Picture of nails and threads do it yourself: schemes with photos and video


Today, a person is already difficult to surprise something, in search of a suitable gift may take a lot of time and money. Or maybe instead of running around the souvenir shops and acquire an unnecessary trinket, it is better to make a unique masterpiece with your own hands? Such a unique work of art is a picture of nails and threads, and in order to do it, you do not need to have any creative abilities.

Picture of nails and threads do it yourself: schemes with photos and video

Bright heart

Picture of nails and threads do it yourself: schemes with photos and video

From threads and nails, you can make a variety of pictures, the main thing is to find suitable schemes, templates, etc. It is better to start, of course, it's better to make it easier, so in this workshop, we will try to make a simple, but very cute heart.

Picture of nails and threads do it yourself: schemes with photos and video

For work it is necessary to prepare:

  1. A piece of fairly dense foam;
  2. Nails - pins;
  3. Colored threads (it is desirable to take woolen threads, as they are pretty thick and the picture will be more expressive);
  4. Glue;
  5. Acrylic paints;
  6. Brushes;
  7. Adhesive tape;
  8. Paper sheet;
  9. Beads.

Picture of nails and threads do it yourself: schemes with photos and video

So, when all the tools are necessary for work are prepared, you can start. First you need to paint on a sheet of paper smooth beautiful heart. Now you need to take a sheet of foam, it should be smooth. If it is not so, all irregularities should be removed using sandpaper. When the foam is prepared, it should be covered with acrylic paints.

We wait for the base to dry, and put a leaflet with a heart-drawn heart on it. Neatty pins secure a sheet to foam on the contour of the pattern. Between the carnations, leave a small distance from one to two cm, see pictures. When the template is attached, you need to gently tear off the paper.

Picture of nails and threads do it yourself: schemes with photos and video

Now proceed to the most interesting - decorating threads. On one of the carnations you need to secure the thread with a neat, almost imperceptible nodel. We give the freedom to work and begin to wind all the carnations in chaotic order.

It is important to ensure that the threads are distributed evenly if on one side the layer of the thread will be thick, and on the other - scarce, it will not look very pretty.

Picture of nails and threads do it yourself: schemes with photos and video

You can leave a picture in this form, and you can decorate the background with all sorts of beads, pebbles, etc.

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Picture of nails and threads do it yourself: schemes with photos and video

Modern style

Picture of nails and threads do it yourself: schemes with photos and video

We now turn to a more complex lesson in the String-Art technique (this is exactly the name of the technique of creating paintings from threads and nails). Make this picture will be more complicated, but the work process itself is very fascinating.

So, you need to prepare:

  1. Phaneru, in this master class, a sheet of 60 × 60 was used;
  2. Acrylic paint white color;
  3. Pattern pattern;
  4. Nails;
  5. A hammer;
  6. Threads - Moulin or Yarn;
  7. Pencil.

Initially, you need to prepare the board itself, remove all the roughness and paint it with white paint. Now you need to prepare a pattern, the same as presented in the picture below.

Picture of nails and threads do it yourself: schemes with photos and video

The template must be attached to the board, score cloves in those places where on the black dot pattern. Scroll cloves in such a way that the hats are about one level. Now you need to remove the template very carefully, the whole stuck paper should be removed. We will begin work with the letter "O". Squeeze the template how many nails need to retreat from each edge, and begin to wind threads.

It is very important: the contours of the letters must be denoted, otherwise the drawing will be inexpressive and the kind will deteriorate. In general, the principle of work is the same as in the first lesson.

When you finish work on the letter "O", go to "K", here the principle of operation is exactly the same as with the previous beak. Do not forget to wrap a thread around each carnation. Now you can start making pictures. Here everything is simple, only one rule should be observed: the threads should not enter the letters, work only with the background of the image.

Picture of nails and threads do it yourself: schemes with photos and video

You do not need to make bright transitions in color, it is advisable to use close colors, let them differ only on the tonality, otherwise the picture will be too allay. No need to make the coating of the thread too dense, the white background should be seen through them. You can look at your picture from afar, so you immediately notice where you need to add, and where it is worth removing unnecessary.

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When you finish with the background, the gaps in the letters should be seen in the same way, so that they take the final appearance. It remains only to come up with fasteners for your painting and you can safely decorate her interior.

Picture of nails and threads do it yourself: schemes with photos and video

As you can see, make a picture of nails and threads quite easily, you only need to choose a suitable pattern and move it to the support. We bring to your attention several patterns of patterns for paintings from threads and nails.

Picture of nails and threads do it yourself: schemes with photos and video

Picture of nails and threads do it yourself: schemes with photos and video

Picture of nails and threads do it yourself: schemes with photos and video

Video on the topic

If someone still has some unresolved questions or incomprehensible the principle of winding the thread on a nail, you can watch the video selection of lessons proposed below. Do not be afraid to connect fantasy and create your own masterpiece.

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