Ears Mickey Mouse do it yourself for a girl: photo caps


The famous Disney character Mickey Mouse conquered not one heart. Children and adults are glad to watch cartoons with his participation, suit costumed thematic parties. A distinctive feature of the hero are ears. To stop the character, you will need to buy a suit, and thanks to our article you can make the ears of Mickey Maus do it yourself.

Ears Mickey Mouse do it yourself for a girl: photo caps

Ears on hoop

The easiest option will be the use of hoop. Decide with the sizes of future ears. They should not be too big, since the high probability that they will not last for a long time in their place. But small, too, should not be done - they simply lose on a general background. The most optimal diameter is up to 15 cm.

Ears Mickey Mouse do it yourself for a girl: photo caps

Prepare material for work:

  • hoop, preferably black;
  • dense black fabric;
  • cardboard;
  • Sintepon or thin foam;
  • chalk;
  • glue;
  • compass;
  • scissors.

Let's start working:

First you need a template. Print the picture below.

Ears Mickey Mouse do it yourself for a girl: photo caps

Or with the help of a circulation on paper, draw two circles. Each circle at the bottom is adjustable - Dorisite small rectangles. They will be needed to secure parts on the rim.

Apply a template to fabric, shallow or pencil circuit circuit. Cut the item. Such circles will need to make four pieces. Next, from a synthetone or foam rubber, form two circles with a diameter for a couple of centimeters less than the detail of the fabric.

Put the sintepon to the part, cover the second half. Sew two parts for the typewriter exactly in a circle, not the assigger.

Ears Mickey Mouse do it yourself for a girl: photo caps

In order for the ears more dense, they kept the shape well, the cardboard between the fabric and syntheps is added.

Take the hoop. Determine the fastening locations. Ears should be placed symmetrically. If there is no black wrap, then it can be tentate with a marker or re-organize a black ribbon.

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Adhesive the free parts of the details and stick to the hoop.

Ears Mickey Mouse do it yourself for a girl: photo caps

If the accessory is done for the girl, finish it with a red bow. A chic bow will turn out of the red satin ribbon. Replace the ribbon is possibly conventional cloth of red. It is better if there is a red fabric with a white pea pattern.

Ears Mickey Mouse do it yourself for a girl: photo caps

Now boldly go to the holiday.

Knitted accessory

The second option is not a special difficulty, but there will be a hook skills. We offer to tie a hat for a child with the ears of Mickey Maus.

Ears Mickey Mouse do it yourself for a girl: photo caps

Choose the yarn depending on the time of the year for which the cap fit. Choose cotton for warm season, acrylic with wool - for winter.

To work, you will need:

  • black yarn;
  • a suitable hook;
  • Sintepon at will.

There are several options for the schemes, how to knit the headdress itself. Look at the following photos:

Ears Mickey Mouse do it yourself for a girl: photo caps

Ears Mickey Mouse do it yourself for a girl: photo caps

Work description:

  1. Tie two air hinges, connect them into the ring. Check seven columns without Caida (b / n).
  2. Make an increase in the amount of seven b / n columns.
  3. Next, knit two b / n columns into one loop of the previous row, one b / n column. Repeat alternation.
  4. Alternate two columns in one loop, a column, a column.
  5. From the fifth according to the ninth row, we make additions, while the distance between the additives increases by one b / n column. The photo of the first scheme is visible this process.
  6. From the tenth to the fourteenth row, add via the column through a row.
  7. In the fifteenth row, the last time is added b / n column. Distance between additives - 10 b / n columns.
  8. Knit without adding the required number of rows, depending on the head of the child. The last rows tie a thread of another color.
  9. The ears knit the following scheme:

Ears Mickey Mouse do it yourself for a girl: photo caps

Make four knitted parts.

  1. Finished parts are connected with each other, pre-placing between them not a large piece of syntheps. In this case, do not cross the parts to the end.
  2. Sew the finished ears to the hat for loose ends.
  3. For quite small kids, you additionally link the rusts so that the hat does not go.

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Hood finished, the child is ready for the holiday!

You can sew a cap of the fabric itself. To do this, measure the circumference of the child's head, count the length of the future cap. Transfer the size of the fabric, draw a semicircle. Do not forget to add points to the seams. Cut the details and sweep them among themselves. The description of the ears take from the first option. Just do not glue them, but sew your fabric. Such a model decorate the applique with the image of the character.

Now you know several ways to make the world-famous ears of Mickey Maus. You can add a bow to the description and get Minni Mouse. More experienced craftswomen can try to add knitted eyes with a nose, thereby creating a cheerful model. Decorate how you think you need, or leave a simple classic option.

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