How to independently disassemble the door handle of the interior door


Door handle - the most necessary element for interior door. Open the sash - swing, sliding, folding, without this device is extremely inconvenient, so it is a more popular accessory than the same castle or latch.

How to independently disassemble the door handle of the interior door

Learning to disassemble the handle of the interior door

Door handle: Classification

These fixtures may have quite a variety of forms, but are divided into two large groups.

  • Stationary - do not have connections with the lock and are installed as an independent device. The handle serves only in order to hold it, open or close the sash. Molds, as a rule, using screws to almost any surface. The handle design can be the most diverse. The most popular form was and remains P-shaped, in the form of a bracket, which is fixed vertically. If there is still a need to limit access to the room, the roller latch from the inside of the room is mounted on the sash. The photo shows the stationary view of the fittings on the interior door.

How to independently disassemble the door handle of the interior door

  • Purpose - the mechanism is somewhat more complicated. The presence of a faual latch requires cut into the door cloth and the formation of the corresponding groove in the box. At the time of pressing the spring, the latch retracts and the door opens. When the handle is free, the latch is in the extended state, and the sash can simply shut. This method provides a more dense fitting of the sash to the frame, which means there is a higher sound and thermal insulation of the room.

The mechanism provides for an emergency opening: A slot is located on the front side, which allows you to open a locked sash with a screwdriver or other flat item.

Pressures are divided into two categories.

  • With a solid lining-Palet - mounted through the lock. Attention should be paid to the axial rod, on which accessories dresses - it should be equal to the thickness of the door canvase. The length of the element can be corrected. In case of breakdown, you need to change the entire mechanism. The photo shows a sample.
  • With separate lining - is installed with or without lock. It matters only the size of the lining and the magnitude of the key opening.

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How to independently disassemble the door handle of the interior door

  • Nobies - Round shape knobs are a type of pressure, but can also be known called swivels. The action is similar, but to open the sash you need to turn the Nob. Typically, the mechanism is supplied with a locking button, pressing which allows you to rotate the ball on the other side of the interior door and open it. For emergency breaking, a slot is also provided with the front side of the device. In the photo - installed on the interior door handle-nob.

How to independently disassemble the door handle of the interior door

How to disassemble a stationary door handle

Since its structure is the simplest, then the breakdowns associated with stationary fittings arise rarely. As a rule, the need to disassemble the handle occurs when the owner wants to change outdated or inappropriate model design. In this case, the actions are very simple: screwdriver with a flat end is unscrewed and the knob is removed.

How to independently disassemble the door handle of the interior door

A variant is possible when the accessories on both sides of the door is installed on the overall axial rod. It is checked like this: the handle is held on the one hand, and with the opposite turns against a clockwise arrow. If the fragment is unscrewed, then the accessories are rod. You just need to gently unscrew the first fragment, and then take out the second door.

How to independently disassemble the door handle of the interior door

How to disassemble a handle

In this case, it will take a few more time, as it is known in advance that both fragments of accessories are connected by one rod.

  1. Screwdriver remove screws holding the lining. Pallet is removed.
  2. You should explore the four-mounted rod. In some models, the axial element and accessories are additionally supplied with a fixing rod with a hat. If it is so, then the holding element is removed, and the accessories easily unscrewed from the axis.
  3. The second fragment is removed from the canvas with the axial rod. It should be previously removed the second lining.

How to independently disassemble the door handle of the interior door

How to disassemble round fittings

The sequence of actions is almost the same. To disassemble the mechanism, a flat screwdriver will be required and an emphasis key included in the lock kit. If the key is absent, any other object is suitable with a thin edge.

  1. From the side where the Nob is without a key - simply swivel, the screwdriver comes with a screwdriver and the lining is removed.
  2. Nob fixes the mechanism stopper. In order to disassemble the accessories, you should hold the lock with a key or other subject with a thin end, and remove the freed fragment.
  3. With a screwdriver, both fragments of fittings with the front and end side of the canvase are removed.
  4. Shipping screws that hold the faleva latch and the mechanism is removed.

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On the video about how to disassemble the door handle is described in more detail.

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