Facebilding: video lessons with photos for beginners


Each person carries to one degree or another behind his face. Especially the representative of weak gender, who wants to look as younger with age, use a variety of means, techniques. True, they are not always effective. Then the technique of face muscles will come to the rescue. What this technique is, we will tell in the article, and for those who decided to seriously master Facebilding, the video lessons will become a useful find.

Facebilding: video lessons with photos for beginners

A bit of theory

A person is a complicated, well-established mechanism capable of quickly and clearly perform the necessary tasks. Almost all over the entire area of ​​the body are muscles that help to carry out the slightest movement of the body. The face is no exception.

Facebilding: video lessons with photos for beginners

People are diligently engaged in sports, body muscles train, but they completely forget about the muscles of the face, and they must be constantly maintained in a tone. It was for this that the method of Facebilding was developed - the gymnastics of the face. Permanent exercise will help get rid of many problems, the results will not make it wait:

  • swelling and dark circles will disappear under the eyes;
  • The skin will acquire a homogeneous shade;
  • nasolabial folds will decrease;
  • The second chin will disappear;
  • Faces will become clearer;
  • chubby cheeks decrease;
  • The skin will become more elastic, taut, shining.

Facebilding: video lessons with photos for beginners

Exercises are recommended from 25 years. It is at this age that the first age changes begins. After 50 years, the gymnastics is also effective if they focus on strength training. Also, do not forget about the use of the right caring tools, compliance with the power and sleep mode. Everything should work in the complex.

Basic recommendations

The list of necessary rules for beginners to master Facebilding:

  1. Make respiratory gymnastics.
  2. Remove the whole makeup. The face must be clean.
  3. Take a comfortable posture, remove your hair in the tail.
  4. The complex should not take more than 10-15 minutes.
  5. Between the exercises, relax the face and neck.
  6. After training, use the cream, masks. Careful funds at this point will become more efficient.

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Facebilding: video lessons with photos for beginners

Complex exercise

Consider in detail the exercises for each part of the person:

  1. Massage for a clear oval face. Sit smoothly. Open the mouth, attaching the form of oval. At the same time, beat the head a little, the bottom lip is removed to the lower jaw. The jaw is advanced and strives to top. Stay in this form as you can. Next Massage on video:

  1. Forehead. Put your hands on the forehead, as shown in the photo. Try lift forehead. At the same time create the desired pressure (7-10 times).

Facebilding: video lessons with photos for beginners

Then try to move your eyebrows to each other. Middle fingers lie on the brows and create resistance (7-10 times). Position fingers over the eyebrows, press tightly. Raise the brings up (9-10 times).

  1. Remove the nasolabial folds.
  • Several times in front of the mirror will spoke public letters - articulation is clear;
  • Exit the sound with a broach;
  • Open the mouth in the form of a circle, delay a few seconds;
  • put forward the jaw forward, squeeze my teeth;
  • Purchase your cheek turns.

Facebilding: video lessons with photos for beginners

  1. Correct cheeks:

Facebilding: video lessons with photos for beginners

  • Tarle the neck in different directions;
  • Type air under the top lip, and then under the bottom;
  • Alternately make cheeks, while distilling the air from one cheek to another;
  • Look other exercises. Watch the video:

  1. Eyes.

Facebilding: video lessons with photos for beginners

  • Widely open your eyes, look so a couple of seconds;
  • Put your fingers on the outer corner of the eye (the skin should not reach). Start slowly blinking;
  • Position the two fingers to the upper eyelids and try to open your eyes;
  • To get rid of edema under the eyes, put three fingers under the lower eyelid on the bone. Look up, as if tightening the lower eyelid;
  • Repeat the previous exercise, only the eyes close;
  • open your mouth. Send a look at the ceiling and quickly open, close your eyes.

  1. Lips:

Facebilding: video lessons with photos for beginners

  • Pull your lips forward. Then draw them, holding the tips. Lips should be for teeth;
  • Squeeze the sponges as close as possible, keep your corners with your fingers;
  • Tighten your lips inside your mouth. Conaches Lock with two fingers right or left hand.

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Further watch the video:

For each exercise, make 3-5 approaches. It is best to train only twice a day, five times a week, gradually increasing the load, the number of approaches. Perform a set of exercises within three months, then take a short break.

Facebilding: video lessons with photos for beginners

So, you got acquainted with the wonderful technique of face suspenders, without any surgical interventions. It all depends on your desire. Be sure to make a photo before the start of the course, then to visually see your first results. Be patient, perform the gymnastics and you will be able to extend the youth of the face for many years.

Video on the topic

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