Gifts on the anniversary of the wedding do it yourself by years with photos


The wedding anniversary is a wonderful romantic holiday of loving husband and wives who rejoice in every year spent together. On this day, filled with tenderness and love, spouses with great nostalgia are attached to the memories of youth, the first kiss and wedding celebration. On this day, I want to please the parents, other relatives or friends and give a thematic gift. Gifts on the wedding anniversary with their own hands are particularly very pleasant to receive, because they are created with trepidation and care. In this article, you will learn how to independently make presents for this day by year: 1 year, 5 years, 10 years, etc.

Gifts on the anniversary of the wedding do it yourself by years with photos

Gifts on the anniversary of the wedding do it yourself by years with photos

Gifts on the anniversary of the wedding do it yourself by years with photos

Sitse dolls

The stente wedding is the very first anniversary of the young. The Present-Talisman of the Family Happiness "Lappunners" from Citz will definitely like the spouses and protect their house from adversity.

Necessary materials:

  • Wooden wand;
  • white fabric (40 cm long, 15 cm wide);
  • 2 White Fabric Loskutka and 2 Red;
  • Cloth for trousers 30 × 20 centimeters;
  • Fabric for a scarf 20 × 20 cm;
  • Fabric for cap 10 × 10 cm;
  • braid;
  • wool;
  • red threads;
  • apron;
  • 2 wires.

Initially, work must be proceeding to hand. Obtain a wooden wand with a white cloth, the ends tied up with a red thread so that the nodules are from behind. Next, from the flap to form the Music's head, roll the fabric vertically and connect the edges in the middle. In the middle, bend the cloth, put the wool in the front and designate the neck with a red thread. From the second Loskutka to make the billet for the guy.

Then the girl's head is applied to hand and arrange the bottom of the figures - skirt and trousers, fold the fabric vertically into the tube.

After taking the pants to hand, put on the front of the guy's head blank, tie in front of a red thread crosses for the overag. From red thread shape shirts figures. Girl decorate the apron and handkerchief, and a guy is a belt and cap. Now it remains only to wear shoes on a guy's figure with a wire and decorate them with a thread. Ready!

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Gifts on the anniversary of the wedding do it yourself by years with photos

Love tree

Five years living together, marked with a wooden wedding. Therefore, on this day you need to give gifts related to a tree, for example, a beautiful panel of wood. Such a gift will definitely like relatives and friends.

For the manufacture of panels, we will be useful:

  • frame;
  • paper;
  • sharp scissors;
  • glue;
  • Color cardboard;
  • Colored paper.

First you need to cut the trunk of a tree of colored cardboard. Then draw it with a pencil, after cut. Then cut out leaves from colored paper. These leaflets are folded in half, glue in one half to the trunk so that all the leaves create a round crown. After the paper of the red color cut the heart and glue it to the stem center, as in the photo below. Picture ready.

On a note! Such a panel can be made with a bouquet of roses and give a 10-year-old anniversary - a pink wedding.

Gifts on the anniversary of the wedding do it yourself by years with photos

silver wedding

25 years is a majority of life, so a couple, which celebrates such a holiday, deserves respect. Therefore, a beautiful plate with a memorable photo of spouses will become a very expensive gift for them.

Gifts on the anniversary of the wedding do it yourself by years with photos

Necessary materials for work:

  • plate or dish;
  • Photo;
  • glue for porcelain;
  • scissors;
  • drawing bruster;
  • acrylic lacquer.

First you need to select a photo, try it to a plate, cut all items. Next, tissue to the photo acrylic varnish in 5-6 layers. Each layer is applied before drying the previous one. Claimed photo Put in a capacity with water for 15 minutes. Remove the photos from the water and neatly roll the unnecessary layer with your fingers.

Next, you should degrease the plate, it can be done with a cotton disk and alcohol. Then it is necessary to apply a small amount of glue for porcelain, the outfit side of the photo is smeared with these glue. Wait a few seconds and paste on a plate.

After covered with glue for porcelain, the entire surface of the plate to smooth the edges of the picture is completely. When the plate is driving, put it in the oven, 30 minutes to 150 degrees. If there is a desire, you can decorate beads or other elements of the decor. Ready!

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Gifts on the anniversary of the wedding do it yourself by years with photos

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