How to choose electronic locks to the entrance door


By itself, the door cannot ensure the inaccessibility of the dwelling, for this it is necessary to use a locking mechanism. The latter are classified according to the degree of resistance to hacking, complexity, strength and device. And depending on the design, they are divided into two large groups: mechanical and electronic.

How to choose electronic locks to the entrance door

Electronic lock

Mechanical locks.

  • Bolshoe - for the entrance door is not recommended, especially if we are talking about apartments. The constipation consists of one or two deposits and high secrecy does not provide, to choose any locksmith. To beat the Rigel is also not difficult.
  • Suwald - closure is carried out using Suwald - advanced spring-loaded elements. If there are more than 6-8, the device refers to the 3rd security class. The key has characteristic slits of various depths, which, in coincidence and force Suwalds to move. As a rule, it has large sizes and weight, it is not very convenient to handle it. According to the reviews of some experts, open the Suwald Castle is easier than the cylinder, since the wide locking well allows you to more effectively use the launder or even make the cast. However, the Suwald mechanism is distinguished by high mechanical strength, which favorably distinguishes it from products of other categories.

How to choose electronic locks to the entrance door

  • Cylinder - element - cylinder or "lark" element mounted into the housing. The mechanism is equipped with no less than six suvalds and is very resistant to the selection of the knee, the keyboard is small. The mechanical code is set using pins or washers and has from 25 thousand to a million combinations depending on the class. In addition, a combination of wells is applied to the key surface, repeat which is extremely difficult when copying.

The disadvantage of the cylinder device is low mechanical power. A heavy punch with a sledgehammer knocks out a locking screw, which actually holds the castle itself. The second weak link - protruding on the plane of the door "Larva", which can be drilled. To prevent this kind of action, the locking mechanism is protected by the armored lining, which distributes the load from the shock to the door leaf.

How to choose electronic locks to the entrance door

Electronic locks - electromechanical group.

The main difference of the electronic device from mechanical is its hidden location, thanks to which they were called invisible. Detect the true location of the device only using special equipment. Opening such a lock can both with the help of keys and without them.

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Devices in which the mechanical part is assumed are called electromechanical, and the key and the opening code is required to manage them. As a locking system, both Suwald and cylinder mechanism can be used.

How to choose electronic locks to the entrance door

The overhead electromechanical - as a rule, implements the cylinder option and can be opened with a mechanical key when the electricity is turned off. Judging by the reviews, it is the most common type of an electronic locking device, and therefore is presented on the market by the most diverse models: for sash, opening out, inside, for left-hand and right-hand door and so on. The photo shows a sample.

Mortise - can be selected for wood, and for metal inlet door. For - functioning requires only 12 V. as a rule, the mechanical key acts into effect additional constipation that provide opening in the absence of electricity.

The locking mechanism is activated in different ways, by type of which three types of devices differ.

  • Electrical blocking - To open the inlet door, you must draw into the body of the Castle lock. This can be done either by a mechanical key or when the current is supplied to the solenoid coil.
  • Motor - In the closed state, the retractable rigels are under great pressure, so it is almost impossible to squeeze them. In order to remove the rigels into the housing, it is necessary to use the electric motor - about 24 V. The largest application of the castles were obtained in state and banking structures, as they provide a very high degree of reliability. The disadvantage - time for opening is much larger than that of similar devices. The photo shows the described electronic device.

How to choose electronic locks to the entrance door

  • Solenoid - in this case, the locking element is a solenoid core and, accordingly, is controlled only by electric shock. It is impossible to open it mechanically. Models - these categories are distinguished by the available value, but require a start current for less than 2-3 A.

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Electronic locks - electromagnetic

The basis of the design of the electromagnetic invisibility is magnets. They provide locking the entrance door, by holding the shut-off strip. The maximum retention force, according to GOST, is 500 kgf.

Hack the castle in which there is no mechanical parts, it is very difficult. It is that this type of product is the most legitimate to apply the name of the invisible, since its location on the door canvase cannot be visually established, due to the absence of a keyhole. Select the model with its own battery in case of turning off the current. The device breaking mechanism can be different.

  • Digital - the corresponding code is entered on the panel and, when it is coincided with the control, the door is reversed. In the photo - electronic code device.

How to choose electronic locks to the entrance door

  • A key or map with a magnetic strip - a response magnet serves as an identification element.
  • Remote - opens when helping the console or mobile phone.
  • Touch - in apartments and private houses is used extremely rare. Opening the input door is made only after comparing the control element - the retina of the eye, the papillary pattern, with the data included in the database of the device.

Electromagnetic locks are divided into two main groups.

  • Holding - most often produced in the overhead. Easily set - it is recommended to place at the top of the inlet door, and the state of the sash or the door frame does not depend. The deformation of the canvas, door loops, the natural shrinkage of the walls, which causes the distortion, does not affect the operation of the device. The disadvantages include the phenomenon of residual magnetization, which creates a threat of failure. The photo shows an electromagnetic locking mechanism.

How to choose electronic locks to the entrance door

  • Slies - according to expert reviews are considered a more reliable option: small protrusions when closing are in the appropriate slots of the shut-off strip, ensuring the deduction force. But thanks to the same feature, the sliding invisibility is extremely demanding on the size of the gap between the door frame and the web. Installation of such a castle requires considerable experience.

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The video demonstrates the operation of electronic locking devices.

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