Wedding decoration with your hands from beads with photos


Wedding is a very joyful and solemn event. And at the same time such a scope for creativity! It is necessary to think through every trifle, ranging from the invitation and ending with the decoration of the hall. Wedding decoration with your own hands do quite easily. For example, jewelry for the bride and groom, hall, newlyweds, photocons, cars. With minimal cost, the original and beautiful things will turn out.

Wedding decoration with your hands from beads with photos

For newlyweds

For the bride, you can make a necklace, earrings, bracelet, garter, hair decoration, wedding bouquet, etc. And for the groom - boutonniere. Consider more about how to do them.

Bridesmaid decorations can be made of beads, gems, pearls, fabrics, feathers, fur, etc. It is desirable that they combine well with each other, created the impression of a whole.

Possible options in the photo:

Wedding decoration with your hands from beads with photos

Wedding decoration with your hands from beads with photos

Master class on creating a wedding necklace of polymer clay:

What bride will cost without garter? Of course there are no such. Meanwhile, make it quite simple from ribbons, lace, fabric. With minimal cost and effort, very cute, tender things are obtained:

Wedding decoration with your hands from beads with photos

Wedding decoration with your hands from beads with photos

On the head of the bride puts on veil. It may take a rim or wreath. Also, the hair can be decorated with a diadem, crown, crest, hoop, studs, hairpins, flowers. You can use hats, veils, scarves, dressings. Add to the image of the highlight and decorate the hairstyle will help the decoration on the forehead - Feroner, Tika, Lalant.

Wedding decoration with your hands from beads with photos

Wedding decoration with your hands from beads with photos

Master class on creating hair decoration on video:

And what wedding bouquets are getting! In this case, there may be completely unusual solutions - a bouquet of fruit or a huge rose. Brooches or balls from ribbons were also great popularity. Such bouquets will remain in memory.

Ideas for creativity:

Article on the topic: Pillowcase scheme Crochet for beginners with description and video

Wedding decoration with your hands from beads with photos

Wedding decoration with your hands from beads with photos

Wedding decoration with your hands from beads with photos

Lesson for the creation of a bouquet:

The bride was dressed up, but what about the groom? For a man, there will be no so many jewelry, but the beautiful boutonniere should be! Depending on the image, the groom and the bride, the wedding style for its creation you can use corrugated paper, ribbons, lace, beads, pearls, beads.

Wedding decoration with your hands from beads with photos

Master class on the manufacture of boutonniere groom from ribbons:

For table

The table can be decorated with an embroidered tablecloth, an unusual composition, candles, glasses. Of course, we need a wedding champagne, which remains with the newlyweds before the first anniversary and the birth of the first child. As decoration bottles there may be symbolic outfits of the bride and groom from ribbons, fabrics, paper. Examples of champagne decoration:

Wedding decoration with your hands from beads with photos

Wedding decoration with your hands from beads with photos

Decoration of wedding champagne and glasses step by step:

In the center of the table is usually a wedding composition. Creating one of them Look at the video:

Candles in unusual candlesticks, as well as floating in wide transparent vases with flowers, harmoniously fit into the decoration of newlyweds. Do not forget for symbolic family hearth.

Wedding decoration with your hands from beads with photos

And this is a master class on the decoration of wedding candles:

For photocons

This is a relatively new trend - the creation of a separate photo model at the wedding, but already won love and recognition. To decorate the photocona, you can simply pull the big banner with the inscription or photo of the bride and groom. You can order it in any photo sealing, and come up with an external design yourself. It looks unusually a stylist board, where every guest can leave his wish young.

A more traditional option is a floral wall. Looks very bright and festive. Flowers can be both alive and made of paper. A more unusual option is a wall covered with greens and moss.

Flowers or hearts can hang from a garland ceiling. Instead, you can use multi-colored ribbons.

Beautifully looking suspended frames from paintings. Arches and compositions from the balls can also be used as an ornament of photowons. Several photo ideas for creativity:

Article on the topic: Painting with acrylic paints on glass: Master class for beginners with photos

Wedding decoration with your hands from beads with photos

Wedding decoration with your hands from beads with photos

Wedding decoration with your hands from beads with photos

Master class on creating wedding photowons:

For the car

To decorate the car, you can use a combination of various textures and materials. Often use ribbons, organza, atlas. Machine decorated with flowers, bows, hearts, rings, balls.

An unusual solution can be painting a car. To do this, you can draw any drawing, make any inscription. A large range of lightweight paints allows you to paint even the whole car if desired. The only drawback is paint easily with rain. Therefore, this option is suitable only for good weather. If you do not know how to draw, a set of stencils will help. They can be made independently. It is enough to print on ordinary paper drawing, stick to cardboard and cut through the contour.

Options for decoration in the photo:

Wedding decoration with your hands from beads with photos

Wedding decoration with your hands from beads with photos

Wedding decoration with your hands from beads with photos

Video on the topic

Master classes on the decoration of the car on video:

Video lesson for the creation of garter:

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