Repair of wooden windows with windows with their own hands (photo and video)



Protect the room from external influences allow windows. However, over time, the windows of the tree come into disrepair. In this case, the repair of wooden windows will help. There are several options for solving the task:

  1. Call for help to professionals.
  2. Independently carry out repair work.

Repair of wooden windows with windows with their own hands (photo and video)

Wooden windows, not only the most environmentally friendly, but also look beautiful.

Each of these options has several advantages and disadvantages. In the first case, you save time and strength, get beautiful windows and spend a certain amount of money. In the second, you get acquainted with the technology of work, buy the necessary equipment and materials, i.e. Temporary costs increase, and cash is reduced. If you decide to make the repair of wooden windows with your own hands, then you have to be patient.


Repair of wooden windows with windows with their own hands (photo and video)

Restoration of old windows (if it is certainly possible) will cost you several times cheaper than installing new ones.

Carefully appreciate, in what condition the old windows are located, are there any defects. Depending on the overall picture, you decide whether the replacement of glasses and overhaul of the RAM or is needed only painting. As a rule, the older the windows, the greater the flaws. Not always painting can save the situation. Make the estimate, determined with the scope of work. The final amount will put the final point in reflections on the topic of economic validity of this restoration. If the amount on the repair of old windows is comparable to the price of a new plastic or wooden windows, then the yield is obvious. Note that if you have a window of non-standard sizes, then in the manufacture of the price of it will be significantly higher.

The restoration of wooden windows is an affordable and real way to put them in order and significantly save.

Repair of wooden windows with windows with their own hands (photo and video)

Building tools: construction hairdryer, spatulas set, grinding machine, hammer, chisels, mites, pliers, pennored knife, wood-hacksaw, tassels.

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To restore the pristine appearance, you will need:

  • Room hairdryer;
  • set of spatulas;
  • grinder machine;
  • set of grinding circles;
  • hammer, chisel, ticks, pliers and pennants;
  • primer deep penetration;
  • Electrolovka or tree knife;
  • Morid or paint on a tree;
  • Tassels;
  • strokes and nails (up to 20 mm);
  • Yacht varnish;
  • molar tape;
  • Accessories (spivelights and handles);
  • Glasses (if you do not plan to use old);
  • Sealer.

If you do not have the necessary equipment, you can ask for friends or rent. It all depends on the rental price and time, sometimes it turns out it is more profitable to buy. In any case, the choice is yours. In addition, you need to calculate, in what quantity you need certain materials. It all depends on the volume of work and state.

Prepare workspace. Remove the curtains, remove the carpet, cover the furniture by protective web. The work is dirty and dusty and perform it better in gloves and protective glasses. Better repair of old wooden windows to produce in the country or in the garage, or in a separate room.

Salvation operation

Repair of wooden windows with windows with their own hands (photo and video)

All accessories are removed extremely careful not to damage the frame.

Repair of wooden windows requires time and patience, but the results will exceed all expectations. Start the implementation of the intended. First, old wooden windows need to be dismantled. It is necessary to remove the frame as inner and external. Unscrew the loops and carefully remove the outer frame, you can simply remove the inner.

Do not damage the wood. Remove the sash with the loops, neatly tapping the chisel. Old wooden windows need to be released from all the fittings. You need to do it carefully, do not donate it with "meat".

Then remove the old putty and the headquarters, use the knife. Watch the glass so that it does not fall and did not break. Push the tongs and pliers pull the nails, the frame is better to arrange in a horizontal position. Now you can remove the glass, gently fold them. If they are in poor condition, you can buy new ones. As a rule, it includes cutting on your size.

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Repair of wooden windows with windows with their own hands (photo and video)

Before using a hairdryer to remove old paint, you need to remove the glass.

You can get rid of old paint using a hairdryer and spatula. A rather laborious process, if there are many layers. (Previously, painting was carried out almost every year and did not always prepare the surface to this procedure.) Do not use the hair dryer next to the glass, it can burst. Hot air affects the paint, it softens and swells. It can be easily removed by a small spatula. Remember that every 10 minutes, the hairdryer must turn off and cool (about 5 minutes). Observing this requirement, you will extend the service life.

Repair of wooden windows with windows with their own hands (photo and video)

Squares and cracks on the frame close up with putty and squeak.

Start repairing old windows can be when all the paint is removed. Sand the surface of the sandpaper and remove the dust dry brush. Ground deep penetration process the frame. When everything dries, take up deep slits and problem areas, treat them with a coarse-grained putty for external work. After that, sand the surface and treat the soil. Now you can proceed to the finishing putty processing. Keep it will be about a day. Using fine-grained skins, pollize the surface. Remove dust. Start the frame once again. Check out as much exactly, if there are some irregularities, then eliminate them.

Latest strokes

Repair of wooden windows with windows with their own hands (photo and video)

On the perimeter of the frame, on the installation site of the glass, we apply silicone sealant.

Old glasses must be put in order. Clean them from old paint and other contaminants. Wash them well and return to your previous place. Use silicone sealant, apply it to the glazing border. In order not to blur glass, you need to act carefully.

After the sealant starts to act, you can nourish the strokes. Pre-drill holes in them so that when driving the nail there is no crack. Repair and insulation of wooden windows must be combined so that they qualitatively performed their functions.

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Repair of wooden windows with windows with their own hands (photo and video)

There is also a sealant on the strokes, and you feed them with cloves to the frame, fixing the glass.

For additional heat insulation, the strokes can be glued to the sealant. With the help of the chisels, they are cut in corners under 45 degrees. When forming small slots, treat them with a coarse-grained putty. Fix the strokes along the edges and in the center of small carnations.

Treat frame, special composition that protects it from parasites and mold. Glasses stuck with painting ribbon. Ahead of the responsible stage - painting windows. Mobile windows from two sides at least 2 times. Use better glossy paint, it is well wash. After 2 days, you can put the frames back (after installing the window fittings). If you plan to use the veil, and not paint, then after it drying the surface you need to cover with varnish. Before applying, remove dust. The frame is lacquered, after drying, it is spoiled with a leather with a grainy of 150.

A new fittings are installed (spivelights, knobs, etc.), the seal is glued, loops are lubricated. If there is a need to replace the concrete windowsill wooden and arrange it in the same color scheme. Restoration gives a new life with old windows, and they become a real decoration of the room.

Repair of wooden windows with windows with their own hands (photo and video)

Repair of wooden windows with windows with their own hands (photo and video)

Repair of wooden windows with windows with their own hands (photo and video)

Repair of wooden windows with windows with their own hands (photo and video)

Repair of wooden windows with windows with their own hands (photo and video)

Repair of wooden windows with windows with their own hands (photo and video)

Repair of wooden windows with windows with their own hands (photo and video)

Repair of wooden windows with windows with their own hands (photo and video)

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