Interior as in IKEA: Designer Tips


Scandinavian style interiors attract a huge number of people . One of the brightest and affordable embodiments of this style is the interiors from IKEA. Swedish designers of this company do not hide secrets of success and are happy to share them with others. We will consider them below.

Interior as in IKEA: Designer Tips

The desire for minimalism

Before starting to clutter a room with various elements of the decor, it is necessary to carefully examine the proportions of the room and calculate how appropriate to resort to the use of certain things.

The desired functionality is easy to get with the presence of a much smaller number of things than you think. Another advantage of minimalism is that in this interior it is much easier to maintain order.

Interior as in IKEA: Designer Tips

A much larger amount of free space appears in the house, because of which the room looks more air and spacious. It should be resorted to the purchase of flat furniture performing a large number of functions.

Similarly, it turns out to kill two hares at the same time. For example, many people use a relief table as an additional sedlication tool, which is appropriate when there are a large number of guests in the house that it is nowhere to sit down.


It should be maximally trying in order to squeeze out of natural lighting in the apartment all possible. The choice of lighting appliances should be approached with special accuracy, because they strongly affect the perception of the situation entirely.

Interior as in IKEA: Designer Tips

Try to use multifunctional lighting devices, which allow you to adjust the level of emitted light. Useful device is a dimmer for lamps, allowing to regulate the power of light.

Storage systems

Every corner of the house plays an important role. If you wish to stylishly equip your room, you should consider comfortable storage systems for things. For example, a wall shelf in the bathroom, which is used for storing gels and shampoos, gives the place of refinement.

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Interior as in IKEA: Designer Tips

It is worth noting! Decorative elements made of natural materials with a beautiful texture can make interior design more elegant.

Often the bathroom decorate with the help of accessories performed in dark color solutions . Such a palette makes the interior more cozy and soft. The most important thing is to choose the right color combined with furniture. It is worth considering that the light decorated room with dark elements of the decor looks more spacious than it would be the opposite.

Interior as in IKEA: Designer Tips

Using bright colors is not necessary

For some reason, many people make up the impression that it is vital to create a stunning interior to the creation of a bright color gamut. In reality, everything is slightly different.

Interior as in IKEA: Designer Tips

It should not be afraid to use muffled and pastel shades, because those give the room of peace and make the situation in the room more relaxed. Visual perception works so that at the sight of such colors, a person relaxes and relax in such rooms is much more convenient for him.

Budgetary interior refreshment

Another popular error - "To change the interior, you need a lot of money!". This is not true. It is possible for cardinal changes in the design of the room and serious investments will be required, but you can refresh the interior for a penny.

Interior as in IKEA: Designer Tips

The easiest way is to change the color of the walls. It is exactly the shade of the walls mainly affects the perception by the man of the room. Other decor elements are beginning to be perceived completely differently, for example, hanging on the wall of the painting or the furniture in the room.

Interior as in IKEA: Designer Tips

6 secrets of interior design IKEA (1 video)

Interior from IKEA (8 photos)

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