Cutting loops in the interroom do it yourself with your own hands


Many in order to save ways to install interroom doors with their own hands. One of the stages of this process is the liner insert. Conducting all manipulations, you do not need to rush, because how much will all be done qualitatively, it depends on the work of the whole design. Consider in detail what you have to face and how to do everything right. And so that everything is more clear, we also offer to watch the video.

Cutting loops in the interroom do it yourself with your own hands

Loop for doors

For the convenience of work, the door is best put on its long edge in such a way that the lock side is at the bottom.

Make measurements

Cutting loops in the interior door begins with marking. To do this, from the lower and top edge of the canvas, you need to retreat 20 cm. The pencil is marked by two of their borders: the upper and lower. Then the loop is applied and it is described in order to get the smooth circuit in this way. It will be more efficient to attach it with two screws, in this case it will be possible to obtain the most accurate measurements.

Cutting loops in the interroom do it yourself with your own hands

By the way, the self-tapping screws should not be screwed down those that came in the kit, since the latter will need to be used only once, the loop will be installed directly. Or another option: use a billet from a dense cardboard corresponding to the size of the working part.

Cutting loops in the interroom do it yourself with your own hands

The work of the chisel

Best of all, of course, to carry out the insert with a milling tool, without which the work of a professional specialist is not accounted for. But if you have no opportunity to use, the hammer and chisel will come to the rescue. The latter must be necessarily sharpened.

Cutting loops in the interroom do it yourself with your own hands

First of all, the outlined contours need to be broken with a sharp knife, deepening it about 2-3 mm. Such a move in the future will help to better work by the chisel. Now you need to make a sample: an acute part of the chisel is inserted into a scratch, an acute part of the chisels and, a short impact on it, a small deepening is made. It is important not to overdo it so that the hole is fully fitted both sizes and the thickness of the loop. The latter should lie to the workpiece almost perfectly, not to rise above the door web, but also not to be strongly in-depth. Do not rush faster to finish the work of the chisel. It is better to spend more time, but do everything neatly and efficiently.

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Cutting loops in the interroom do it yourself with your own hands

By the way, it is not always a working tool that the chisel can be. It is convenient to make a clipping on a canvas made of solid wood. If the material of the interior door is soft, then it is quite possible to limit the sharp cutter.

Cutting loops in the interroom do it yourself with your own hands

About rounded loops

Please note that make a recess for them with your own hands without a special tool, i.e. Mill, it will be almost impossible. The smaller the radius of their round corners, the harder to perform the operation. So, if you are not going to attract a specialist, then it is better to think about the acquisition of rectangular loops in advance.

Cutting loops in the interroom do it yourself with your own hands

Screwing samorezov

The loop in the interroom do it ends with their own hands with their own hands by means of self-tapping. But before you screw, the drill must be done for them small holes. Due to this, it will be possible to avoid possible cracking of the door canvase. Only after that the screws occupy their place, while their hats should not rise above the surface of the part. It is also important to choose the most suitable drill size, from which it will depend on how tightly the screws will sit, because the reliability of the attachment depends on it.

Cutting loops in the interroom do it yourself with your own hands

Features of the sings

As you know, the loops are detachable and notion. If the case has to be with the first, then on each detail it is put on her half, after which the box stand is applied. The position of the jacket marked the position of the loops, and then all the stages of their cut-downs are carried out in the same way as described above. By the way, it is more convenient to carry out all manipulations with a rack box, and not with all its entirely.

If the insertion in the interior door of the detachable parts takes place, you need to ensure that the landing pins necessarily look up, otherwise the doorway is not possible. Well, of course, in the case of split details, also before starting to work the chisel, it is necessary to make accurate measurements so that in course the result did not arise problems with the opening and closure of the door.

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