How to make on the balcony working corner [5 ideas for inspiration]


Many owners of apartments Balconies turn into a seating area or office. Glazed and insulated place becomes residential space . A small area does not allow heavily swollen. With a competent approach, it is easy to equip a functional room. You can implement the project yourself, or contacting specialists.

How to make on the balcony working corner [5 ideas for inspiration]

Features of the Balcony Arrangement

First, you should consider the project. Make a scheme for posting all interior items. Before equiping the work area, it is necessary to perform preparatory work in the room:

  • If the loggia or balcony is not glazed, you should choose the type of glazing. In the workspace it is necessary to create comfort and comfort.
  • Perform additionally insulation. Temperature should be comfortable.
  • Pick up a neutral color gamut.
  • Natural and artificial lighting. Conduct the wiring and select the light source (chandelier, table lamp, halogenki).
  • Furniture to choose compact and convenient. Rocking or sofa will be superfluous. After all, this is a place for fruitful creativity, and not for rest.
  • Think over all decor elements. Ergonomics - one of the equipment criteria for work.
How to make on the balcony working corner [5 ideas for inspiration]

Office option

Often there is a full-fledged cabinet on the balcony. This is especially true for people engaged in freelance. It is recommended to paint the walls into pastel colors. It is interesting to decorate decorative stone.

How to make on the balcony working corner [5 ideas for inspiration]

Important! When making a cabinet, one should not climb superficial objects. Excess decor elements visually reduce space.

How to make on the balcony working corner [5 ideas for inspiration]

The main objects are the table, chair and storage space for documentation. It is necessary to consider the zone for computer equipment, copying equipment, printer.

Corner schoolboy

The work area for the student is different from the office of an adult. Before you need to take into account the floor of the child. For girls are characterized by non-strategy canons of design. The interior should be diluted with bright elements: paintings, panels, indoor flowers.

Article on the topic: How the interior affects your personal life

How to make on the balcony working corner [5 ideas for inspiration]

Boys are more restrained in their emotions. Therefore, it is worth using less decorative details. In both cases, it is worth choosing a comfortable table and a chair.

Furniture with an additional height control mechanism is recommended. It must be borne in mind that children grow.

Workshop for needlewoman

The main dream of any craftswoman have your own corner. Some women have a hobby, others have a major work. When equipped, the workshop should provide convenient racks for storing work equipment and material. If this is the seamstress workshop, you need to think about the sewing machine and good lighting. Needlewoman must feel comfortable.

How to make on the balcony working corner [5 ideas for inspiration]

Workshop for men

The owner with "golden hands" is simply needed a corner for creativity . For works with wood, metal and other materials it is recommended to purchase a metal workbench with an additional wall. With the help of special fasteners on it easy to place minor tools.

How to make on the balcony working corner [5 ideas for inspiration]

To store material and special equipment, you must install a closet or rack.

How to make on the balcony working corner [5 ideas for inspiration]

Zone for creativity

Corner for people of creative professions, such as artists. Good lighting is required to create paintings. The right solution is the room on the balcony with windows to the floor. In the evening, the central lamp is recommended. And also should provide an additional mobile lamp.

How to make on the balcony working corner [5 ideas for inspiration]

Important! The bright sun can create inconvenience in the creative process. Adjusting the light flow is performed using the blinds.

An important object is easel, as well as racks and shelves for storing paints, tassels and other tools.

On the balcony or loggia is easy to equip a place to work and relax. The main thing is to make the right project.

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