Stencil for Paul - Moroccan Pattern


Stencil for Paul - Moroccan Pattern

Hello, dear friends! Wooden floors add comfort and comfort to our homes, and if they are still decorated with stencil, then the impression is much more stronger. You can decorate your field in Moroccan style using stencils offered by me.

Stencil for Paul - Moroccan Pattern

At the moment, the use of stencils for the floor decor is gaining momentum in the West and I think that in the very near future we will also have interesting ideas on this topic. In the meantime, we will be inspired by this Moroccan pattern, which will bring some exotic on your floor, and maybe the wall as it will be more convenient.

Stencil for Paul - Moroccan Pattern

Use the best plastic basis on which the pattern pre-applied with a marker is cut. Ideally, of course, the pattern is better cutting the plotter, especially since the floor you decorate not for one day.

The pattern is rolled by the roller, the color is selected coal gray, but you can choose at your discretion. Acrylic paint - it dries quickly and does not smell.

Stencil for Paul - Moroccan Pattern

After the flooring section "Holor" transfix the film with a stencil to the next section and repeat the entire sequence of work.

Stencil for Paul - Moroccan Pattern

As a result of working with a stencil, your floor will become so beautiful. But that's not all!

Stencil for Paul - Moroccan Pattern

By the idea, in the middle of the pattern there should be a white asterisk, here we will "prescribe" the final stage.

Stencil for Paul - Moroccan Pattern

At the end of work it is recommended to protect with a transparent polymer finish coating, can be lacquer, but it is very toxic.

Stencil for Paul - Moroccan Pattern

See how you can decorate an ordinary wooden floor! The space under his feet gives truly large space for creativity, besides, working with a stencil on the floor is much more convenient than on the wall.

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