[Creativity at home] Pickups for curtains with their own hands [Tips and photos]


Curtains are an integral part of almost any interior and independently serve as an excellent decoration, and the pickups for the curtains will be able to add the premises a more finished look and make notes accuracy.

[Creativity at home] Pickups for curtains with their own hands [Tips and photos]

Purpose of garters for curtains

This accessory is not only a beautiful, but also a very useful decor element, never leaving trends. It is able to perform several functions at the same time:

  1. Helps to adjust lighting at your own request.
  2. If necessary, hides the curtains formed on the canvas.
  3. Eliminates visual disadvantages of the window and windowsill.
  4. And simply is a good decoration that gives the interior with a complete image.
[Creativity at home] Pickups for curtains with their own hands [Tips and photos]

The main purpose of pickups is the ability to fix the curtains in such a way that the desired amount of light from the window reaches the room.

Fastening suspensions

If you simply collect the chart with pickups, it will have an inaccurate appearance and look shamelessly, therefore it follows a separate attention to pay the proper fixation of the suspensions.

[Creativity at home] Pickups for curtains with their own hands [Tips and photos]

Often, this is done using an ordinary hook attached to the wall surface. Pickages are attached in different places, which affects not only the appearance of the curtains itself, but also on the overall perception of the room.

Place of fixing the curtain helps to create the following visual effects:

  • In the middle. Such an option is the most common, it creates a visual elongation of the opening of the window.
  • Below the middle. In this case, the hook is placed in the place of 1/3 of the floor. This option is used if you want to hide disfects of window sills.
  • Above the middle. A less popular option, visually lengthetic curtain with a window and an elevator ceiling. The hook is fixed in 1/3 of the ceiling.

For hooks, the suspensions cling to tapes or small loop, and the hold of the curtain is performed using their tie or hooks / magnets.

Note! You should not immediately mount the hook in the wall, you should first consider all the options and see which of the cases is more relevant to your room.

[Creativity at home] Pickups for curtains with their own hands [Tips and photos]

Ideas for registration

Such accessories are created based on how they are attached in the future and for which curtains are intended. There is a fairly common rule that it says: the more expensive it looks like, the easier it is necessary to use pickup or vice versa - the more simpler the curtains, the more interesting it is necessary to pick up the garter.

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[Creativity at home] Pickups for curtains with their own hands [Tips and photos]

For all the time they came up with a numerous number of pickup models. They are created in various ways. Some encourage them with crochet or knitting needles, the second weaves from decorative tapes and shoelaces, and the third is completely cut out of the tree.

It is not worth limiting in creativity, any of your idea can make the room more unique. To decorate the accessory, it is customary to use different butchers, beads, chains or stones. Garters with boots of artificial colors are perfectly looking.

[Creativity at home] Pickups for curtains with their own hands [Tips and photos]

Selection of material for suspension and the process of their manufacture

Select the material for the retainer should be pushing out of which the curtain is made. If the curtain is represented as light textiles, the garter should be made from sophisticated simple materials. Thicker and severe types of fabrics are beautifully complemented by the suspensions in the form of cords with brushes.

[Creativity at home] Pickups for curtains with their own hands [Tips and photos]

The suspension is sewn or manually, but it is pre-pick up the material and make a pattern. The latter is two strips of 10 centimeters wide, and 25 centimeters long. Then the ribbons are applied to each other with the front side and the line is made on them, leaving a hole for pulling off the inside.

[Creativity at home] Pickups for curtains with their own hands [Tips and photos]

21 idea pickups for curtains that will decorate your home (1 video)

Pickages for curtains with their own hands (8 photos)

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