What should be in each bedroom: Feng Shui laws that act


A long-time practice called Feng Shui states that the arrangement of residential premises is playing a major role in our lives. One of the most interesting places in the house according to Chinese wisdom is the bedroom.

What should be in each bedroom: Feng Shui laws that act

Although it is not so often visited as a kitchen, in it a person spends about a third of his life. Throughout sleep, a person rests from the experience of situations and recruited energy.

Therefore, the arrangement of the bedroom has a great influence on the quality of our sleep. Let's consider working laws Feng Shui, which will help us improve not only sleep, but also life in general.

Select room

Many people face the issue of the bedroom arrangement at the entrance stage to a new home or apartment, which means they have a full opportunity to choose any of the premises for it.

What should be in each bedroom: Feng Shui laws that act

Getting to choosing a bedroom room follows from the side of the horizon. There are several proven areas:

  1. North . The room in the northern direction will allow not only to inhale new energy into sex life with your partner, but also to simply establish relationships.
  2. West . It is recommended to choose to people who have lost romance in life, the room in the western part of the house will allow them to return it.
  3. Northwest. It is well suited to family people who want to maintain stability in their relationships and want to bring them to a completely new level.

Note! Other directions in the house remain acceptable and other areas, but they contribute to a relaxed atmosphere and relaxing to a much lesser extent than the aforementioned.

Bedroom in Yin and Yan style

This law is directly related to the choice of color gamut. . It is believed that in the bedroom it is necessary to use traditional pastel shades, but this opinion is not entirely correct.

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What should be in each bedroom: Feng Shui laws that act

First of all, the bedroom must be done under itself and listen to the inner voice. There are two varieties of bedrooms that will be discussed below. Both are suitable for two different categories of people.

Style Yin

This style is acceptable for making people whose sleep is not disturbing. Those who sleep well and sleep without waking up in the middle of the night for inexplicable reasons, and the wreaking process is calm for them and does not cause discomfort.

What should be in each bedroom: Feng Shui laws that act

This style of the character of the palette from beige, golden, pink and peach shades . The bed is preferably acquired a round shape, and the rest of the furniture should not be round, then at least have rounded corners.

Lighting plays an important role in the setting. For a bedroom in a similar style, small lamps that have a light-pink or pale blue plane are ideal. They allow you to create a muffled light that promotes comfort.

Yan style

Such a kind of bedrooms for the most part will be useful to people who commemorate any violations associated with their sleep. For example, if a person is badly poured, it suffers difficulties with the rise from the bed every morning or simply sleeps.

For the Bedroom in the style of Yan, it is necessary to choose non-lass colors that they do not get into the eyes and do not distract attention. Blue, saturated green or burgundy shades fit well.

What should be in each bedroom: Feng Shui laws that act

Flow In this case, you should paint into one color with the walls of the room. To create a small contrast, it is permissible to choose different tones, drawing up the walls in a more intense shade than the ceiling.

Chief Bedroom Attribute - Bed

An integral object of furniture in each bedroom is the bed. It should be careful to her choice. An ideal option is always a wooden bed with a low and even headboard.

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What should be in each bedroom: Feng Shui laws that act

Did you know what you can not have in the bedroom? (1 video)

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