Gifts Mama do it yourself from colored paper on March 8


Mom is the closest and dear person in our lives. A person who gave us life will always come to help, will give advice, comforted and will calm down. And the best way to express love and gratitude is to make gifts, not only on holidays, but also on ordinary days. Gifts Mama do it yourself very peculiar. They can be made from various materials: from rubber, from paper, from candies and other materials that are much under the side. This article will be useful to those who want to please their mother for his birthday, New Year or other celebrations.

Cute postcard

Gifts Mama do it yourself from colored paper on March 8

Thanks to the crewing technique, you can cook a bright and beautiful postcard, which will be an excellent addition to a gift for the mother's day.

Necessary materials:

  • double-sided colored paper;
  • Toothpick or wooden skeletal;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

First you need to chop along the strips of a width of 5 mm green paper. One of the strips to turn on the wand, remove it and give paper a little spinning. After gluing the end of the strip to the base.

Next, you need to squeeze a circle on one side while holding it on the other. Ultimately, we should leave the figure, similar to the leaf. Make five such leaves.

After it should be proceeding to the manufacture of large flowers. To do this, cut a pair of colored paper strips, 35 mm width (cut the paper sheet along). Fold the band four times and on one side cut it into thin strips, not reaching the edge of about 5 mm.

Gifts Mama do it yourself from colored paper on March 8

Then out of orange or yellow paper cut stripes, 5 mm width. One of them is tightly twisted and secured with glue it is the end - it will be a core flower. After the bottom end, the strip with a fringe glue to the core and tighten it around.

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Next, secure glue the end of the strip with a fringe and straighten the petals with a toothpick. Make the desired number of flowers. Little flowers do for this principle as big. But the strips should be less width, about 25 mm.

Please note that the middle can be made by two colors, such as red and orange.

Now it is necessary to wind the small cut of the orange strip, then glue the red strip cut to it, make an exact number of curls. Printed orange stripes again, wind it and fix it.

Gifts Mama do it yourself from colored paper on March 8

In order to make a two-color flower, you must first make the basis for a small flower. Not flexing its petals, glue around the base of the workpiece strip with a fringe, other color and larger size.

Then you should make a couple of curls, to make a green shelf twice. From a bent end to spin it on a wand and give to straighten.

On the basis of the postcard to glue a sheet with the inscription, then collect the composition and secure glue. Postcard from colored paper is ready!

Basket with flowers

This simple, but very bright and summer basket with flowers will be a wonderful gift from the kids to his beloved mom on March 8.

Gifts Mama do it yourself from colored paper on March 8

For work it will be useful:

  • three wooden spanks;
  • Green corrugated paper;
  • pair of paper plates;
  • sharp scissors;
  • colored paper;
  • paints;
  • glue.

One of the plates must be cut in half, it is best to make it special scissors with teeth. Half and whole plate paint the usual or pearl gouache, you can also use acrylic paints. After the beauty is dry, glue the plates with a middle inside, as in the photo:

Gifts Mama do it yourself from colored paper on March 8

Next you need to paint the shrinkles of green paint - it will be stalks. Colored paper cut into the same strips and make a loop from the bottom, glue ends.

Gifts Mama do it yourself from colored paper on March 8

From colored paper or cardboard, cut three mugs and to make each of them to glue four loops-petal.

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To the back of the flower heads glue the ships, after cut three more mugs and stick them to the ends of the skeins, hiding the bonding place. Cutting from corrugated paper leaves and glue to stalks.

Gifts Mama do it yourself from colored paper on March 8

The resulting flowers insert into the basket and decorate. Ready!

Gifts Mama do it yourself from colored paper on March 8

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