Wedding champagne with her hands with photos and video


The wedding is one of the most solemn events in life, so each bride wants the celebration to be perfect. No exception and wedding table. The two bottles of champagne, which on this day do not open, and remain with the newlyweds to the next memorable events - the first anniversary of the wedding and the birth of the first baby. You can decorate the wedding champagne with your own hands for every taste and wallet. The main thing is that they complement the decor of the table, and when it comes to open them - everyone also pleased the eyes.

Wedding champagne with her hands with photos and video

Centers of celebration

One of the most common options for design is champagne, symbolizing the bride and groom. Bottles for this dressing in a fracture and wedding dress. Not real, of course, symbolic.

To prepare the bottles, you need to rejuvenate all the labels with them, leaving only the foil on the neck. Materials will suit any - fabric, ribbons, rhinestones, beads, pearls, etc. From the tools are required scissors and a glue gun. The rest depends on the design option.

Wedding champagne with her hands with photos and video

Dress and fracture can be sewn separately and tighten on a bottle of champagne. It is important here that they are not going to be folded and closed the entire surface of the glass. Materials can be any fabric from organza to felt. It is especially symbolic to the veil, and a bottle-fiance can make a hat-cylinder.

Wedding champagne with her hands with photos and video

Wedding champagne with her hands with photos and video

Gently and beautiful it turns out out the ribbons. In this case, the costumes will definitely be at the time and, if necessary, you can make a couple of ribbons, so that the entire surface is closed. To make a groom's bottle, you need to make a collar from the tapes:

Wedding champagne with her hands with photos and video

Wedding champagne with her hands with photos and video

Not excessive tie:

Wedding champagne with her hands with photos and video

Next, paste a few tapes of the mustache to make a shirt:

Wedding champagne with her hands with photos and video

Then make a fracture from the tapes. Color gamma at will. The second half of the bottle can be glued at the bottom of it, but wielding with a wide ribbon. Complete the decoration by rhinestones imitating buttons, as well as a symbolic handkerchief or boutonniere.

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The outfit of the bride is performed in a similar way. The top is glued from short ribbons, only the collar is not necessary. The bottom can be enclosed with a wide ribbon and lace or also a narrow ribbon to reach the bottom of the bottle.

Wedding champagne with her hands with photos and video

It is advisable to make a magnificent skirt, for example, from organza. Decorate her at will.

Wedding champagne with her hands with photos and video

Well, Fata:

Wedding champagne with her hands with photos and video

Beautiful decoration with ribbons:

Decor capabilities

Elegantly and sophisticated the bottles of champagne, decorated with decoupage technique. For example, a decoupage in Kanzashi technique when bottles are decorated with flowers from ribbons. To make a bottle to clean from the labels. Under the most cover, stick the tape, the entire bend of the bottle is gluing with ribbons of diagonal. Strip down with a wide ribbon, but not necessarily. You can simply paint with a white primer for glass and stick a decoupan napkin. Decorate the bottles of canzashi flowers, beads, rhinestones, etc.

Wedding champagne with her hands with photos and video

Wedding champagne with her hands with photos and video

You can do without colors using only decoupage technique. Here, in addition to the thermal stake, you may need PVA glue. Master class of decoration of wedding bottles of champagne in the technique of decoupage:

Wedding champagne with her hands with photos and video

Materials and tools:

  • Bottles of champagne;
  • decoupage napkin, card or motive;
  • acrylic paints;
  • acrylic lacquer;
  • sponge;
  • satin ribbon;
  • Rhinestones, semi-grayscakes, pearls - at will.

Clear bottles from labels. White acrylic paint paint a bottle of 2 layers. You can use white primer on glass. Well dry.

Wedding champagne with her hands with photos and video

Paint with varnish.

Apply a motive, straightening from the center to the edges.

Wedding champagne with her hands with photos and video

Open with varnish. The edges of the drawing slightly tinted with a sponge and paint so that it turns out a smooth transition to the image.

Open with varnish. Decorate with rhinestones, beads, contours, ribbons at will.

Wedding champagne with her hands with photos and video

Wedding champagne with her hands with photos and video

With photos of newlyweds

This design looks original and unusual. For decoration you need to print two photos of newlyweds on fine paper. This can be done in any photo sealing or at home if there is a color printer. Next, arrange a decoupage in the technique.

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Wedding champagne with her hands with photos and video

Also in the photo sealing you can order special labels on champagne. This design is easiest to make it easier. Out the old labels, glue new, if you wish, add decoration with ribbons, colors.

Wedding champagne with her hands with photos and video

Wedding champagne with her hands with photos and video

Original solutions

It is interesting to decorate from polymer clay. It is not necessary to do it yourself, for sale ready-made elements. Bottles are pre-laundering from labels, paint paint (you can use aerosol), glue the decorations made of polymer clay, beads, ribbons. Examples of design in the photo:

Wedding champagne with her hands with photos and video

Wedding champagne with her hands with photos and video

Wedding champagne with her hands with photos and video

Very nice and sophisticated, bottles decorated with engraving. But the work is quite complicated. Without certain skills, it is better not to be taken for it, but ask for help professionals.

Wedding champagne with her hands with photos and video

Wedding champagne with her hands with photos and video

Video on the topic

Several lessons on the design of the video:

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