Kashpo for flowers do it yourself for beginners with photos and video


Practically in every house on the windowsill, shelves, the shelves grow flowers. As a rule, they grow in ordinary pots. But such ordinary things can easily turn into interesting design ideas and decorate the interior. You can create an incredible beauty of kashpo for flowers with your own hands. When they are created, fantasy will be the best assistant. If there is a garden or cottage, then kashpo with flowers will be an integral part of the design. With their help, the usual flowerite can be turned into a magical story of a fairy tale.

Wicker caspo

Wicker wicker porridge looks. Weaving is carried out in the Macrame technique. Use such kashpo to hang pots in them with flowers. An excellent output, if there is a lot of colors, and there is no place to put them. Thus, wicker caspo will not only decorate the house, but also help to place flowers, saving space.

Kashpo for flowers do it yourself for beginners with photos and video

Kashpo for flowers do it yourself for beginners with photos and video

To create beautiful caspo, it is necessary to explore the weaving of the simplest nodules. Using the schemes below, you can learn the basics (the same left flat, single right flat, square and other nodes). Knowing the technique of their manufacture, you can weave quite charming porridge. They can be made of special threads of Macrame, nylon ropes, twine, hemp.

Kashpo for flowers do it yourself for beginners with photos and video

Kashpo for flowers do it yourself for beginners with photos and video

The schemes are very clear for beginners, therefore, having learned to perform the basics for them, you can go to a more complex weaving.

The easiest and most affordable way is like for weaving porridge from the rope. It is a binding of knitted nylon ropes with each other with nodes. To make such a chest, do not need special skills. And although this technique is the simplest, looks like such products very stylish.

When using contrast of textural coarse rope in combination with delicate colors, the porridge will be very attractive. If you combine a coarse rope and a large flower with powerful leaves, then a feeling of the majestic plant will be created.

Cashpo from multicolored knitted ropes will dilute the interior with bright colors and raise the mood.

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Kashpo for flowers do it yourself for beginners with photos and video

Kashpo for flowers do it yourself for beginners with photos and video

No less attractive are kashpo kashpo. An ordinary flower pot is easily redrawing to reorganize, riding it in openwork viscous. Knitted patterns also look great. From such kashpo, it makes warm and homely comfort.

Kashpo for flowers do it yourself for beginners with photos and video

Kashpo for flowers do it yourself for beginners with photos and video

Ethnic motifs

Very stylish will be pots decorated in ethnothel. Natural materials will perfectly fit in almost any interior. If weaning from the twine pigtail and wind around the flower pot, then it will become much nice and original. You can wind up a stretch of twine pot, creating the background, and lay out on top of interesting monograms, ornaments or glue dry flowers, coffee beans.

From the twine, it is also not bad for baskets, inside which can be placed a flower pot. The simplicity of this material is surprisingly attractive and beautiful.

Kashpo for flowers do it yourself for beginners with photos and video

Kashpo for flowers do it yourself for beginners with photos and video

For the decor of the room, kashpo is wonderfully suitable in the form of a basket. You can make them from newspaper tubes. This technique of weaving baskets has long been known. This material perfectly imitates the vine from which to weave them. Old newspapers, cooked glue, twisted into the tube and paint the color of the vine or the willow branches. Depending on the width of the tubes, the cascaps look differently.

But weaving from newspapers, reminiscent of basket weaving, can also be used to decorate flower pots. Cachepo with flowers in the basket will especially well look at the kitchen. They can be painted in natural colors and covered with varnish. And you can apply images in the technique of decoupage. It will look for such a decor very original.

Kashpo for flowers do it yourself for beginners with photos and video

Kashpo for flowers do it yourself for beginners with photos and video

Another interesting kashpo will be a bicycle woven from newspaper tubes. Or can it be made of wire or cardboard and wrapped with twine. Such an original idea looks amazing.

Kashpo for flowers do it yourself for beginners with photos and video

Kashpo for flowers do it yourself for beginners with photos and video

In the country area, a bicycle adapted by the stand under flowers will become an object that will attract attention. It looks like installing original and very cute.

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Kashpo for flowers do it yourself for beginners with photos and video

Kashpo for flowers do it yourself for beginners with photos and video

Cashpot from cement

Very original kashpo are obtained from cement. They are more suitable for the garden, because they have a lot of weight. The advantage of such caspo is durability. From cement, you can make many interesting elements of landscape design.

It will be wonderful to look at the garden plot of Kashpo in the form of hands, which seemed to have thrown a handful of colors.

For their manufacture, we need rubber gloves and cement. The gloves are filled with cement, tie from above and laid in the ground so that they take the right shape and frozen. Then the gloves are removed, and in the resulting shape plant small plants, such as a stone rose.

Kashpo for flowers do it yourself for beginners with photos and video

Creating a cement porridge, it will be where fantasies will get roaring. The material allows you to produce any bizarre forms and implement interesting ideas. Flowers in cement kashpo will reveal their beauty in a new way.

Kashpo for flowers do it yourself for beginners with photos and video

Kashpo for flowers do it yourself for beginners with photos and video

Another way to produce cascaps with cement is abundant impregnation with a solution with a solution of tissue and forming a form for flowers from it. Such porridges from cement and tissue are tremendous beautiful. They can be left in original form or paint.

Kashpo for flowers do it yourself for beginners with photos and video

Kashpo for flowers do it yourself for beginners with photos and video

It looks wonderful painting with smooth flower transitions.

Kashpo for flowers do it yourself for beginners with photos and video

Kashpo for flowers do it yourself for beginners with photos and video

The form of such a chest can be given absolutely any. For the manufacture you need to make a simple support from a bar and a sustainable base. Then on the support upside down the desired form is put on. It can be a flower pot, a bucket, a pelvis, a square plastic box, a bank or any other object that is suitable for planting in it colors. Further, the form turns into a film and is covered with a cloth impregnated with cement.

So that the chest opens is beautiful, the fabric on the form you need to immediately straighten, carefully distribute the waves of the fabric, to form the future of Caspo. After soaring cement, the fabric is removed from the form along with the film. Now in Kashpo, you can plant flowers. The photo shows the stages of the manufacture of pots of fabric and cement.

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Kashpo for flowers do it yourself for beginners with photos and video

Kashpo for flowers do it yourself for beginners with photos and video

Video on the topic

In the video, it is clearly shown how such wonderful types of cope are being created.

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