Plastic Bottle Bells for Garden: Master Class with Photo


Everyone who has a country area or courtyard is trying to decorate the territory of all sorts of decorative figures, statues, ponds, fountains, alpine slides. Build beautiful fences, benches, create a bizarre paths and installed along the lanterns. To give the landscape of painting, many of these options are suitable. One of the simple and affordable ways to decorate the site are bright and beautiful bells of plastic bottles.

Such flowers convert a normal garden will attract attention to themselves will delight with their beauty. The bells perfectly fit also to decorate the territories of kindergartens and playgrounds, they can be made by the territory near the entrances.

A huge advantage is that materials for making durable and durable. They are not afraid of temperature differences, rain, snow. Such beauty will delight for a very long time.

Variety of shapes

The size of the bells from plastic bottles should be selected depending on the location of the colors. If they are located on a large area and will take a central place on it, large bottles are wonderful. Such a large design will look very attractive.

Plastic Bottle Bells for Garden: Master Class with Photo

Plastic Bottle Bells for Garden: Master Class with Photo

If the flowers will be located in a small area, among the plants, then it must be made compact. Such flowers are located along the tracks. In this case, the bells from small bottles on thin, not too splashing, stems will look beautiful.

Plastic Bottle Bells for Garden: Master Class with Photo

Plastic Bottle Bells for Garden: Master Class with Photo

Plastic Bottle Bells for Garden: Master Class with Photo

Plastic flower bushes will not only become an ornament for the garden, but will benefit. At the middle of each flower, attach the heartings, for example, from painted in yellow, disposable cups or plastic yellow cases from children's chocolate eggs. Or all over the stalk in addition to colors to attach leaves. Such flowers will make noise. Locate such bells near fruit trees. Their benefit is that they will scare birds that often spoil the harvest.

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Plastic Bottle Bells for Garden: Master Class with Photo

Flower bed can be made of old car tires. The little neat decorative fence around the colors looks great. You can decompose large cobblestones, a wild stone or lay a flowerbed with plastic bottles painted in bright colors.

Plastic Bottle Bells for Garden: Master Class with Photo

Plastic Bottle Bells for Garden: Master Class with Photo

Materials for stems

The stalks are made of durable rods or from thin plastic pipes. Pipes can be left equal or bend the arc. To give green pipes, it will be necessary to paint with paint or wrapped with a green insulating tape.

An excellent pipe replacement will be a hard garden hose. We offer suitable watering hoses suitable in color, as in the photo below. They are ideal for making stems for bells. For the greater construction fortress, before entering the hoses to the ground inside, it is worth placing a thin fittings or a metal rod.

On a note! It should not be the same as the stem, it will be enough and half of its length.

Plastic Bottle Bells for Garden: Master Class with Photo

Plastic Bottle Bells for Garden: Master Class with Photo

A wooden rail is suitable for the stem, to which the caps from bottles are screwed with screws. This design is better to do high and place in the garden, among lush bushes.

Plastic Bottle Bells for Garden: Master Class with Photo

Another material for creating stems are metal rods or a very rigid wire.

Plastic Bottle Bells for Garden: Master Class with Photo

Plastic Bottle Bells for Garden: Master Class with Photo

Thin strips are cut from the green plastic bottle. Then, heating plastic over the fire, strips spin on the spiral around the rod.

Interestingly and originally looks of bells attached to a spreaded branch, pre-painted.

Plastic Bottle Bells for Garden: Master Class with Photo

For stability, the bells need to be burned to the Earth deeper. If the stalks are made from reinforcement or rods, then you can fight their bases to a heavy metal platform.

Forms and colors

To give the flower of naturalness, the size of the bells is better reduced closer to the tip of the stem. This can be done reducing the length of the flower itself or take advantage of the bottles of smaller volume.

Plastic Bottle Bells for Garden: Master Class with Photo

Flowers shape can be made such as more likely. The edges are cut rounded or sharp. Watch out and spinning a little or leave in the original version. Depending on the shape of the bottle, the bells will have a different look.

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Plastic Bottle Bells for Garden: Master Class with Photo

Plastic Bottle Bells for Garden: Master Class with Photo

The bells from transparent bottles will be unpleasured and will not show all their beauty. Therefore, they need to paint. Coloring flowers is better from the inside, since then the paint will last longer. Make it is quite simple. In the cut blank, you need to pour a small amount of paint and rotate the workpiece so that the paint covers the entire inner surface. The edges can be scratched with a brush or sponge. If the bell is white, then bottles of white plastic are suitable, they do not have to paint.

The colors of bells in nature can be white and all shades from blue to blue. You can fantasize and paint them into unusual colors or make shades transitions. By connecting the imagination, you can create magnificent and unique bells with your own hands.

Plastic Bottle Bells for Garden: Master Class with Photo

Plastic Bottle Bells for Garden: Master Class with Photo

Plastic Bottle Bells for Garden: Master Class with Photo

Decoration for Garden

Making a plastic bottle bell help a master class. Consider a simple way.

Plastic Bottle Bells for Garden: Master Class with Photo

To create flowers, clean plastic bottles, scissors, handle or marker will be needed. For stem branch or bar. Flexible wire and seeds are used to make the flower fastening to the stalk.

Cut the bottle. Clean the length of the workpiece according to the location of the flower on the stem. Larger are closer to the base, and smaller - closer to the end of the stem.

Plastic Bottle Bells for Garden: Master Class with Photo

On the top of the bottle you need to outline future petals. The form of them may be as much more like. Then cut the petals on the outlined contour.

Plastic Bottle Bells for Garden: Master Class with Photo

Next Freak flower. We make two holes in the lid in the lid and we produce a wire in them. At the same stage, the core is attached if it is conceived. We screw the lid. Now we attach the finished flower to the stalk. If the stalks are made of pipes or hoses, then attach flowers better by self-draws.

Plastic Bottle Bells for Garden: Master Class with Photo

The leaves of the bell can be made of green plastic bottles, painted green paint a piece of old linoleum or other suitable primary materials.

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Video on the topic

In a selection of video, you can see different ways of making a bell.

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