Gifts do it yourself a beloved man for a birthday


Everyone wants to please his half on a festive day and give the best gift. After all, this is another way to show your care and love. Often, girls are confused, what such to give her boyfriend to be just crazy about the gift. In this case, you can try to learn how to make original gifts with your own hands your beloved. Thanks to this article, you will learn how to make an unforgettable and impressive present.

Gifts do it yourself a beloved man for a birthday

Gifts do it yourself a beloved man for a birthday

Gifts do it yourself a beloved man for a birthday

Box Memories

This unusual version of the photo album will definitely cause a lot of positive emotions to a man.

Gifts do it yourself a beloved man for a birthday

For the manufacture of the box, we will come in handy:

  • Little box with a sleeping lid;
  • paper for gifts;
  • ribbons, bows for packaging flowers or souvenirs;
  • photographs;
  • Thin color cardboard;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • pencil or pen;
  • line;
  • Decor elements.

Gifts do it yourself a beloved man for a birthday

At the beginning of work it is worth taking the cover of the box and gently attach it to the wrapping paper for gifts and decorate at will. The case of the box is cut through the side faces so that they remain attached to the bottom. If necessary, then put the parts and to the bottom. Then cut the wrapping paper on the shape of the bulk paper, make the allowance to turn it on the inner side. Then cut the pattern and carefully paste the box.

Next, after applying glue to the outer side of one face, raise it vertically and smooth the paper. Repeat the same actions with other parts of the box. Corner cuts to cut, the resulting valves wrap on the inner side of each face. Remove edges.

Now it's time to work on creating the internal pages of the photo album. Make a reduced copy of the pattern sweep pattern. To do this, draw the square with a side longer smaller length for the first box per centimeter. To the square draw the sidewalls of smaller sizes. Cut the scan, make another couple of such sweeps, each time reducing the size of the bottom for 1 cm.

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Gifts do it yourself a beloved man for a birthday

Collect souvenir, attach the bottoms of sweeps to the bottom of the largest box as it decreases. After sticking a photo on the sidewalls of sweeps and reorganize. In the center of gluing congratulations. A wonderful anniversary gift is ready!

Postcard kiss

Gifts do it yourself a beloved man for a birthday

Such an unusual postcard is created in the Origami technique, it can become an excellent addition to the basic gift to his beloved person for his birthday.

For the manufacture we will need a red sheet of colored paper. From it you need to cut square. Then this square is folded in half diagonally. The color part of the sheet must be located on top. Next, split the square into three parts. The resulting triangle lay down to the left, so that an indent one third.

Gifts do it yourself a beloved man for a birthday

Gifts do it yourself a beloved man for a birthday

With the left corner, do the same actions as with the right. As a result, a product similar to the envelope should be obtained. Fold the corners again down, and after diagonally.

Gifts do it yourself a beloved man for a birthday

The edges that appear, fold down and inside.

Gifts do it yourself a beloved man for a birthday

Then you need to deploy paper and put it in front of yourself not by the color side. Bresh the tip of one corner from below. After that, add part of the angle inward, which remained from both sides. Repeat from the opposite side.

Gifts do it yourself a beloved man for a birthday

Turn the leaf to the color side to the top. Fold it with the tips of the "lips" to each other along the folds from the past folding.

Gifts do it yourself a beloved man for a birthday

Again the corners inward again. Attach the obtained sponges, as in the photo below. Card ready.

Gifts do it yourself a beloved man for a birthday

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