Audine for a newborn with her own hands: drawings with photos


The cradle is a small bed for the baby, which is suspended in the air. This is one of the oldest and, unfortunately, the most dangerous beds for kids. If you do not comply with the right technology and use low-quality materials, the cradle can simply break together with the baby. In this article we will tell you how to make a chalk for a newborn with your own hands, only she will stand on the floor for security.

Audine for a newborn with her own hands: drawings with photos

Audine for a newborn with her own hands: drawings with photos

Audine for a newborn with her own hands: drawings with photos

Audine for a newborn with her own hands: drawings with photos

Audine for a newborn with her own hands: drawings with photos

Go to the lesson

Audine for a newborn with her own hands: drawings with photos

Audine for a newborn with her own hands: drawings with photos

Audine for a newborn with her own hands: drawings with photos

You can view the craft manufacturing process on the example of the master class. We took the scheme from the last drawing and simply simplified it.

Cut the headboard and legs, then cover them with a colorless transparent acrylic varnish.

Audine for a newborn with her own hands: drawings with photos

Next, we make sidewalls.

You can buy these round sticks in the store, then they will need to grind and glue to two straps.

Audine for a newborn with her own hands: drawings with photos

Make the bottom of the cradle. As you can see, we do it not from one thick board, but from the rails.

Audine for a newborn with her own hands: drawings with photos

Drill holes and start collecting a crib.

Audine for a newborn with her own hands: drawings with photos

That's what should happen at this stage.

Audine for a newborn with her own hands: drawings with photos

Cut the legs in the form of the letter "g".

Audine for a newborn with her own hands: drawings with photos

Audine for a newborn with her own hands: drawings with photos

Audine for a newborn with her own hands: drawings with photos

Cut the swing mechanism.

Audine for a newborn with her own hands: drawings with photos

We collect it.

Audine for a newborn with her own hands: drawings with photos

Audine for a newborn with her own hands: drawings with photos

At night, you can hook wheels with clamps so that they are better glued.

Audine for a newborn with her own hands: drawings with photos

We present the photo of the cradle, which we turned out, from different angles.

Audine for a newborn with her own hands: drawings with photos

Audine for a newborn with her own hands: drawings with photos

Audine for a newborn with her own hands: drawings with photos

Audine for a newborn with her own hands: drawings with photos

We sew sides and mattresses.

Cute nest

Audine for a newborn with her own hands: drawings with photos

The process of creating a root nest can be traced on the example of a master class. To do this, we need a cotton facility with a size of 80 * 100 cm, you can take two segments of one or more colors, openwork lace and satin ribbon of about three meters, holofiber or sintepon.

Audine for a newborn with her own hands: drawings with photos

First we make a pattern. It is perfect for kids. It can also be downloaded from below the link.

Audine for a newborn with her own hands: drawings with photos

Audine for a newborn with her own hands: drawings with photos

Then sweep the two segments of the fabric and lace. The front side should look inside. We start to flash and coat fabric. It is necessary to make very neat stitches for beautiful edges. Next, turn the nest and steer the edges.

Article on the topic: Sauron Helmet do it yourself

Audine for a newborn with her own hands: drawings with photos

Two cm retreating from the edge, we spend the seam. He will need it a little later.

Audine for a newborn with her own hands: drawings with photos

Audine for a newborn with her own hands: drawings with photos

Cut out and spinning around the edges of the hollowubiber size of 70 * 35 or use Sinyppon. Now I fill the nest to them and make a pair of horizontal seams. We also do not forget to see the side of the cocoon.

Audine for a newborn with her own hands: drawings with photos

Audine for a newborn with her own hands: drawings with photos

Then stretch the satin tape. In order to make it easier to make this work, use the pin.

Audine for a newborn with her own hands: drawings with photos

Audine for a newborn with her own hands: drawings with photos

Putting flights and sew the open edges with manual seam.

Audine for a newborn with her own hands: drawings with photos

Audine for a newborn with her own hands: drawings with photos

Tie a bow of satin ribbon. The wider you take a ribbon, the more the bow will come out.

Also, do not forget that when large edges remain, you do not need to cut them. Thanks to it, you can adjust the length of the nest.

Audine for a newborn with her own hands: drawings with photos

Here is a cute nest for a newborn, we sewed themselves. As you can see, nothing complicated in the sewing process was not. The result is simply impressive! And the edges of the nest can be crocheted.

Audine for a newborn with her own hands: drawings with photos

Video on the topic

We offer to see a selection of video to create cradle with your own hands.

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