balcony

Explaining what a balcony is will have to refer to the regulatory building literature, in which the design is defined as open from three sides, the protruding stove, fixed from the carrier wall, having a glazed door to a room combined with a window block.

The bearing capacity of the balcony plate does not allow to increase the burden on the design, including when working on glazing and insulation, therefore the functions of the balcony are limited. Balcony What is - a place for relaxing outdoors, is sometimes used for some economic (drying of linen, storage of inventory) and decorative purposes.

On the balcony, sometimes frames are installed and a set of work on insulation is carried out, but with such a reconstruction, the state of the plate and its carrying ability should be taken into account.

Watch the video, how the balcony is insulated with your own hands.


The difference between the balcony from the loggia is expressed in the following factors:

  • The design of the adjoining to the walls of the building - it is noted that the balcony is greatly overlooking the facade part of the building, the loggia is "drowning" into the carrier wall, and is a single integer with the room.
  • Open sides - Balconies have a fencing from three sides, the loggia - with one. In general, these building structures are adjacent to window blocks with a doorway.
  • Embodiments - what is the difference between the balcony from the loggia is limited opportunities for improving the functional qualities that are associated with the low bearing capacity of the plate and a small area.

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We recommend watching videos how to prepare a loggia for use as a full-fledged recreation area.

The loggia in this sense is much more suitable for redeveloping and reconstructing at office device, resting sites or patio, while it is easier to introduce special projects for insulation and decorating structures, thanks to the larger area and the strength of the bearing plates.

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