How to make a railing on the balcony


The fencing of the balcony is its business card. It should be intelligently fit into the design of the facade of the house and slightly complement his style. It uses various materials for its device, the main thing is that the fence corresponds to regulatory requirements.

Consider the technology of installing several types of fences.

Primary requirements

How to make a railing on the balcony

Balcony railing is not only the original design of the facade, but also a protective design. It should reliably provide security for the inhabitants.

Regardless which material will be used for its device, the main parameters must be maintained:

  1. The height of the fence corresponds to the proportions of human growth. His railing should be at the level of the middle of the abdomen. According to regulatory requirements, it is 1 - 1.2 m.

    How to make a railing on the balcony

    The design should withstand a minimum of 100 kg per 1 kV. M.

  2. If the fence consists of several elements, then they should be placed apart from each other at a distance of 10 - 12 cm.
  3. The design must be reliable. The minimum load that the fence must be withstanding is 100 kg per meter.
  4. Rail fixation is performed in several places: to the balcony floor and wall.
  5. The material from which the railing is made is high quality with protecting against corrosion influence.
  6. It is also necessary to avoid in the design of the parapet of sharp elements.

Features of Montaja technology

How to make a railing on the balcony

Fences are made of various materials: bricks, metal, wood, and so on.

Each of the listed options has its own characteristics in the arrangement. Let's try to figure them out.

Fencing from a tree

How to make a railing on the balcony

A tree is the material with which it is familiar and easy to work. With its help, experienced masters embody a wide variety of ideas.

The parapet of wood is performed by a combination of parts that are placed vertically and horizontally. All elements are mainly performed by a rounded or square shape.

Wooden fences are necessarily enhanced by various metal fasteners. Racks are mounted to the balcony floor with anchors.

How to make a railing on the balcony

The disadvantages of fencing from wood include:

  • high price;
  • Low resistance to climatic influences.

To increase the service life of the railing of this type, it is necessary to use special protective agents and cover them with paint and varnish materials.

Brick or aerated concrete

How to make a railing on the balcony

Aerated concrete structures are durable, but may be too heavy for your balcony.

Parapet of brick, concrete or aerated concrete is a pretty robust design. It is durable in operation, has aesthetic appearance, as well as a high degree of resistance to external factors.

But, despite all positive factors, there are substantial minuses:

  1. A fairly large weight, which is capable of withstanding not every balcony plate. If the fence is placed in an apartment building, then on the use of bricks it is necessary to obtain permission in the relevant services. Sometimes it is better to replace it with a lighter material: aerated concrete or foam block.
  2. The consumption of solution for masonry brick is quite large.
  3. The price of the material is also high.

Metal fences

The most popular are the railing from metal structures: fittings, pipes, decorative sheet and strip elements.

The fence of this species will not be able to protect against dust, wind and prying eyes. In addition, you should not use a large number of horizontal elements, since it can easily climb a child, which is fraught with crying consequences.

The most demanded is the fence from the forging. It gives the housing aristocracy and sophistication. It can very often be seen on the facades of country houses and cottages.

Making fences from forging yourself

How to make a railing on the balcony

For forging use steel bars

For the arrangement of the fencing itself, rods made of steel, which have a round, square and rectangular cross section. The listed stages of the work will help answer the question of how to make a forging with their own hands:

  • sketch preparation;
  • creating a project with a detailed indication of the size of each part;
  • directly manufacture of elements;
  • placement of all prepared parts in accordance with the drawing;
  • connection of parts with each other by welding;
  • work of painting works;
  • Preparation for installation.

Installation with your own hands

Previously before installing forged fence for the balcony, with your own hands, it is necessary to pre-prepare places for landing the main elements. About how to mount a wrought design, see this video:

How to make a railing on the balcony

The amount of fence support depends on its length

The main attachments are placed in the wall on both sides of the balcony plate. Best of all, if the segments of the reinforcement will be built in the wall at the stage of its masonry. The number of places of fastening depends on the size of the fence.

Next, the forged product is installed in the place of landing, and then it is welded to the prepared mounts in the wall.

When performing work, it is necessary to ensure that it is not easily flammable items. It is also not recommended to install in windy weather.

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