New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo


The new year is the time when you create magic with your own hands for relatives and loved ones. And the main participant is a Christmas tree. And what could be better than creating new year decorations with your own hands for green beauty? And in this article we will help you how to do it.

Photoshosharics are an interesting idea of ​​hand-maid as a Christmas tree decoration. All you need is to print photos from the past New Year and put them inside the transparent ball. Add some artificial snowflakes inside and top tying a ribbon.

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

Toys can be knitted or crocheted. Let's look at several master classes for knitting New Year's toys.

Knit Christmas balls according to the following scheme:

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

Knit on 5 stocking spokes. At each needle, we recruit three loops of stocking knitting. On each second row at the beginning and at the end of the row. The disbuting of the loops occurs also in every second row. Very nice and festively overlook the toys associated with jacquard or navergasque patterns. You can link one-photo balls. In this case, they can be decorated with beads or embroidery. Make them with nominal, namely to embed the initials of the family or the names of all family members.

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

There is another pretty simple way to tie a New Year's ball, but it will be extremely unusual.

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

Conventional backed knitting parallelogram. We add a loop at the beginning of a row in each second row and at the end of the same row we reduce one loop. The loop was offered and you can change the thread. Knit so to the size you need.

Next, two narrow sides need to sew. The bottom is tightened and stitch too, fill in any filler. After stitching the top. Decorate this toy or not - to solve you. It all depends on your desire and opportunities.

Article on the topic: Stands under the crochet circles. Schemes

Related crochet balls come out more interesting.

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

More detailed master class We offer to look at the following selection of video:

You can still cover the glass balls with a crochet. This will secure your toys, and give them some elegance and sophistication.

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

To do this, use yaris yarn and hook for 1.5 number.

Such yarn is tied by large balls. If you have small balls, then you should take the yarn of the fond.

Below is a pair of schemes as it can be done.

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

Slightly cut the process of knitting.

Tie 2 parts by the selected scheme.

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

By taking the second half, namely the last row, connect with the first part. But insert the ball inside before connecting.

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

And here is a couple of ideas of strapping balls, but with beads.

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

Here is one scheme for a similar pattern:

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

Knit pattern according to the scheme. The final row is completing with chains from air loops and put on beads. To bind a bead, you need to take a thin hook, put a bead on it, to make a long loop enough in the chain and stretch it with a hook through a bead and continue knitting further.

Several paper ideas

Another interesting technique for making toys is a papier-mache. This method is not simple, but quite interesting. Moreover, you can call for help your loved ones. For children, it will be quite fascinating and informative. Create funny animals and balls with paper and glue.

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

You can also make toys in the form of a mushroom, donut or cake.

We offer you a selection of video:

Origami toys are the easiest way to decor the room. Paper is available to everyone and each, and the process is very diverse, it is not necessary to miss. Paper products can be arranged in the garland and hang both on the wall and on the Christmas tree.

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New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

You can make stars. Try to make different colors and shapes. The technique of folding is the same, just change the size of the sheet with a smaller for more. How to do this, shown in the photo below:

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

In the end, such cute stars will come out:

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

Modular elements:

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

According to such a scheme:

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

Here are some more options:

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

Look a selection of video.

Paper technician

From paper you can still make toys in a quilling technique. And to be quite simple, buy ready-made sets in the store and start creating.

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

To make the crafts to be beautiful, you need to practice a little bit in the "rolls of rolls". Try to repeat a pair of provided in the photo below:

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

And now it remains to connect them among themselves. And how to do it, your fantasy will tell. We will only tell me several options:

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

Look more selection of video:

Very interesting technique in the style of Kanzashi. To make such a toy, you need to work with ribbons. The products come out very cute, unusual and at the same time very refined and original. And most importantly - they are very difficult to break or damage.

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

For the basis of the ball, you can take a plastic product of a circular shape or foam. You can also have a typical Christmas ball, silk or satin cuts from ribbons of different colors and width.

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

Here are some master classes in a selection of video:

Shischny toys

Making toys from cones - a pleasure. The material literally lies under the legs and practically no cost. All you need to do it is to paint, sprinkle with a semit, glue beads, make a toopiary. You can add a couple of matches and come out funny animals.

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

This natural material can be used for the decor of your room.

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

And notice that such toys and decorations for the decor will serve you for a very long time and as much as possible create an atmosphere of the holiday.

Article on the topic: Bright blankets from yarn residues

Fabric decorations

To sew a toy from the felt, you need to make a pattern and fill it inside with foam rubber or syntheps. Also suitable old flaps of fabrics. Elements of the decor of such decoration select exclusively at your discretion. You can paint, embroider initials, sew beads or beads, etc.

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

Here is a pair of outlets. You need to print and attach to fabric.

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

Beautiful decor bottles

A beautiful attribute on the eve of the holiday will be the design of the bottle in the New Year style. It will not only decorate the festive table, but also add some intrigue, because the contents of the bottle can be replaced than even more surprising guests. Now about the design of the bottle.

Before decorated, you need to remove all the labels and wash the bottle. Now you can proceed to the deceor. The easiest and easiest way to decorate is with the help of glue in the syringe to apply a pattern on a bottle and sprinkle on top of a semi. The dried figure will remind others.

The second option is a decoupage. On a pre-cleaned bottle, you need to apply a good primer layer (in our case, it is paint or glue). Next, we take a table napkin with a pattern and remove the topmost layer. Glue napkin on a bottle with glue and water (in proportion 1: 1). Fingers smoothed irregularities. Wait until it dries, and process the drawing with varnish.

New Year's decorations with your hands on the Christmas tree and on a bottle with a photo

This article contains only a small selection of methods for making Christmas toys, but we hope that it helped you in the decoration of your home.

Video on the topic

We offer to see a few videos:

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