Is the balcony or loggia in the total area of ​​the apartment


Before purchasing a new apartment in the house, most potential buyers arises confusion on the question, whether the balcony is included in the total area of ​​the apartment. The presented circumstance is due primarily to the imperfection of the current housing legislation and a rather complicated philistine view of the terminology. In order to deal with questions, whether to the balcony in the total area and how to calculate the balcony area should carefully examine the requirements of valid regulatory legal acts.

Regulatory framework and terminology

Is the balcony or loggia in the total area of ​​the apartment

The housing sphere of citizens is regulated by a significant number of construction rules, regulations and regulations enshrined at the federal level, in particular the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

Before calculating the area of ​​the loggia, it should be clearly represented by the difference between the concepts of the "General" and "residential" residential of the housing, as well as understand the questions, the balcony is included in the total area, how to calculate the total metrar in the apartment with a balcony, how to calculate the square of the balconies and loggias on the passport With the total area of ​​the apartment, etc. Presented terms are fixed in Art. 15 LCD RF. Thus, the residential premises is considered an isolated premises, which is immovable property and suitable for permanent residence of citizens.

Is the balcony or loggia in the total area of ​​the apartment

Based on the provisions of Part 5 of the above article, the total quadrature of the housing stock is the sum of all areas of premises that are part of a particular real estate object, including utility rooms, loggias, open terraces, balconies, etc.

However, to calculate the area of ​​individual premises, their individual indicators should be taken into account:

  • Balcony and terrace coefficient - 0.3;
  • The loggia coefficient is 0.5;
  • The coefficient of veranda or unheated premises - 1.0.

In the case of redeveloping its living space, in particular, the associations when the loggia is cumulatively part of the total area of ​​the apartment along with heating should include its square in the overall rate of living space. However, together with the visual and actual expansion of its housing, you should not forget about increasing utility payments.

Important features when calculating the area of ​​new housing

Is the balcony or loggia in the total area of ​​the apartment

The similarity of the terms of the total and residential area often causes substantial disputes when issuing real estate sales contracts. With a special relevance, the issue of the calculation of the nominal area rises when purchasing an apartment in a new building. So?

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In accordance with the current legislation in shared construction contracts, the obligation of the developer on the introduction of apartments of all those part of the premises in the acts of describing the apartments. First of all, this is due to the primary project documentation for the construction of the construction.

Any construction of residential buildings, as well as the description of the procedure for entering the overall area of ​​the apartment of individual premises, is implemented in strict accordance with the requirements of SNiP, compiled on the basis of the prescriptions of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. According to this regulatory documentation, as mentioned above, the calculation of the square of loggias, balconies, terraces and other controversial premises is carried out taking into account the corresponding lowering indicators.

Is the balcony or loggia in the total area of ​​the apartment

A huge number of unscrupulous construction companies at the time of attracting the client base often confuse future owners of their terminology, which leads to a unreasonable overpay due to improper counting area of ​​housing. In this regard, the calculation procedures should be clearly submitted and be extremely attentive when determining the cost of 1 square meter of housing.

Is the balcony or loggia in the total area of ​​the apartment

There are several ways to calculate the quadrature. Each of them differs from each other the subject of the calculation selected as the basis:

  1. Definition of living space. The most rational method of calculation, since the calculation of the real area of ​​an apartment suitable for accommodation is performed. The owner of the housing does not have to overpay for non-residential premises.
  2. Calculation of the total area of ​​housing. Presented marketing stroke is used in most cases to attract buyers. According to the results of the calculation produced by this method, the cost per square meter will be significantly lower than the cash equivalent in the previous case. However, under the bedspread of residential space, you acquire non-residential square meters at the same price.

In this regard, it is important for the purchase of an apartment or other living space to first familiarize themselves with all the design documentation, as well as to decide on the type, quadrature and the cost of additional premises.

An example of calculating the area of ​​the loggia and balcony

Is the balcony or loggia in the total area of ​​the apartment

In most cases, when setting an additional room area, contact the documentation issued by the technical inventory bureau at the accommodation stage of housing. However, a number of situations are found when the calculation of the quadrature needs to be obtained to obtain the relevant documentation for the living space, for example, when purchasing housing or in view of the future unification of several premises.

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Is the balcony or loggia in the total area of ​​the apartment

Example of calculating apartment area

With regard to this case, in order to find the area, taking into account the downgrade, it is necessary to take the nominal value of the square of the glazed loggia and multiply it to the corresponding ratio. Loggia Square - 3.5 sq.m., lowering the coefficient of a glazed loggia - 1, thus, the total value of the area at payment is 3.5 sq.m.

However, how to calculate the area in the case of non-beam balconies. In this situation, the calculation is carried out taking into account the coefficient equal to the value of 0.3. During quadrature of 5 sq.m. The final living area for which the payment should be made, equal to 1.5 sq.m.

When making a decision, for example, the glazing of additional premises, one should initially calculate the size of the future fee. In some situations, the rent within such actions is significantly increasing.

Find the total square of its housing and balcony area, as well as to establish the area of ​​the room in the total apartment area or not - the events are not difficult. On how to calculate the area of ​​the apartment with the help of the application on the smartphone, see this video:

For successful implementation, it is necessary to first become familiar with the content of project and apartment documentation (certificate, passport), as well as guided by the norms of current legislation.

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